Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 8 : 55 Feb 8, 2025
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EST 3 : 55 Feb 8, 2025
voice acting question?
Jun 20, 2022, 17:48 (UTC)
3066 9
Last Edit : Jun 20, 2022, 17:48 (UTC)
# 1

i played through velia village the game had full voice acting and cutscene, proper story telling but after that when you go second town the main quest stop having full voice acting like talking to lady from the xi or xian guild i forgot and after that, there is no voice acting anymore, only cutscenes have voice acting, for rest npcs will say few words but no full voice acting, is rest of the game like this or the voice acting for main quest will return similar to first part of the game till end of velia village.

voice acting and good story telling is very important to me, i just want to know, after velia village the main quest has similar stuff to velia (the first part of the game) or it will lose full voice acting.

Last Edit : Jun 20, 2022, 21:59 (UTC)
# 2

Most of the game has no voiced dialogue whatsoever outside of the rare cutscene. It's not uncommon that a character will have a line that they say whenever you talk to them, and sporadically, some characters have other lines of dialogue that they actually say (particularly during the main questline), but historically, PA hasn't bothered to get the lines voiced (or even to get good translations for the lines, honestly). Most players completely ignore the story and skip past what most everyone says, which isn't necessarily a good thing, but for a variety of reasons, it's the attitude that most players have with this game.

More recently, in order to try to combat players skipping past all of the dialogue and paying no attention to most of the story, PA has been trying to do more cutscenes and increase how many lines of voiced dialogue there are in general. So, the latest region added to the game has more cutscenes and voiced dialogue, and the first region in the game recently had its story revamped again, so it has more of a tutorial at the beginning than it had before, and there's a lot more voiced dialogue than there was before. So, over time, it may become the case that a much larger percentage of the game has voiced dialogue, but even then, stuff like event quests never will, because they're not going to get VAs in the booth just to say some stuff that's going to be in the game for only a couple of weeks, and personally, I'd be surprised if PA ever gets around to revamping enough of the game to add voiced dialogue to most of the game.

Honestly, almost no one who plays this game cares much about the story. Some of us do read through most of what the characters say and try to piece things together, but we're a rare breed, and even if you do pay attention, the story is a disjointed mess. There is some story to be enjoyed there, but anyone looking for a good, coherent story is going to be disappointed. If you play this game, you're going to have to do so for the gameplay, not because of any story, because you're never going to be happy with what story there is. If story is what you're looking for (voice acted or otherwise), then you should find another game.

Last Edit : Jun 20, 2022, 20:50 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jun 20, 2022, 18:22 (UTC), Written by Quelnar

Most of the game has no voiced dialogue whatsoever outside of the rare cutscene. It's not uncommon that a character will have a line that they say whenever you talk to them, and sporadically, some characters have other lines of dialogue that they actually say (particularly during the main questline), but historically, PA hasn't bothered to get the lines voiced (or even to get good translations for the lines, honestly). Most players completely ignore the story and skip past what most everyone says, which isn't necessarily a good thing, but for a variety of reasons, it's the attitude that most players have with this game.

More recently, in order to try to combat players skipping past all of the dialogue and paying no attention to most of the story, PA has been trying to do more cutscenes and increase how many lines of voiced dialogue there are in general. So, the latest region added to the game has more cutscenes and voiced dialogue, and the first region in the game recently had its story revamped again, so it has more of a tutorial at the beginning than it had before, and there's a lot more voiced dialogue than there was before. So, over time, it may become the case that a much larger percentage of the game has voiced dialogue, but even then, stuff like event quests never will, because they're not going to get VAs in the booth just to say some stuff that's going to be in the game for only a couple of weeks, and personally, I'd be surprised if PA ever gets around to revamping enough of the game to add voiced dialogue to most of the game.

Honestly, almost no one who plays this game cares much about the story. Some of us do read through most of what the characters say and try to piece things together, but we're a rare breed, and even if you do pay attention, the story is a disjointed mess. There is some story to be enjoyed there, but anyone looking for a good, coherent story is going to be disappointed. If you play this game, you're going to have to do so for the gameplay, not because of any story, because you're never going to be happy with what story there is. If story is what you're looking for (voiced acted or otherwise), then you should find another game.

thanks for answer, well that is bummer i guess eso and gw2 spoiled me because good story with voice acting helps with immersion alot, i  hope in the future they add more story i will keep playing BDO casualy, hoping for better future.

Last Edit : Jun 20, 2022, 23:35 (UTC)
# 4

The Mountain of Eternal Winter main quest also has voiced dialogue and that was very enjoyable.

Since the game started, they have redone the main quests in different regions over time to make them more cohesive.  Hopefully they will add more voice overs, but who knows.

Last Edit : Jul 24, 2022, 21:29 (UTC)
# 5

I am just wondering the same thing. I think the story is pretty good with the voice acting. did they remaster the Velia village, I play SEA server it feels very different?

Last Edit : Jul 25, 2022, 13:56 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jul 24, 2022, 21:29 (UTC), Written by Onil

I am just wondering the same thing. I think the story is pretty good with the voice acting. did they remaster the Velia village, I play SEA server it feels very different?

The initial VA was replaced during the remaster edition release, and then some changes were made in-between then and the winter "expansion". At that point a lot of voices were changed, and the intro questline for both winter story and original story were completely re-done with voices and even a new set of cutscenes. (Far longer than it used to be for thsoe who don't know).

I noticed in a recent update, even the papu goddess for the grana daily says things differently for no reason. They change voices at random, maybe they already have the voices but want to keep it fresh? I don't know. But they seem to spend a lot of time replacing voices.

This is for NA but I'm sure they do it everywhere. This game isn't known for good lore or great storytelling so people ignore it entirely even with voices. Since it's being forced without being permitted to skip now, people will pay a lot less attention to it than before I'm sure.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2025, 13:55 (UTC)
# 7

Well, this is a bummer.

I started BDO after I quit ESO because of Zenimax's privacy policies which I found too 1984 for my taste and I was really into the with the main story, mostly because of the (English) voice acting in Balenos, Serendia and Calpheon. And then I got to Mediah and all of the sudden, nothing, just a random line here and there.

However, if this is to be believed, I only have to endure 8 sections without voice acting and then the remainder of main quests have voice narration. Could anyone please confirm this?

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2025, 19:54 (UTC)
# 8

The link you posted is correct. However, be aware that not all "sections" are the same length. E.g. the Mediah and Valencia main quests are as long as Balenos, but the Tales quests in LoML are much shorter, and only contain around 20-30 quests each.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2025, 20:38 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 20, 2025, 19:54 (UTC), Written by Minarya

The link you posted is correct. However, be aware that not all "sections" are the same length. E.g. the Mediah and Valencia main quests are as long as Balenos, but the Tales quests in LoML are much shorter, and only contain around 20-30 quests each.

Also important to note that LOML(1) has 13 of those "only" 20-30 quest tales. To "complete" LOML(1), you need to do all of them.

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