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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 45 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 45 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 45 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 45 Jul 26, 2024
[Awakened Ninja] Update Suggestions
Apr 19, 2024, 16:31 (UTC)
1238 5
Last Edit : Apr 19, 2024, 16:35 (UTC)
# 1

With hopes of promised PVP changes soon, here is a list of quality-of-life focused suggestions to consider for Awakened Ninja.

Cutthroat: The skill will not properly jump to the target if the character’s model is not facing the target, even if the crosshair is on the target. Fix targeting of the skill for consistency, regardless of model direction of character.

Stance Swap: There is a unique issue with awakened ninja where the cooldown for switching stances from Awakened to Pre-Awakened will not allow Awakened skills that can normally be cast in any stance via key input to be used until the stance swap cooldown is over. However, when these skills are used via Quickslot, the skills ignore the cooldown of the Stance Swap. This inconsistency creates gameplay fluidity issues, allow skills to be cast even if Stance Swap is on cooldown.

Standardize Stance Swap Animation: The stance swap animation from Awakened to Pre-Awakened is inconsistent. Using the key inputs A+C to stance swap is much slower than D+C. Standardize the animation to be the same as D+C.

Murderous Intent: Consider reverting the cooldown on this skill. It is one of the most relied-upon skills by awakened ninjas. The previous change to increase the cooldown broke the class’s rhythm and made it clunky.

Katana Shower: This skill can already be cast via Quickslot in the Pre-Awakened stance. Allow us to cast it via key inputs when Boss Slaughter is locked to further increase fluidity.

Vacuum Slash: The F key input often conflicts with other inputs that require F. Change this skill’s input key or consider making it a flow skill that cannot be cast on its own. Consider reverting the skill to a frontal guard without a float, as the crowd control on the skill is redundant in nearly all use cases.

Silent Charge: Consider slightly increasing the i-frame duration of this skill to increase reliability. With latency as a variable, this skill’s protection can be inconsistent due to its short protection window.

Chaos Spree: The skill is too slow. Increase the attack speed of the skill, especially when used in combos. Allow the damage portion of the skill to be camera-moved for further increased fluidity.

Flash Bondage: The grapple animation cannot be turned like its main hand variant but can be mouse-moved. Allow it to be camera-turned for higher gameplay fluidity.

Shadow Slash CORE: Consider implementing a SUPER ARMOR Shadow Slash CORE to increase core diversity and to have better options for large-scale combat.

Drastic Maesure CORE: Consider changing the Drastic Measure CORE and Drastic Measure 100% to be a KNOCKDOWN for more core and Black Spirit Rage options.

Skill Enhancements: Consider lowering the cooldown of the Rabam skills to allow for more options and use cases. Illusion of Restraint from 24 sec to 20 sec and Ghost Slash from 20 sec to 15 sec.

Last Edit : Apr 21, 2024, 13:26 (UTC)
# 2

Good changes.

Last Edit : Apr 23, 2024, 06:39 (UTC)
# 3

Honestly, they are all pretty fair requests. Upvoted.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Apr 29, 2024, 06:01 (UTC)
# 4

I think that replacing mi core with a shadow slash core effect would be awesome. This is a great list for most of the big skill issues for awk ninja. I would just add that it would be nice for katana shower to be a bit faster after the sword is thrown and [this one is a personal issue with a skill] changing corrupt sword dance to honestly just be something different. Ik some people like csd bc you can do the little hop backwards with fg but honestly id rather it just be a movement skill or to be a dmg skill. Personally i just think its a super odd skill bc its slower than the rest of the movement but its awful for dmg also so idk how to feel about it.

Last Edit : Apr 29, 2024, 19:10 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 29, 2024, 06:01 (UTC), Written by Raizer218

I think that replacing mi core with a shadow slash core effect would be awesome. This is a great list for most of the big skill issues for awk ninja. I would just add that it would be nice for katana shower to be a bit faster after the sword is thrown and [this one is a personal issue with a skill] changing corrupt sword dance to honestly just be something different. Ik some people like csd bc you can do the little hop backwards with fg but honestly id rather it just be a movement skill or to be a dmg skill. Personally i just think its a super odd skill bc its slower than the rest of the movement but its awful for dmg also so idk how to feel about it.

Ignoring desync, csd is a strong defensive movement skill. Maybe they can iterate on it further and keep the backwards jump on rmb while putting more options forward.

But ye, I ended my pve-only arc a couple weeks ago, and coming back to pvp on my Ninja after wiping off the rust just makes me realize that none of these qol changes will change our class significantly in the meta. People just too protected, and our damage is just too low without sacrificing everything to buff up your ap and accuracy to a lethal point. People catching onto the ease of building resistances, too, so it's becoming harder to justify playing this class over something similar like awk drak, and being way stronger for it.


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