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UTC 2 : 19 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 4 : 19 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 19 : 19 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 22 : 19 Jul 26, 2024
Maegu PvE
Jul 7, 2023, 13:37 (UTC)
3175 23
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Last Edit : Jul 7, 2023, 13:37 (UTC)
# 1

I thought you guys over at PA said that you won't be nerfing classes when it comes to PvE, but rather buff others? I can see that Succession Maegu has been top tier at PvE and perhaps deserved some nerfs, but that 13 or however total dmg decrease was enough. Now you want more nerfs? Why not focus on buffing other classes instead? If she's too OP in PvP, then just nerf the PvP aspect and leave the PvE as it is?

Last Edit : Jul 7, 2023, 18:21 (UTC)
# 2

I was going to write how PA should be embarrased, but this is clearly their typical 'bait and switch' tactic.  Constant rinse and repeat hoping players will spend money on other toons, etc.  Pathetic.

Last Edit : Jul 8, 2023, 09:58 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jul 7, 2023, 13:37 (UTC), Written by Seriksy

I thought you guys over at PA said that you won't be nerfing classes when it comes to PvE, but rather buff others? I can see that Succession Maegu has been top tier at PvE and perhaps deserved some nerfs, but that 13 or however total dmg decrease was enough. Now you want more nerfs? Why not focus on buffing other classes instead? If she's too OP in PvP, then just nerf the PvP aspect and leave the PvE as it is?

You call it NERF. We call it a balance. That's the problem when players get used to an excessively broken class. The day they give it a balance they consider it nerf.  If you know that if you have a very broken class in the PVE you slightly have more advantage in the PVP than others not?  I can give you 17 reasons why the NERF of the PVE and PVP were so necessary. And I can give you an additional 18 on why the AWK is disgustingly broken.

Last Edit : Jul 8, 2023, 14:21 (UTC)
# 4

Next patch another succession Maegu nerf... less range, no evasion debuff, no accuracy buff.

Maegu was a funny class to play in pvp and pve, but this is too much. I don´t understant why PA want to destroy this funny class...I think Maegu is the first class I can grind more then 1 hour xD.

Time to play Diablo IV and Baldurs Gate 3.

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2023, 02:18 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jul 8, 2023, 14:21 (UTC), Escrito por Tigreton

Siguiente parche otra sucesión Maegu nerf... Menos alcance, sin desacreditación de evasión, sin afición a la precisión.

Maegu era una clase divertida para jugar en pvp y pve, pero esto es demasiado. No entiendo por qué PA quiere destruir esta clase divertida ... Creo que Maegu es la primera clase que puedo moler más de 1 hora xD.

Es hora de jugar a Diablo IV y Baldurs Gate 3.

Do well

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2023, 05:45 (UTC)
# 6

It's just insulting.  Succ Maegu hasn't been anywhere near the top PvE classes for near a month now, she's just easier to play than the others.  Classes like Zerker and Succ Woosa have been signifcantly better than her at PvE since before Maegu's release, yet they remain untouched while Maegu enjoyers suffer endless and now unwarrented nerfs.  I could excuse the recent 12% across the board nerf since she got a lot more damage from having the awakening weapon available, but what's on Global Labs right now is ridiculous.  And like OP said, the devs falsely claimed they were gonna focus on buffing weaker classes, yet Succ Drakania had garbage PvE since day one and never received any meaningful buffs, and Succ Witch and Wizard have been awful for years.

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2023, 06:00 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jul 9, 2023, 05:45 (UTC), Written by KicksHigh

It's just insulting.  Succ Maegu hasn't been anywhere near the top PvE classes for near a month now, she's just easier to play than the others.  Classes like Zerker and Succ Woosa have been signifcantly better than her at PvE since before Maegu's release, yet they remain untouched while Maegu enjoyers suffer endless and now unwarrented nerfs.  I could excuse the recent 12% across the board nerf since she got a lot more damage from having the awakening weapon available, but what's on Global Labs right now is ridiculous.  And like OP said, the devs falsely claimed they were gonna focus on buffing weaker classes, yet Succ Drakania had garbage PvE since day one and never received any meaningful buffs, and Succ Witch and Wizard have been awful for years.

Succ casters arent awful rn? Last buff made them middle of the pack to above average depending on spot. Awaken caster maybe but they are doing fine at low movement places like lower gyfin. 

I agree that succ zerker and succ woosa pretty much the top two grinders rn overall

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2023, 06:02 (UTC)
# 8

They are pathetically transparent with their balancing decisions. They create a strong class, everyone starts hating it. They kneecap it. Everyone cheers. Players playing that class are forced to roll off it because its literally 30% worse than the top 10 classes.

Rinse and repeat. Class balance dies with thunderous applause.

27 121
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jul 9, 2023, 06:09 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jul 9, 2023, 06:02 (UTC), Written by Shakatu

They are pathetically transparent with their balancing decisions. They create a strong class, everyone starts hating it. They kneecap it. Everyone cheers. Players playing that class are forced to roll off it because its literally 30% worse than the top 10 classes.

Rinse and repeat. Class balance dies with thunderous applause.

This company has become a recycler. They focus more on getting a new class out than on improving the critical aspects of the game.  Before the game was more primitive in the sense of content and mysteriously could be enjoyed much more. nowadays BDO has become an absolute headache with such bad decisions that PA makes. Every day it looks more like Apple. Take 2 classes a year. Not to mention that garbage practice of taking out a class making it incredibly broken and then leaving them on the floor. then they get angry when you make them against charges.

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2023, 06:11 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jul 9, 2023, 05:45 (UTC), Written by KicksHigh

It's just insulting.  Succ Maegu hasn't been anywhere near the top PvE classes for near a month now, she's just easier to play than the others.  Classes like Zerker and Succ Woosa have been signifcantly better than her at PvE since before Maegu's release, yet they remain untouched while Maegu enjoyers suffer endless and now unwarrented nerfs.  I could excuse the recent 12% across the board nerf since she got a lot more damage from having the awakening weapon available, but what's on Global Labs right now is ridiculous.  And like OP said, the devs falsely claimed they were gonna focus on buffing weaker classes, yet Succ Drakania had garbage PvE since day one and never received any meaningful buffs, and Succ Witch and Wizard have been awful for years.

I don't understand what the problem is in PVE. she is still S tier.  Do you want it to be like before? 1 button with 5 seconds of animation? The problem of getting used to an extremely easy and comfortable class. The day they give him balance they consider him a horrible nerf when it really is a balance. And I dare say that class at AWK is still a horrible headache with its takedowns and damage. 

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