Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 43 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 43 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 43 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 43 Jul 26, 2024
[Emergancy] Fix game asap please [Shutterinng/Freezing/FPS Drops]
Jun 1, 2023, 00:18 (UTC)
1135 13
1 2
Last Edit : Jun 2, 2023, 02:16 (UTC)
# 1

2 weeks ago's patch my game started to shutter huge & started drop -40FPS to -60 FPS to the point i am not able to PVP anymore smoothly and now after today's patch it's effecting my PVE as well. Insane freezing & shuttering and now it's dropping my FPS to -95!!!. I play in Low-graphic setting with High texture. I always had +144FPS and its not going well.


Listen PA, my PC is perfectly fine and i play lots of other games in high graphics very smoothly it's only in BDO that i keep encountering this. For the love of god/family/gf/bf.... JUST pleaseee fix the game... I now feel like every patch is nearing to my end of BDO's journey. My GPU is at 75° to 80° (which is normal). My PC is uptodate and all drivers are updated.


If coding seems too hard or it seems too much then get AI's help but please do fix the game!


Video Evidance | This video is not public in YouTube.


Last Edit : Jun 1, 2023, 12:37 (UTC)
# 2

Try submitting a ticket...  and scan your files.

137 1147
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jun 1, 2023, 12:52 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jun 1, 2023, 12:37 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

Try submitting a ticket...  and scan your files.

Nah, it ain't him, last few updates made the game RNG to run for some reason (at least its in PA fashion). The funniest bit is that it can run flawlessly once, and then the same day (or sometimes the same session after alt+tabbing) the game goes into poop mode.

Trust me, it isn't people's setups and optimization - it's BDO's spaghetti coding where every single addition to their outdated engine is a recipe for disaster.

Last Edit : Jun 1, 2023, 12:57 (UTC)
# 4

The game has had random crash issues since forever.   It's running fine for me right now.  Submit a ticket, you're not gonna get anywhere on the feedback forum.

137 1147
Lv Private
This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Jun 1, 2023, 15:12 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jun 1, 2023, 12:37 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

Try submitting a ticket...  and scan your files.

This was my ticket.

Dear Black Desert Online Development Team,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deep appreciation for the incredible world you have __created in Black Desert Online, which has captivated players around the globe. Your dedication and hard work in developing this immersive experience are truly commendable.

I am writing today on behalf of numerous players who have been experiencing performance issues, particularly related to shuttering and FPS drops. These issues have been a source of frustration for many dedicated players who eagerly delve into the game but encounter technical obstacles that hinder their overall experience.

I understand the challenges inherent in developing and maintaining a complex and evolving game like Black Desert Online. It is no small feat to optimize performance for a diverse range of hardware configurations and software environments. However, I believe that by collectively addressing these issues, we can enhance the gameplay experience for all players and foster an even stronger and more supportive community.

With that in mind, I would like to propose a step-by-step approach that could potentially help alleviate the shuttering and FPS drop problems:

1. Comprehensive Performance Analysis: Conduct an in-depth analysis of the game's performance across various hardware configurations and system setups to identify common factors contributing to shuttering and FPS drops. This analysis should include rigorous testing and monitoring of key performance metrics.

2. Player Feedback Gathering: Engage with the player community to gather detailed feedback and reports regarding their experiences with shuttering and FPS drops. Encourage players to provide information about their hardware specifications, settings, and any other relevant details. This valuable input can assist in identifying patterns and potential causes.

3. Diagnostic Tools and Logs: Implement additional diagnostic tools and improved logging mechanisms within the game to collect detailed performance data during gameplay sessions. These tools can help capture critical information to aid in diagnosing the root causes of performance issues.

4. Collaboration with Hardware Manufacturers: Establish collaborative partnerships with hardware manufacturers to better understand hardware-specific issues that may contribute to performance problems. By working closely with manufacturers, it may be possible to identify and address compatibility challenges more effectively.

5. Performance Optimization Updates: Regularly release updates and patches specifically targeted at performance optimization. These updates should focus on addressing known issues related to shuttering and FPS drops, incorporating solutions identified through performance analysis and player feedback.

6. Transparent Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication channels with the player community, providing regular updates on the progress made in addressing performance issues. This will help foster trust, demonstrate your commitment to resolving the problems, and keep players informed about the steps being taken to enhance their gaming experience.

Please know that this letter is not intended to criticize or undermine the incredible work you have done thus far. It is a sincere request for your continued commitment to excellence and improvement in delivering the best possible gaming experience to the Black Desert Online community.

I firmly believe that by prioritizing the resolution of these performance issues, Black Desert Online will become an even more immersive and enjoyable world for players to explore. The dedication and passion you have exhibited in creating this extraordinary game are a testament to your talent, and I have faith that you will rise to this challenge with your characteristic professionalism and expertise.

Moreover, I would like to bring to your attention that the recent patches, including the one from two weeks ago and today's patch, have unfortunately exacerbated the shuttering and FPS drop issues, making the situation even worse. As a player who has been personally affected by these performance problems, I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter and urge you to take prompt actions to rectify the situation.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I, along with countless other players, eagerly await the opportunity to experience Black Desert Online at its fullest potential, free from the performance issues of shuttering and FPS drops. May your efforts bear fruit, and may the adventures within this enchanting world continue to captivate and inspire players for years to come.

With utmost respect and appreciation,

Last Edit : Jun 1, 2023, 15:41 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jun 1, 2023, 12:57 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

The game has had random crash issues since forever.   It's running fine for me right now.  Submit a ticket, you're not gonna get anywhere on the feedback forum.

