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UTC 1 : 48 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 48 Jul 27, 2024
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Think about the crystal system before you release it
Dec 24, 2022, 00:19 (UTC)
1250 16
1 2
Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 12:08 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Think about the crystal system before you release the said system
Family Name:  MadVisions

Region (NA/EU): EU


Please think through the outcomes before you release something new that can hurt more than help.

This should be a quality of life type improvement not a complete overhaul of the crystal system.

You designed the different crystals to compete with theyr counterparts in the slots of specific item types. Why would you ever introduce the same items to a system where they can be equipped in place of other inferior ones from other item types. This surely leds to a bunch of unforseen disastorous outcomes you did not think of. (like 14x dark fang gives you 98 DR, and so on...)

At the current state of the crystal system, you introduce unnecessary thechnical debt to your system, that you most likely dont want to deal with.

I'd suggest implementing the crystal panel so that you can equip 2 gloves 2 armor 2 helm and so on... crystals at once (the way it works now). If you want to open up build diversity in the cystral scene just introduce more crystals in the future.


1.) Getting rid of the item type restriction leads to technical debt.

2.) Identifying the new unintended combinations is time consuming.

3.) The new restrictions sought to resolve the above problems might lead to others.

4.) Why not keep the current H|A|G|B|Main|Off|Garmot|Costume system in the new crystal panel? If you want to introduce more build diversity, release new crystals.

Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 12:06 (UTC)
# 3

Yeah I already fear that they will only going to end up messing a such simple feature aswell. It's already looks way more complicated than it should be, especially with the additional rules that mostlikely going to mess up builds.

They could've simple get rid of the crystal extraction tool and make 'em freely extractable. Surely they not make a bank on it's sales anyway. It would be literately less than 5 minute work to solve an issue, but no, they rather implement a another cluttered feature just to pille up more tech dept, and to make the already cluttered UI even worse.

Not to mention that the whole preset thing is just a bandaid. The real issue is that the crystals never supposed to be just swaped based on who you fighting with, some of them are just so brokenly overpowered that they are gamechanger. Like ever thought why a crystal worthing a mere 300m silver gives the same value in countering certain builds that a 100B+ accessory gives? How is it balanced?

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 12:05 (UTC)
# 4

Yes Sir i already did so! I've made this post due to my concers about the way it's currently implemented on glab. Allthough you seem to be missing my points entirely so my composition must be lacking.

Again TLDR:

1.) Getting rid of the item type restriction leads to technical debt.

2.) Identifying the new unintended combinations is time consuming.

3.) The new restrictions sought to resolve the above problems might lead to others.

4.) Why not keep the current H|A|G|B|Main|Off|Garmot|Costume system in the new crystal panel? If you want to introduce more build diversity, release new crystals.

Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 12:35 (UTC)
# 5

What deversity ppl talking about ? So they give crystal presets.

Set 1 - Human RBF crystals, if you do any kind of PVP, because they straight up give raw damage that ignore DP, not using them straight up not smart.

Set 2 - Whatever you using for PVE.

If they removing limitation on type of crystals, so they actually allowing players to grind Crypt, as you can now just put Accuracy crystals everywhere and have required amount on any class.

P.S. Don't bother about what ever they do on Glab, its a subject to change, and noone but Koreans (or those who can submit feedback directly to Glab) have any impact on it. They can never bring it to live server at all, just like half of content on Glab.

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 21:29 (UTC)
# 7

now that people can customize with crystals, its time to flatten out class vs class modifiers.

Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 21:34 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 24, 2022, 12:33 (UTC), Written by Potato

What deversity ppl talking about ? So they give crystal presets.

Set 1 - Human RBF crystals, if you do any kind of PVP, because they straight up give raw damage that ignore DP, not using them straight up not smart.

Set 2 - Whatever you using for PVE.

If they removing limitation on type of crystals, so they actually allowing players to grind Crypt, as you can now just put Accuracy crystals everywhere and have required amount on any class.

