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#Suggestions #Community Support #Game Presentation
More Fantasy Classes/Races
Apr 10, 2024, 18:05 (UTC)
1363 19
1 2
Last Edit : Dec 4, 2024, 14:22 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Nissa

Region: NA

Suggestions/Comments: It'd be nice if there were less human oriented classes, and more FANTASY. It seems like every class that gets released is always human. I hate how humans outclass EVERYONE in this game! They're better at EVERYTHING! Every race should have it's strengths. Elves and Shai should be better at magic. Humans should be good at any type of martial combat due to their versatility and being more sturdy than Elves and more agile than Giants. Dwarves and Giants should be the inventors/artificers. The only time Dwarves and Giants should outclass humans at marital combat would be for the heavy hitting warrior/barbarian/reaver type classes. Every race should have their chance to shine. Instead humans are better at magic, martial combat, inventions, rogues, and now ranged (due to gunslinger)... I'd love if they'd come out with more Elven classes (both genders). I'd love to play as an Elven druid or necromancer type class! They could even come from another world. It's been established that there are other realms/planets/worlds with the Magnus as well as Witch/Wizard (they're from another world). So, they could get really creative with race ideas for new classes (maybe even vampires or a demon type race). An aquatic race would be really cool as well (Mermaid/Siren or Sea Elf type race). Dwarves would be a nice addition as well (they're aleady in the game). In all honesty that's what Scholar should have been. The lore fit them the best. An actual Gumiho class (with fox ears and tail options in character creation) would have been neat (there were a lot of people who would have prefered that over Maegu). Seriously though, we have more than enough human classes of all playstyles! This game has been out for 10 years and we only have three Elves, one Shai, one Giant, and a dragon who looks human (Drakania). I think if they'd come out with more playable races (humanoid obviously, as cool as it would be to play a beast race similar to the Stripefolk, it'd be very difficult to implement due to character creation limitations as well as issues with armor and costumes same way with the deer race; I don't know what they're actually called as demibeast is a term used to describe the fox folk as well) it'd renew interest in the game. Get creative Pearl Abyss!

Bonus Suggestion: I also think when they release new classes they should automatically have both male and female variants so everyone's happy. For example; when they release a gunner class, come out with a female and male variant. They could play slightly different (same as Witch/Wizard).

Gunslinger (I'm not sure what the acutal class is going to be called yet) would be another missed opportunity for a Dwarven class. You could have a Dwarf Artificer/Inventor. Or even another Giant. Even an Elf would make sense from a magic standpoint. You could have an Arcane Gunner for male and female. They could use magically infused bullets and their guns could be covered in runes. The class resource would be magika/mana (mp) and do magic damage. Hell, you could even introduce a new race via Magnus. Why are humans better and more advanced at everything? Please get more creative Pearl Abyss! Stop screwing over the other races this game has to offer! 

Last Edit : Apr 11, 2024, 00:45 (UTC)
# 2

Yes this would be nice.

I'm also disappointed that the hammer class went to Scholar.  That should have went to a Dwarf class.

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Last Edit : Apr 11, 2024, 01:20 (UTC)
# 3
On: Apr 11, 2024, 00:45 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

Yes this would be nice.

I'm also disappointed that the hammer class went to Scholar.  That should have went to a Dwarf class.

Right? Everything about it would fit Dwarf better than human. In most games lore-wise Dwarves are the artificers, scientists, alchemists, inventors, blacksmiths or scholars. They could have really explored the dwarven lore in this game and expanded on it. Right now, they're just sort of...there. Make them more present. Heck it would have even worked for Shai. A Dwarf male would have looked cool dual wielding hammers. Or a cute, stout Dwarf female. If Scholar was a Dwarf female then maybe they could have come out with an artificer/inventor class for male.

Last Edit : Nov 28, 2024, 07:36 (UTC)
# 4

What it boils down to is outfit sales, which is why you see so many female human classes with large breasts.

If she had a huge beard and was shai sized, you probably wouldnt purchase their bikini set.

Youre right though, instead of making dwarfs you got scholar, although Corsair wasnt a bad attempt at a mermaid initially.

Last Edit : Nov 28, 2024, 13:13 (UTC)
# 5
On: Nov 28, 2024, 07:36 (UTC), Written by LewdTheLoliMedic

What it boils down to is outfit sales, which is why you see so many female human classes with large breasts.

If she had a huge beard and was shai sized, you probably wouldnt purchase their bikini set.

Youre right though, instead of making dwarfs you got scholar, although Corsair wasnt a bad attempt at a mermaid initially.

That's an image I didn't need, lmao. Female Dwarves don't always have beards though. And I agree it's all about the outfits. But, it wouldn't be hard to add a few more Elves (of both genders) or even a Gumiho/demon/vampire race or class in the game. They look like humans with pointy ears (Elves) or tails (Gumiho/Kitsune). Outfit sales would soar with a Gumiho/Kitsune type class or something similar. As of now the closest you can get to playing a Gumiho is Maegu. Pearl Abyss made it quite clear though that she is still human. Hell even a fairy race/class would be cool if done properly (human-sized though obviously). Dwarf would be just a shorter stockier human. Horn/tail/wing options would have been cool for Drakania or even Guardian. It'd just be nice if their non-human classes looked a little less human...