Listen mate, my PC is perfectly fine as i have said before. 2 week ago's patch is when my game started to freez/shutter big time. We all know freezing/shuttering & FPS drop isn't a new thing in BDO. I too had it long ago but not as much as its at current time. 

In the past (after PA became a publisher & with EasyAntiCheat), i started to experiance a mild shuttering&freezing & FPS drop after every big patches like new class release and specially after the class reboot. My FPS drop at the moment wasn't huge. it was like -10FPS to -20FPS. I was playing in Very-High setting at +100FPS and Midium setting at +144FPS high Texture. Shuttering  was there but for an instant, which didn't impacted my gaming experiance and i only used to experiance shutterinng/Freezing when i was going bunker fast at my Horse but also for an instant like 0.2ms of freezing for every 10 - 15mins.

Over evey big patch & "bug fixes", it finally started to become more visible and then 2 weeks ago's patch it became clearly visible (-40FPS to -60FPS drops) and started to shutter big time (0.3ms - 0.45ms of freezing/shuttering every 10sec - 20sec), i sended ticket and followed the steps provided... welp! after that "guide" my game kept crashing at lunch until i had to totally reinstalled the whole game.

After 31st may patch it became even more insane! Now i can't even grind properly and while PVE'ing!.... not in city or anywhere else but while PVE'ing/grinding my FPS started to drop like crazy! -95FPS and 0.5s - 1s freezing/shuttering every 5sec - 10sec. In city i now get aroud 40FPS to 60FPS while i am playing at low graphics (+144FPS). 

My BA PVP mate has upgraded his PC to 4070ti with 32GB ram and he says he still suffers from huge FPS drop and shuttering! Listen well mate, this issue can't be fixed by us, it has to be addressed by PA itself!

Last Edit : Jun 2, 2023, 07:37 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jun 1, 2023, 15:38 (UTC), Written by Awgust

Listen mate, my PC is perfectly fine as i have said before. 2 week ago's patch is when my game started to freez/shutter big time. We all know freezing/shuttering & FPS drop isn't a new thing in BDO. I too had it long ago but not as much as its at current time. 

In the past (after PA became a publisher & with EasyAntiCheat), i started to experiance a mild shuttering&freezing & FPS drop after every big patches like new class release and specially after the class reboot. My FPS drop at the moment wasn't huge. it was like -10FPS to -20FPS. I was playing in Very-High setting at +100FPS and Midium setting at +144FPS high Texture. Shuttering  was there but for an instant, which didn't impacted my gaming experiance and i only used to experiance shutterinng/Freezing when i was going bunker fast at my Horse but also for an instant like 0.2ms of freezing for every 10 - 15mins.

Over evey big patch & "bug fixes", it finally started to become more visible and then 2 weeks ago's patch it became clearly visible (-40FPS to -60FPS drops) and started to shutter big time (0.3ms - 0.45ms of freezing/shuttering every 10sec - 20sec), i sended ticket and followed the steps provided... welp! after that "guide" my game kept crashing at lunch until i had to totally reinstalled the whole game.

After 31st may patch it became even more insane! Now i can't even grind properly and while PVE'ing!.... not in city or anywhere else but while PVE'ing/grinding my FPS started to drop like crazy! -95FPS and 0.5s - 1s freezing/shuttering every 5sec - 10sec. In city i now get aroud 40FPS to 60FPS while i am playing at low graphics (+144FPS). 

My BA PVP mate has upgraded his PC to 4070ti with 32GB ram and he says he still suffers from huge FPS drop and shuttering! Listen well mate, this issue can't be fixed by us, it has to be addressed by PA itself!

Same problem here, everytime I want to play Bdo I must do check files in steam and over n over after every turning on Laptop Steam says: Failed to verification 77 or 81 files they will be downloaded again.. If I dont do it game become unplayable after 30-40 mins. Game can also freeze a screen and force me to reset my PC I changed thermopaste, cleaned radiator. Nothing changed, game still can durning grind freeze and turn off my PC.. 

Last Edit : Jun 2, 2023, 18:44 (UTC)
# 9

I have installed on a brand new Gen4 M.2 drive and even the installer is broken.  I think the issue is from Front side devlopement problems. I have had as high as 60ms return packets from the Game Servers. For me, it all started when they loaded Haso region into the game. BDO feels more like a 7 year old Beta than an establish system.

Last Edit : Jun 2, 2023, 21:00 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jun 2, 2023, 07:37 (UTC), Written by Equben

Same problem here, everytime I want to play Bdo I must do check files in steam and over n over after every turning on Laptop Steam says: Failed to verification 77 or 81 files they will be downloaded again.. If I dont do it game become unplayable after 30-40 mins. Game can also freeze a screen and force me to reset my PC I changed thermopaste, cleaned radiator. Nothing changed, game still can durning grind freeze and turn off my PC.. 

On: Jun 2, 2023, 18:44 (UTC), Written by Megami

I have installed on a brand new Gen4 M.2 drive and even the installer is broken.  I think the issue is from Front side devlopement problems. I have had as high as 60ms return packets from the Game Servers. For me, it all started when they loaded Haso region into the game. BDO feels more like a 7 year old Beta than an establish system.

my guess is game engine is outdated and in-game objects & assets needs to be renewed with more clean coding. A great achievement will be when PA removes all the unneeded animations & objects & partical effects from the game. I did everything i could and the problem is indeed from a dev side.

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