P.S. Don't bother about what ever they do on Glab, its a subject to change, and noone but Koreans (or those who can submit feedback directly to Glab) have any impact on it. They can never bring it to live server at all, just like half of content on Glab.

Well ppl just going to have one vs eva players and one vs others and yeah for niche like crypt and ash forest u can have the very challanging spot mechanism of getting 100% resist, but generally there is no diversity since 80% of the gems are useless, it's just minmaxing for the few tryhards.

Also with the reworked format crystals are kinda redundant. We already have artifacts which are literately just crystals on a different name. They could've just added 3 more artifct slots and let us put crystals there and u could just swap the artifacts as presets, but nah we surely need two different gem system that does literately the same...

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Dec 25, 2022, 02:59 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 24, 2022, 00:19 (UTC), Written by MadVisions

Title: Think about the crystal system before you release the said system
Family Name:  MadVisions

Region (NA/EU): EU


Please think through the outcomes before you release something new that can hurt more than help.

This should be a quality of life type improvement not a complete overhaul of the crystal system.

You designed the different crystals to compete with theyr counterparts in the slots of specific item types. Why would you ever introduce the same items to a system where they can be equipped in place of other inferior ones from other item types. This surely leds to a bunch of unforseen disastorous outcomes you did not think of. (like 14x dark fang gives you 98 DR, and so on...)

At the current state of the crystal system, you introduce unnecessary thechnical debt to your system, that you most likely dont want to deal with.

I'd suggest implementing the crystal panel so that you can equip 2 gloves 2 armor 2 helm and so on... crystals at once (the way it works now). If you want to open up build diversity in the cystral scene just introduce more crystals in the future.


1.) Getting rid of the item type restriction leads to technical debt.

2.) Identifying the new unintended combinations is time consuming.

3.) The new restrictions sought to resolve the above problems might lead to others.

4.) Why not keep the current H|A|G|B|Main|Off|Garmot|Costume system in the new crystal panel? If you want to introduce more build diversity, release new crystals.

1.) I'm curious how you consider it technical debt to remove type restrictions in favor of a different type of restriction (number restriction).  This feels a lot like you learned a word and want to use it.  Besides, technical debt isn't something to avoid, its something to manage.

2.) Not really, as with all things "meta" related, the best sets will be found and publicized and if they find any they think are too powerful they can adjust them.

3.) That's just how things work, any change can always lead to problems that weren't forseen.  Nothing will ever get changed if you're afraid of risk.

4.) Why duplicate work?  They are releasing new crystals as well eventually.

As for 94 DR from dark fangs, maybe its intended considering they're trying to find ways to enhance the effectiveness of defenses without creating larger gaps from gear changes.  Crystals are something most people have easy access to and 94 DR should be fairly effective in toning down the amount of damage in the game.

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2022, 04:44 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 24, 2022, 12:33 (UTC), Written by Potato

What deversity ppl talking about ? So they give crystal presets.

Set 1 - Human RBF crystals, if you do any kind of PVP, because they straight up give raw damage that ignore DP, not using them straight up not smart.

Set 2 - Whatever you using for PVE.

If they removing limitation on type of crystals, so they actually allowing players to grind Crypt, as you can now just put Accuracy crystals everywhere and have required amount on any class.

P.S. Don't bother about what ever they do on Glab, its a subject to change, and noone but Koreans (or those who can submit feedback directly to Glab) have any impact on it. They can never bring it to live server at all, just like half of content on Glab.

Your wrong about human damage resists exist an are away to combat some of the overtuned classes who rely on specific ccs. Also crystals still break so i have doubts people will go to crypt unless fully geared with elixirs.

For crystal sets their is PvE and PvP sets people use usually with tags. One has han macas with Akhrad.

Another is jin vipers with jin harphias and human rbf and spec eva and corrupts, also can switch out corrupts for rbf crystal

There is quite a it of diversity its just not aswell known

1 2


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