Corsair is okay. But could have been done better. Her form leaves much to be desired. It should be permanent in the water (with unlimited breath/stamina) and customizable. That being said I still enjoy playing her. Her skills are beautiful and fun to use. I just would have enjoyed her far more if the mermaid part was implemented better.

I think if they'd add more fantasy races or classes to the game (that actually looked more fantasy), it'd renew interest in the game. It'd certainly be better and more interesting than adding yet another human class...

Last Edit : Nov 28, 2024, 19:15 (UTC)
# 6

Well, gunner class should be a dwarf.

Could be a lady dwarf.

And here's the thing, PA, there are enough females classes for people to buy outfits, so creating a new human proportioned female class isn't going to save your game.

Good goals for us to pursue will.  Give us a reason to play.  Let us want to play.  Stop attacking the playerbase and destroying things that a lot of us love in the game.  Let everyone play the way they want to.

If you have to, create marni-lifeskill zones.  I hate the concept, but maybe it needs to be done.

But what I want is a living, open world full of imagination and purpose.

Right now, we have a dead open world, hall full of imagination and devoid of purpose.  Please change?

Last Edit : Nov 29, 2024, 12:54 (UTC)
# 7
On: Nov 28, 2024, 19:15 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Well, gunner class should be a dwarf.

Could be a lady dwarf.

And here's the thing, PA, there are enough females classes for people to buy outfits, so creating a new human proportioned female class isn't going to save your game.

Good goals for us to pursue will.  Give us a reason to play.  Let us want to play.  Stop attacking the playerbase and destroying things that a lot of us love in the game.  Let everyone play the way they want to.

If you have to, create marni-lifeskill zones.  I hate the concept, but maybe it needs to be done.

But what I want is a living, open world full of imagination and purpose.

Right now, we have a dead open world, hall full of imagination and devoid of purpose.  Please change?

With the Magnus there's a lot they could do. There's other realms/worlds along with time-travel (which they said they're going to do, I'll believe it when I see it). I also hope they add more types of gameplay. Grinding is brutal and boring. I'd maybe like more exploration. Underwater zones (not like Sea Palace, but swimming complete with underwater combat). A new lifeskill; Swimming/Diving. Maybe air content (flying, gliding, and airships) and again combat and zones. New lifeskill; Flying/Gliding. I like stories and questing in games, however they've shown they're not exactly good at that unfortunately. I think more people would be open to story content if it was actually good. But doing a good story in a mmo seems to be near impossible. They seem to forget the RPG (Role-Play Game, Pearl Abyss) part in mmoRPG. More immersion would be really nice. Even then you'd still have people who just don't have the patience for story content (everyone plays differently). So, Pearl Abyss' solution is coming out with grind zones...As that's what they're familar with. It's cheap and easy. We ask for more content; Grind Zones. We ask for group content; Party Grind Zones.

As for new classes, it's going to happen regardless how we feel about it. I wish they'd 'revamp' the older classes (skills and stories). Hell they could turn Woosa and Maegu into an actual Gumiho (tails and all) and people would be happy. It could be revealed their mother was a Gumiho. I'm sure they could come up with something. They changed Corsair's lore/story, so they've done it before. I roleplay my Woosa as a Gumiho anyway (her awakening skills look like Foxfire and she manipulates the weather, so it works). I think they should also have draconic character creation options for the DRAGON classes (Drakania and Guardian). But they unfortunately almost never look back, so everything at some point gets abandoned (which I HATE). I love a lot of the classes that we have already (Woosa, Drakania, Lahn, Tamer, Witch, Dark Knight, Mystic, ect). But with their current formula (FOTM) releasing new classes is unfortunately inevitable. So if they're going to come out with new classes, might as well do something different for a change and come out with more playable races. No more humans!

Last Edit : Nov 30, 2024, 19:42 (UTC)
# 8

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only male elf in the whole game the Archer player class? 

Last Edit : Nov 30, 2024, 20:08 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 30, 2024, 19:42 (UTC), Written by PhatMary

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only male elf in the whole game the Archer player class? 

Unfortunately yes. However, they could release more Elven classes of both genders due to the Magnus. So, you could have Elves from other worlds not created by Slyvia. Other worlds would have their own Gods or Pantheons. Which would give a whole new set of rules. Besides each Elf is an individual. Who says that the male Elves have to be Archers only or that Ganelle have to strictly be Rangers? There are Ganelle currently in Tarif studying socerery. I've also seen Ganelle mages wielding staves. Same with Ahib mages. Caphras (the first male Elf, that we know of to cross over to this world) was a magic user. He was known for dark socerery (the Immortal Alchemist). There could be several ways for them to write in Elven mages (male and female) or whatever. They would just have to actually get creative.

Most people don't really follow the lore anyways due to 'R' spam and it being poorly implemented. Pearl Abyss should allow for more freedom for players to play how we want! Enough with these limitations!

Last Edit : Nov 30, 2024, 21:52 (UTC)
# 10

Yeah, it'd really be nice if classes weren't gender or race exclusive. Very limiting! It never made sense to me that humans were better at using magic than elves...It should be the other way around...

Yet, all of the playable mages in this game are human... I think Dark Knight is the closest you can get to playing an elven mage. But even that's a bit of a stretch. She doesn't feel much like a mage to me which is why I've never played one.

Please come out with more playable races, not everyone likes to play humans...especially in a FANTASY game! That said, it will still take much more than fancy new races or classes to bring people back to the game... But, it'd be a start.

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