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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 18 : 15 Feb 7, 2025
CET 19 : 15 Feb 7, 2025
PST 10 : 15 Feb 7, 2025
EST 13 : 15 Feb 7, 2025
Petition for an off switch for damage circles
Mar 9, 2024, 12:44 (UTC)
447 4
Last Edit : Mar 9, 2024, 12:44 (UTC)
# 1

I'm tired of three main problems with damage zones (circles, lines, squares, whatever shape etc) The first is that desync due to internet speed, internet connection, graphical rendering speed etc makes it so where your client thinks your character is is different from where the server says it is. You see that you are just outside the edge of a damage zone, yet you end up still getting caught up in the attack.

The second is where the damage zone is actually smaller than the attack leading to still being hit. A perfect example of this is the fireballs falling from the sky hitting you even when you are just outside the damage ring at garmoth. This is probably due to the center of the fireball blasts being within the circle, but the blast radius on impact extends past that. Another is where the damage ring around Kzarka dissappears while damage is still going on in that zone. 

The patches in the past few months have increased the size and duration of them to account for this for some like bloodstorm nouver, however this is just one fix of many needed. 

Last but not least around the time LOML dropped we started getting damage circles that were different colors. Pretty? sure. More in line with the colors of the boss and general aesthetic? absolutely! ...but this also leads to the damage circles being completely lost in all the attacks and actually makes the fight harder because your entire screen becomes the same color. For example it is rather difficult to even see the damage lines during a fight with Oduksini when it's got it's wings up in the center roaring at the sky with the particle cloud making the floor purple too.

All of these bosses attacks usually have their smaller tells of what is coming. Turn off the laser light show and we might be able to notice them better and avoid with more time instead. I say a switch in settings menu is created under show/hide to turn off damge zones entirely.

Last Edit : Mar 9, 2024, 12:57 (UTC)
# 2

Another example would be Ahib Griffon rift boss showing a damage circle, then moving and applying the damage in a different location than shown. This isn't the only boss that did or does this either.

Last Edit : Mar 9, 2024, 15:23 (UTC)
# 3

Also stuff that goes through your SA and frontal guard

Last Edit : Mar 15, 2024, 01:19 (UTC)
# 4

I love the lights of the last classes added: Woosa and Maegu, if I have more than 2 players next to me from these classes, I lose 30-40 FPS from a game and my screen looks like a Christmas tree.

Too many circles, highlights, unnecessary effects.  




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