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UTC 2 : 10 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 4 : 10 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 19 : 10 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 22 : 10 Jul 26, 2024
Witch awakening pvp buffs (iframes/movement)
Aug 19, 2023, 09:53 (UTC)
1925 13
1 2
Last Edit : Aug 22, 2023, 03:31 (UTC)
# 1

Witch awakening feels very outdated in the current meta, she is a melee to mid range caster however she is extremely immobile compared to most classes. If you take as an exemple woosa succ, that class is a bit similar to witch awakening when it comes to aoe sizes but she has access to 3 short cooldown iframes.  There is no reason why a melee class should be this immobile when every other classes have so much movement. 

Some things I would love to see that wouldn't break the class, but make her more sustainable in pvp especially 1v1 against fast grab classes:

1. - Flow magical evasion: This should be a 3 sec iframe, you should also be able to use it from staff off cooldown and it would switch you to awakening

2. - Elementalization: This should be a full iframe, I think its been said a lot before but right now it's very easy to get grabbed out of this skill or take a ton of damage before the short iframe happens

Im sure other things could be changed however for me my main issue with witch awakening is that she's very vulnerable and easy to counter by most classes. She has no grab to deal with shield classes and lack of iframes makes her an easy target to grab, so giving her more reliable iframes would help her survival kit.

Last Edit : Aug 19, 2023, 10:34 (UTC)
# 2

devs will rather buff succ zerker and other already strong classes because their sense of balance is non existant.

Last Edit : Sep 14, 2023, 08:28 (UTC)
# 3


I'm a Witch main also.

I PvP alot with my Witch, and she is completely and utterly garbage in every aspect.

Flow: Magical Evasion - This skill needds to be iframe

Elementalization: SA?? But it doesn't mention it's a huge victim of hit lag. If you get hit while casting this ability, you actually don't move anywhere. You remain in the same position.

Teleport? Make TP split. If nothing with the above mobility is going to change, make the TP split.

Fissure Wave - This skill can't be mouse movemented, not with it's flow at least. It does no damage without it's flow.

Make the whole skill SA.

If no changes on the Split TP thing. How about lingering SA? So like on Valk, after F>F it has a lingering SA of up to a few seconds. Give Witch the same.

Protected heals. What is the point of having a heal? To heal right? We have no mobility to escape a battle to use our unprotected heal. Any good pvper watches the mini map, and lightning dashes to you, the moment you TP away. I get CCed in 99% of cases that I try to use a heal. So either more mobility, or protected heal.

This is me simply spit balling, I get oppressed in nearly every fight, don't get me wrong 90% of the fights are from grab bots.

The other 10% Classes are such as Musas, Novas etc, who dash straight through FG like it doesn't exist.

I can go on and on, about how out of meta it is. But will keep it short and sweet :D and nothing is obviously going to happen.

Last Edit : Sep 14, 2023, 13:34 (UTC)
# 4

dont worry, devs think these things are balanced (click link), so they might actually give casters something to fight against it....

Last Edit : Sep 14, 2023, 16:56 (UTC)
# 5
On: Sep 14, 2023, 08:27 (UTC), Written by Mistygun


I'm a Witch main also.

I PvP alot with my Witch, and she is completely and utterly garbage in every aspect.

Flow: Magical Evasion - This skill needds to be iframe

Elementalization: SA?? But it doesn't mention it's a huge victim of hit lag. If you get hit while casting this ability, you actually don't move anywhere. You remain in the same position.

Teleport? Make TP split. If nothing with the above mobility is going to change, make the TP split.

Fissure Wave - This skill can't be mouse movemented, not with it's flow at least. It does no damage without it's flow.

Make the whole skill SA.

If no changes on the Split TP thing. How about lingering SA? So like on Valk, after F>F it has a lingering SA of up to a few seconds. Give Witch the same.

Protected heals. What is the point of having a heal? To heal right? We have no mobility to escape a battle to use our unprotected heal. Any good pvper watches the mini map, and lightning dashes to you, the moment you TP away. I get CCed in 99% of cases that I try to use a heal. So either more mobility, or protected heal.

This is me simply spit balling, I get oppressed in nearly every fight, don't get me wrong 90% of the fights are from grab bots.

The other 10% Classes are such as Musas, Novas etc, who dash straight through FG like it doesn't exist.

I can go on and on, about how out of meta it is. But will keep it short and sweet :D and nothing is obviously going to happen.

This class needs a second Rework tbh

Last Edit : Sep 16, 2023, 06:10 (UTC)
# 6

Bump, wiz also needs these changes btw

12 148
Lv 65
Last Edit : Sep 26, 2023, 17:54 (UTC)
# 7

Nothing good will ever happen on witch. If they buff this class everyone in the server will cry and she will be nerfed the next day as it happened years ago. But succ zerker can stay op in every aspect of the game like forever. 

Follow my advice, if u want to have fun in this game, don't play witch.

Last Edit : Sep 28, 2023, 14:59 (UTC)
# 8

No. Awakening Witch won't receive anything and should not.

Some classes are designed to be bad so that other players can feel good about themselves. She's designed to only receive a few crumbs of silly small buff once a year to keep some naive hopeful players invested. Your role as an Awakening Witch player is to have other players feel good at your expense, practicing their grab and combo skills under a controlled and advantageous environment.

You're just flattening the learning curve in PvP for new and bad players. You are only the practice target.

Last Edit : Sep 29, 2023, 13:25 (UTC)
# 9
On: Sep 28, 2023, 14:26 (UTC), Written by Despins

No. Awakening Witch won't receive anything and should not.

Some classes are designed to be bad so that other players can feel good about themselves. She's designed to only receive a few crumbs of silly small buff once a year to keep some naive hopeful players invested. Your role as an Awakening Witch player is to have other players feel good at your expense, practicing their grab and combo skills under a controlled and advantageous environment.

You're just flattening the learning curve in PvP for new and bad players. You are only the practice target.

devs dont understand english, let alone sarcasm.

Last Edit : Oct 1, 2023, 21:43 (UTC)
# 10

I've been maining Awaken Witch since it was released. I don't have the words how utterly failed our class is by the devs. I feel exactly what Despins wrote but it's not even sarcasm but reality, the class is in so bad position that you would not want awakening witch in your team for pvp for any price or rather you'd pay a good sum to see enemy team having one. 

I think the best punishment PA devs and ppl who make the class balance decisions there should be to force them to pvp a full month in every nw, siege, gvg and do 10 rbfs per day aswell as an awakening witch around the average gear lvl of ppl who do the same shit which I guess is around 725ish gs.

One good thing with it all is that I might soon be finally free from BDO since soon nobody accepts awakening witch to join in their NW/Siege team, meanwhile I'll go paint the clown mask on and stick to my habit of grinding on Arsha with my awakening witch - just for the lols. 

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