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Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

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If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 33 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 33 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 33 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 33 Jul 26, 2024
Life Skill changes, stops madness!!!
Feb 1, 2024, 00:46 (UTC)
977 8
Last Edit : Feb 1, 2024, 00:48 (UTC)
# 1

Hello, I would like to bring up my displeasure when it comes to the changes in the Life Skill System. Please excuse my English (Google translation).

At the moment everything is changed and simplified, which I find totally unnecessary and stupid.

- The weakening of durability for AFK Angel, riding and other lifeskill talents

- Fruits of the sun, magical and everyone else into a fruit.

- Individual lifeskill talents as families Lifeskill Medhing


And all other points I forgot. Grinder players get everything and Lifeskill players are curtailed. They are reduced.

With less durability, it is impossible to fish all night! Not everyone has a tent, it shouldn't be a yardstick or give everyone a tent!

Add fruits to a single fruit together destroys alchemy, cultivation and collect. You could make magic crystals with the fruits, which is no longer possible with the update. I have certain plants in the garden to get the fruits and only do cultivation because of this. When the simplified fox comes, I no longer add cultivation, so alchemy also falls away!

The system that all talent families should be simplified far, no !!! I will no longer make a lifeskill. I started to level the next character in the Lifeskill. That is useless. If every character is guru, I no longer need a lifeskill. Then my goal is achieved and I have no more motivation. All items give the talent EP for working talents are obsolete. At Guru you no longer need this and no player uses these items for something else.

If they make working talents far, I would also like to have the level of the Charackter families far uniform !!! That would only be fair!!

One should work on the following points:

I think you should compensate for the silver with 20 character at level 61 get 12.6 million a day. Lifeskill only 2.7 million. This is more than unfair !! You should do something about that!!

More pet groups for lifes killers! 5 groups are too little! Grinder only needs 1-2, but Lifeskill players more. Work talents, collect fishing, load capacity inventory and ship, dismantle ....

I have to change my groups all the time and that annoys!!

Lifeskill players have a hard time and now the fun is destroyed with all these changes.

The special thing about Black is imposed online, with the change becomes a cheap MMO and therefore easy to replace!

This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Feb 1, 2024, 18:38 (UTC)
# 4

just like most thing now day make it easy to get head if your a new player the long time players too forever to get ahead just like Bartering was very hard to get up graded ship and took very long time to get to guru in bartering because you had to take your ship out into the open sea todo it now you do not just like Sailing most never made it to Master sailer because you had to go yo the open sea now you do not so all the old time that work hard it just not the same and make them feel cheated

143 516
Lv 64
Last Edit : Feb 1, 2024, 18:49 (UTC)
# 5

I agree with most of what I can understand. :)

I'm still surprised people aren't more insulted by them doing the family life skill thing. AGAIN, I am cool if they wanna give a base buff to family, but to just level it out really takes away so much flavor. It's sad for people who play the game only to life skill, altho we are probably really damaged in some way haha.

There are def ways to make good money life skilling, though, and with not much effort. It's just not able to be multiplied out like grinding, but I'm not trying to spend 8 hours a day killing mobs. I do think some things need to be fixed. Another thing that seemed to change: they added the seed drop and the remnant drop to alchemy, but it seems like they took away stuff like alchemy stones and higher tier gold bars. I've done A LOT of alchemy, and I haven't seen any 'rare rare drops' since I started getting seeds.

Last Edit : Feb 2, 2024, 04:01 (UTC)
# 6

I hate it too.  The lack of specialization and letting everyone hit 2k mastery in everything easily means everyone will be trying to sell the same stuff, and competing with each other, and no niche markets.  So many awful lifeskill have happened and yet to come.  I used to gather rare gem nodes and truffles across the map but devs made it so you get this now stuff AFK with zero effort so gathering out in the world becomes a waste of time.

lifeskilling is not a part of the game that should be simplified or else it will become more boring and choices dont matter.  

Last Edit : Feb 6, 2024, 19:27 (UTC)
# 7

The fruit consolidation...

Have they given any further info other than J's brief mention at the ball? Because (judging from the price of the useless fruits), a chunk of the player base immediately decided he meant 'Fruit of x'. The logical change would be to make strawberry, banana, etc. all one item (because who's gonna go to Milana Belucci and buy 100k pineapples).

I'm on the fence on consolidation. If they add extra guru levels at the same time they consolidate, and raise the mastery cap to 2500ish, that would potentially solve a lot of the problems related to consolidation (if you have a whole bunch of G50 cooking toons, you'd probably be less annoyed if at the same time as consolidation you get a G55, rather than G50 cook for your efforts). If all they do is consolidate with no changes, it's kinda meh to me, and I can see it as a big deal for people that have played unconventionally.

Last Edit : Feb 7, 2024, 21:29 (UTC)
# 8

Since I found out that the developers want to combine all of the characters' professions into one family profession, I haven't looked at some of the professions anymore. I don't do any growing anymore because I know that the fruits need to be simplified. magical, enchantment, flame, sun, power and all others.

The tools, beginners and apprentices were also deleted. more space in the warehouse, ok. but people no longer concern themselves with the steps. Example: I don't know anything about gardening, do I use a hoe, a large shovel or a small one? I don't know it. In the game it was like this: beginner gets beginner tool. Now a beginner can use the professional tool. illogical.

I would also like PVE things to be possible in the guild or alliance. guild bosses in the alliance are possible. Unfortunately it does not work. the new horse race is impossible. I can't get a feather because I'm being kicked out because my internet line is too slow. black dessert doesn't give you time to get involved in the horse race. There are also problems in other places. If you have a cart outside the stable, you cannot buy horses. but that is certainly not taken care of.

Last Edit : Feb 7, 2024, 23:54 (UTC)
# 9
On: Feb 7, 2024, 21:29 (UTC), Written by AzuraFamily

Since I found out that the developers want to combine all of the characters' professions into one family profession, I haven't looked at some of the professions anymore. I don't do any growing anymore because I know that the fruits need to be simplified. magical, enchantment, flame, sun, power and all others.

The tools, beginners and apprentices were also deleted. more space in the warehouse, ok. but people no longer concern themselves with the steps. Example: I don't know anything about gardening, do I use a hoe, a large shovel or a small one? I don't know it. In the game it was like this: beginner gets beginner tool. Now a beginner can use the professional tool. illogical.

I would also like PVE things to be possible in the guild or alliance. guild bosses in the alliance are possible. Unfortunately it does not work. the new horse race is impossible. I can't get a feather because I'm being kicked out because my internet line is too slow. black dessert doesn't give you time to get involved in the horse race. There are also problems in other places. If you have a cart outside the stable, you cannot buy horses. but that is certainly not taken care of.

You seem like a good guy, unlike the nutjobs who are always downvoting me! haha. No, but, I wish it was different, too, unfortunately, that's the way it is. Someday, there will be a game better suited for people like us?

Last Edit : Feb 8, 2024, 21:34 (UTC)
# 10
Am 07. Feb 2024, 23:54 (UTC), von Maltie

Du scheinst ein guter Kerl zu sein, im Gegensatz zu den Spinnern, die mich immer herabstimmen! Haha. Nein, aber ich wünschte, es wäre auch anders, leider ist es so. Wird es eines Tages ein Spiel geben, das besser für Leute wie uns geeignet ist?

it is the truth after all. Everything is simplified and in the end it is more expensive than before.

the pen accessories. I wouldn't have needed much more and would have finished it. Now I can do everything again and spend 3 times as much. 11,000 stones. I haven't and won't have one for the next 5 years. I won't spend 12B on it either. so I won't finish the pen quest anymore. daily questing was better.


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