Family Name: Jpatcho
Region (NA/EU): EU
Hello! I will keep it short but I would love it if you'd be able to add Ram Horn Witch Outfit for witch, I've played witch for almost 4 years now and every time the outfit is released I'm envious and wish I could get it for my class. Please keep your healers happy!
Ram Horn witch would be a wonderful addition!!!
Absolutely agree, witches would be dope af with this outfit! Make it happen!
Upvoted and totally agree wtih you , its time to release it PA US WITCHS NEEDS THE HORNS !!!!!!!!!!
Yes, let's make it happen!
Gib horns
Ram horn witch for Witch! It's time
Honestly this should go without saying.
Why name something "Ram Horn Witch" without witch (._.) I don't even play witch, I just think it makes sense.