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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 2 : 4 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 4 : 4 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 19 : 4 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 22 : 4 Jul 26, 2024
The over-simplification of BDO through the removal of items
Jan 19, 2024, 13:45 (UTC)
1769 46
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Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 13:46 (UTC)
# 1

BDO is (in theory) an MMORPG. MMORPGs are characterized by their rich assortment of build paths and player driven choices. Especially BDO, which argued to be a sandbox mmorpg, needs to maintain an amount of build diversity.

The recent pushes towards the simplification of some items is understandable, but now PA has gone too far.

The removal of these crystals will seriously diminish the possibilities for specialized crystal builds. To take some examples most players may or may not be familiar with:

>Red player builds; the use of cheap-efficient crystal sets which allow for the reduction of pvp penalties (not downgrading your pen blackstar to a mob death).

>Siege evasion builds; essentially required for (capped) siege content to avoid the absurd damage of defensive annexes

>Jump height builds; both useful during certain niche exploration activities and more recently with the introduction of scholar and her height-based damage skills

These are but a few examples of the many different pathways crystals opened up to players. PA is attempting to remove these in the name of simplification. This is OVERSIMPLIFICATION, and it must not go ahead.

To put aside the differences of recently divisive topics (ow-pvp, marni realms, guild wars), the fact is that the removal of content from BDO; the removal of meaning behind players' actions and choices, is detrimental to the game. Having the option of equipping some jump crystals to take screenshots ontop of calpheon SHOULD be possible. It is not 'confusing' for new players; no new player will realistically look at jump crystals and for more than a year run around with them equipped while grinding. And even if they do; why not? Its their choice! Let players make their own characters and stories.

PA, do not go ahead with the removal of these crystals. Reconsider your policy on simplification, to ensure the game retains the neccessary complexity to be engaging for your playerbase.

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 14:48 (UTC)
# 2
On: Jan 19, 2024, 13:45 (UTC), Written by Helegnes

BDO is (in theory) an MMORPG. MMORPGs are characterized by their rich assortment of build paths and player driven choices. Especially BDO, which argued to be a sandbox mmorpg, needs to maintain an amount of build diversity.

The recent pushes towards the simplification of some items is understandable, but now PA has gone too far.

The removal of these crystals will seriously diminish the possibilities for specialized crystal builds. To take some examples most players may or may not be familiar with:

>Red player builds; the use of cheap-efficient crystal sets which allow for the reduction of pvp penalties (not downgrading your pen blackstar to a mob death).

>Siege evasion builds; essentially required for (capped) siege content to avoid the absurd damage of defensive annexes

>Jump height builds; both useful during certain niche exploration activities and more recently with the introduction of scholar and her height-based damage skills

These are but a few examples of the many different pathways crystals opened up to players. PA is attempting to remove these in the name of simplification. This is OVERSIMPLIFICATION, and it must not go ahead.

To put aside the differences of recently divisive topics (ow-pvp, marni realms, guild wars), the fact is that the removal of content from BDO; the removal of meaning behind players' actions and choices, is detrimental to the game. Having the option of equipping some jump crystals to take screenshots ontop of calpheon SHOULD be possible. It is not 'confusing' for new players; no new player will realistically look at jump crystals and for more than a year run around with them equipped while grinding. And even if they do; why not? Its their choice! Let players make their own characters and stories.

PA, do not go ahead with the removal of these crystals. Reconsider your policy on simplification, to ensure the game retains the neccessary complexity to be engaging for your playerbase.

What we're experiencing right now, is that PA just wants to gain easy praise from the community by "simplifying" the game.

However at the same time, they can't differentiate when items, systems or mechanics genuinely contribute meaningful depth to the game versus when they introduce unnecessary complexity and overall bloat. 

As result we get seemingly "good" changes disguised as QoL , but at their core, these changes fundamentally alter certain aspects and the overall perception of the game.

I've already seen this in other games. It's sad that it also starts in BDO now

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 15:02 (UTC)
# 3

They've been ruining the game for a few years now.

