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1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 2 : 23 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 4 : 23 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 19 : 23 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 22 : 23 Jul 26, 2024
#Warrior #Ranger #Sorceress #Berserker #Tamer #Musa #Maehwa #Valkyrie #Kunoichi #Ninja #Wizard #Witch #Dark Knight #Striker #Mystic #Lahn #Archer #Shai #Guardian #Hashashin #Nova #Sage #Corsair #Drakania
SHAI is getting nerfed to the ground.
Jun 3, 2022, 05:59 (UTC)
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This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Jun 15, 2022, 11:47 (UTC)
# 42

is this an early april fools joke ? 30sec to 3min cool-down, they have really and truly  abolished this class to the ground. And saying with they changes with high gear you will still be able to do end game content, no crap I would hope to aswell. Bad devs easy way out

Last Edit : Jun 25, 2022, 16:41 (UTC)
# 43
On: Jun 3, 2022, 16:03 (UTC), Written by Toriia

For those who do not know, the % DR reduction was allowing shais to grind 3 bil per hour at calpheon elvia by bypassing the mechanics of the area. I'm not entirely happy with this change, but solo grind should still be reasonably profitable. Group grinds are screwed though.

sounds more like a mechanic problem not a change a skill problem? lol.

Last Edit : Jun 28, 2022, 16:48 (UTC)
# 44
On: Jun 25, 2022, 16:41 (UTC), Written by MaltieHouse

sounds more like a mechanic problem not a change a skill problem? lol.

Yeah, it's a "don't make high end spots DR based difficulty" problem. That way they wouldn't have had to touch shai at all.

Last Edit : Jul 14, 2022, 15:03 (UTC)
# 45

not a shai player but because not everyone plays shai cause they like really suck in PVP, they should atleast be good with something other then being used in lifeskill! Heck, i would not mind even if Shai was the bunker Op'est class in BDO PVE cause i really think she deserved it. 
As she is BDO's Support class and also a grinder who is really decent.

Shai is perfectly fine the was she is now.

No buffs need and NO nerfs needed.

Last Edit : Jul 14, 2022, 15:28 (UTC)
# 46

Hey Shai community,

they did it with witches because they think that witches and wizzards are basicly the same class, tamers and now it's your turn. Enjoy Pearl Abyss version of a balanced game :).

Last Edit : Jul 14, 2022, 16:07 (UTC)
# 47
On: Jul 14, 2022, 15:03 (UTC), Written by Awgust

not a shai player but because not everyone plays shai cause they like really suck in PVP, they should atleast be good with something other then being used in lifeskill! Heck, i would not mind even if Shai was the bunker Op'est class in BDO PVE cause i really think she deserved it. 
As she is BDO's Support class and also a grinder who is really decent.

Shai is perfectly fine the was she is now.

No buffs need and NO nerfs needed.

shai is dog water in aos.  if they are gonna be a playable class in aos, make them competitive at least.  no shais were in the top 100 in any region.  if shai is perfectly fine then pass me w.e copium ur on cuz it must be good.

Last Edit : Jul 14, 2022, 18:55 (UTC)
# 48
On: Jul 14, 2022, 15:03 (UTC), Written by Awgust

not a shai player but because not everyone plays shai cause they like really suck in PVP, they should atleast be good with something other then being used in lifeskill! Heck, i would not mind even if Shai was the bunker Op'est class in BDO PVE cause i really think she deserved it. 
As she is BDO's Support class and also a grinder who is really decent.

Shai is perfectly fine the was she is now.

No buffs need and NO nerfs needed.

Shai is trash tier at 90% of grind spots in the game, barely average at the last 10%, trash tier at PvP, 0 Shai in aos top 100 globally, is out healed by mages/Valk, and has had her core support/utility gutted....

You're delusional. Shai is at the point now where she is legitimately not worth playing even for group content. The only Shai left are those stubborn enough to keep trying... Which I don't imagine will last much longer

Last Edit : Aug 1, 2022, 02:38 (UTC)
# 49
On: Jul 14, 2022, 18:55 (UTC), Written by Phelsong

Shai is trash tier at 90% of grind spots in the game, barely average at the last 10%, trash tier at PvP, 0 Shai in aos top 100 globally, is out healed by mages/Valk, and has had her core support/utility gutted....

You're delusional. Shai is at the point now where she is legitimately not worth playing even for group content. The only Shai left are those stubborn enough to keep trying... Which I don't imagine will last much longer

Yea and every time I look at the pen sol it feels like a foot to the nuts.

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Last Edit : Aug 3, 2022, 16:07 (UTC)
# 50

This class is getting butchered in pve combat, there is allready news about an upcoming nerf for shai, warrior and striker.
But you are also useless in pvp content, taking a look at class distributen for AOS.
And now you are also getting left out of events, Shai is the only class that dosent get a free event costume.
it feels like they prepairing for removing the class.

And not to mention that the class is still missing so many basics... She still in a very unfinished (unpolished would be a understatment) kind of state.

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