Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 22 : 51 Apr 24, 2024
CEST 0 : 51 Apr 25, 2024
PDT 15 : 51 Apr 24, 2024
EDT 18 : 51 Apr 24, 2024
Suggestions: customization
Mar 25, 2023, 19:27 (UTC)
493 3
Last Edit : Mar 25, 2023, 19:27 (UTC)
# 1

na začiatok by som sa chcel poďakovať vývojárom za vytvorenie pekných oblekov pre nás hráčov a zároveň mám aj návrh.

co sa tyka oblekov, je fajn, ze si ich mozes pozriet v predajni, ale to sa tyka len oblekov ktore su momentalne v akcii, ale v hre je vela oblekov, ktore sa daju kupit aj inde, napr. (aukcia), ale pri tychto oblekoch hrac nema ako zistit ako by vyzerali na postave a moj navrh spociva v tom, ze by pribudol prehlad ako by vyzerali na postave. potom je tu ďalšia poznámka: veľa hráčov má na sebe pekné oblečenie, ktoré by som chcel, ale tiež nemám ako zistiť, čo majú na sebe. tieto dve funkcie sa bežne vyskytujú v podobných mmo hrách, preto by bolo fajn, keby boli implementované aj tu

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2023, 01:57 (UTC)
# 2

I recommend using english or any other supported language if you wish for your post to be read and considered

Last Edit : Apr 6, 2023, 16:03 (UTC)
# 3

at the beginning, I would like to thank you for creating nice suits for us players, and at the same time, I have a suggestion.

as for suits, it's nice that you can see them in the store, but that only applies to suits that are currently on sale, but there are many suits in the game that can be bought elsewhere, e.g. (auction), but with these suits, the player has no way to find out how they would look on the character, and my proposal rests in the fact that there would be a review of how they would look on the character. then there's another note: a lot of players are wearing nice clothes that i'd like, but i also have no way of knowing what they're wearing. these two features are commonly found in similar games, so it would be nice if they were implemented here as well

P.S.: I apologize for the incorrect language, English is not my native language and I have a very poor command of English, so I use a translator as a helper and apparently I used the original text and not its translation



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