I first noticed when they "simplified" the music by having it play at random in locations instead of playing a track special and unique to the place.  Now they can be lazy, and just have whatever play wherever withiout needing to think about the uniqueness of a plae and how the music could reflect that

Then I noticed that they had limited player's sight to simplify the graphics.  The distant landscaoe used to look barren and ugly.  Thankfully they reversed this.

Slowly, they've been "simplifying" classes by removing certain skills to make them more of a one-trick deal.  Like Archer's Spear.

They're only interested in making money.  Thus they call removal of things "improvement", when in reality, destruction only breeds destruction.  I'm wondering if the original design team even works there anymore.

Because everything they have done these past two years has hurt game immersion.  This game is being bled to death.

If they're really wanting to get on to other projects, I hope they sell this game to a developer who cares, really soon.  But, I doubt they could ever make a game as good as what BDO used to be.


I'm not a robot

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 15:08 (UTC)
# 4

PA's thinking: do the players really want us to stop giving trash event items by the hundreds? surely not, they want us to remove actual items from the game instead.

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 15:43 (UTC)
# 5

So much for diversity... Game's becoming even more braindead. :)

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 16:28 (UTC)
# 6

At last they do what players want, there is even a topic on forum with requests and huge support regarding the combination of life skills crystals because without paying a lot of money it is impossible to create many sets for each life skill.

So far all these simplifications are positive and increase playability.

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 17:06 (UTC)
# 7

Was a damn lot surprised what`s going on when I read that they are preparing the removal of green/blue crystals. This is not "simplifying", this is chopping off a lot of gameplay. A damn lot of alchemy recipes done by interested players will be lost, as well as some cheap options to have crystals with a little effect for beginners who feel much more bad to lose a crystal for 30M+ on death.

They could easily get into a spiral of "oversimplifying", yes. Making the game less attractive for a lot of players playing because of this overwhelming lot of activities. There`s some good reason why some people play Tetris only and some are stuck to BDO.

Btw there hasn`t been any game ever where mixing up the understanding of new players and the demands of casual players led to an increase of players. Really interested players are not giving up because of diversity. And casual players with less time are just ruining the game with their crying for shortcuts to the "high end game". They will lose their interest anyways. Recreating the game for their demands means basically making the game less attractive for loyal players.

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 16:53 (UTC)
# 8


Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 17:09 (UTC)
# 9

Eventually, since the point of this game is to get to end-game grind ASAP, because end-game grind is the only cool part of this game, and the only reason play this game at all, we will have these "options": Tuvala Gear and crystals, Boss gear and crystals, Fallen God and crystals.

Why have anything else?  Everything else is a waste of time, especially how easy Tuvala is.  Blue grade gear is a joke.  A couple green grade sub-weapons are ok for a couple of classes.  Otherwise, the only smart way to play is by going the "stream-lined", brain-dead route.

Variety is the spice of life.

Something that intrigued me when I first started playing this game was the diversity.  I'm not super-smart, and I read very few guides, and I was able to catch on to what a lot of the variety offered.  It wasn't daunting, it was adventurous and exciting.  Now, after a few years, I ask:  why have anything that isn't a part of the aforementioned gear-sets?

If they're trying to make this game "newbie friendly", and offer nothing between the beginning and end-game, then the game will surely die.  Because only the lucky, or those who play 24/7 can get to end-game quickly.  And for the rest of us, who are wacthing everything we love about the rest of the gme being eliminated, and being forced onto the intense, fast-track grind-frenzy, well....... how long will we last?  Those new players that hit the end-game wall after 6 months?  They'll leave in droves, because the newness will have worn off, and there will be nothing to inspire them to keep going.

To climb a mountain takes a thousand steps.

PA thinks we can do it in monolithic leaps.

Something, I'm not capable of doing...........


Last Edit : Jan 19, 2024, 17:57 (UTC)
# 10

I'm also a little disappointed with this change, it sounds awfully simplistic to simply remove them. I hope they'll create other yellow crystals with these effects. 

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