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Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 8 : 32 Oct 16, 2024
CEST 10 : 32 Oct 16, 2024
PDT 1 : 32 Oct 16, 2024
EDT 4 : 32 Oct 16, 2024
Some buffs/QoL I'd like to see on Succession Tamer
Jan 5, 2024, 18:31 (UTC)
1565 3
Last Edit : Jan 5, 2024, 18:31 (UTC)
# 1

:BoStaffTraining: :LeafSlash: Awakening and Succession Tamer Changes :tamer~1:

:LegendaryBeastsPower: Legendary Beast Power SA Linger: The linger doesn't have to be as long as :Scratch: Scratch's or :Resonance: Resonance's linger, but just enough to not get abused by hit-stutters.

:MoonlightStrike: Moonlight Strike Movement Speed Buff: With Tamer's lack of mobility in comparison to other classes, a 10% movement speed buff on :MoonlightStrike: Moonlight Strike cast should be a good change.

:UpwardClaw: BSR Upward Claw: This skill puts Tamer in the air and keeps her there if she gets hit stuttered, resulting in a guaranteed death. This skill needs to keep Tamer grounded and have a linger at the end. Also because of the small aoe size unlike other BSR skills it shouldn't have fixed turning, it should freely turn with the camera's direction.

:evasion: Evasion: This skill has a single frame gap if using :evasion: Shift+A/D, which is removed when using the :evasion: AA or :evasion: DD hotkey. This should be gapless regardless of input.

:SoaringKick: Passive: Having a ignore grapple resist passive, or a ignore all resist passive would help a lot as an assassin class that relies on cc's to perform.

:cmdHelp: Help Command: Return to pre-Reboot style, except have :SummonHeilang: Heilang only sit on the ground if the Tamer is immobile, granting a 10 second HP and MP recovery rate of +100, similar to :Woosa~1: Woosa's buff.

:LegendaryBeastClaw: Legendary Beast Claw: Should be full SA, and have a :evasion: WW and :LegendaryBeastsPower: LBP cancel.

:horrorslam: Horror Slam: Should be a replacement and enhancement of :Trample: Trample with the space input, and having a :evasion: WW and :LegendaryBeastsPower: LBP cancel.

:LightningBurn: Lightning Burn: Should be a replacement and enhancement of :AirLightning: Air Lightning, still using :VoidLightning: Void Lightning's properties.

:HeilangsAura: Heilang's Aura: Tamer lacks all types of healing and is not an evasion oriented class. As Tamer's defensive buff, the 15% evasion rate is should be replaced with a healing similar to :ninja~1: Ninja's buff, or recovery similar to :Woosa~1: Woosa's buff.

:SummonHeilang: :VoidLightning: :SurgingTide: Heilang's Void Lightning and Surging Tide follow-ups: They are inconsistent and will not always work the way they should. When Heilang is in :cmdAttack: Attack mode, Heilang should always teleport to the target when using those skills, regardless of elevation, gap, or distance, assuming the target is within crosshair range.

:treeclimb: Tree Climb: Tamer's movement is impaired in group fights due to the player collision on tree climb, removing this would help her large scale potential.

:LeafSlash: Succession Tamer Changes :tamer~1:

:Jolt: Jolt Wave FG Linger: This was a very long FG linger in Succession Tamer's kit pre-Reboot, and was removed with little reason. It was convenient since Succession Tamer lacks a Q block and S block.

:Trample: Trample Flows: Being able to use :Trample: Trample after :HeilangRoaring: Roaring with space would be convenient for PvE.

:AbsorbHeilang: Absorb Heilang: Succession Tamer is mostly a 100% crit rate class, making this buff only useful for party members. This skill being Tamer's offensive buff, should have the 60% crit rate replaced with an increased AP or crit damage buff.

Last Edit : Jan 17, 2024, 14:15 (UTC)
# 2

I don't remember much about awk Tamer but those minor tweaks on succession would fine tune the spec.     She needs so little done to her  I get why the devs just leave her alone.     I really wouldn't want anything  done to succ tamer beyond those changes above but those would be welcome.   

Edit: alternately just give me an sblock FG i mean...

Last Edit : Sep 7, 2024, 20:40 (UTC)
# 3
succ tamer is worse than other classes in all areas. 
not tanky, bad movement, too little dmg. 
You can't do anything in solar. 
You may have a chance in 1vs1 but in all other areas you need buffs

fix this please!!


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