Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 38 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 38 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 38 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 38 Jul 26, 2024
NA Announcement Regarding Server Relocation...
May 8, 2024, 12:16 (UTC)
2733 38
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Last Edit : May 8, 2024, 12:16 (UTC)
# 1

Ok so you realise now my ping with exitlag atm is 160 to 180 (which BEARABLE) and i am FTTP (meaning i got giga connection speeds) and with this server change my ping will go up to 220 to 250+ with exitlag (Lost Ark did it also and stopped me from playing that game too) so if this the case i think your next step is to offer people truely affected by this to swap to other servers ie. for me would be SEA as i have played BDO since cbt2 and new one day we might get SEA servers but not once have you offered a transfer. Now i think it is time to offer this as this very upsetting as now i cant play with my yank mates!! PvP will be unplayable PvE will be just as hard to deal with!

Last Edit : May 8, 2024, 12:32 (UTC)
# 2

It doesn't matter what connection you have, but what the traceroute is and what the priority of your ISP is (if it is low, nothing will help you, even with 1 GB/s fiber optic the ping can be high).

I have another question: why, due to the transfer of American servers, European players have to lose probably dozen hours, maybe even 24 hours of playing.

Last Edit : May 9, 2024, 17:56 (UTC)
# 3

The physical line to your property isn't the issue, it's the ocean cables and the nodes. It is impossible for you or Pearl Abyss to improve the latency due to those two factors.

As a 4% minority, there is nothing Australian/New Zealand players can do to change the outcome detailed in today's announcement. Black Desert isn't a popular MMORPG when compared to World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online or Final Fantasy XIV, therefore it cannot afford to provide the same level of quality in its services. Funnily enough, New World has Australian/New Zealand servers but has significantly less players and popularity compared to Black Desert. 

Black Desert's Conquest/Node Wars and War of the Roses are structured in a way that prevents it from having multiple smaller servers scattered around the world, like RuneScape. Although, it is possible for Pearl Abyss to create a new server group in Sydney, Australia (e.g OCE_ServerName) for Australian and New Zealand players. But then again, the game is probably not popular enough and not generating enough revenue for that to occur.

If Pearl Abyss wants to be fair and respsect all its players equally, it should offer free server transfers to Black Desert Asia for all Australian and New Zealand players.

Additionally, it would be nice to see crystal destruction be disabled permanently for Australian and New Zealand players exclusively as compensation for worsening an already poorer experience.

10 116
Lv Private
Last Edit : May 8, 2024, 14:03 (UTC)
# 4

Yep. Right now, the only way left to compensate OCE players is to allow them to use SEA servers, offer them a free transfer to these servers, and to make sure English speaking players can really feel at home there. 

Last Edit : May 8, 2024, 15:52 (UTC)
# 5

My understanding is that English isnt the most commonly used language on the SEA servers.

Its why Australia and NZ are usually on NA servers in online games

Last Edit : May 8, 2024, 17:18 (UTC)
# 6
On: May 8, 2024, 15:52 (UTC), Written by Killermuppett

My understanding is that English isnt the most commonly used language on the SEA servers.

Its why Australia and NZ are usually on NA servers in online games

More exactly, in BDO, SEA servers are not meant for OCE players, they are told to go on NA / EU servers. PA decision. 

So, after OCE complied with this decision for many years, they are now even more screwed. So now, PA has to compensate these players, with a free transfer and a full English support on SEA servers. 

Last Edit : May 8, 2024, 21:58 (UTC)
# 7

Oceanic players are screwed either way. Even if Pearl Abyss offers free server transfers, the culture is completely different in the Asia region. It also means that those who transfer will have to leave behind their friends and guild in NA. A server transfer is hardly a good solution.

PvP content is now undoubtedly unfeasible to participate in with the average latency for Oceanic players increasing by 40ms, therefore there isn't much to discuss unless Pearl Abyss or someone here has a magical solution that is able to alleviate the severe drawbacks of having high ping. PvE on the otherhand can easily be compensated by providing benefits such as increased amount of daily loot scrolls, increased drop rate, increased crystal recovery or even as mentioned above, permanently disabling crystal destruction. Either way, there needs to be SOME form of compensation for having to deal with the worst experience out of all players on NA.

The fact that players from South America who have their own regional server have better ping to Central US servers than Oceanic players who don't have their own regional server, is insane.

Last Edit : May 9, 2024, 00:28 (UTC)
# 8

Please give us the option to transfer to SEA servers, i dread pvp with 280ping.

0 1
Lv 64
Last Edit : May 9, 2024, 10:09 (UTC)
# 9
On: May 8, 2024, 12:16 (UTC), Written by SumAussieCobber

Ok so you realise now my ping with exitlag atm is 160 to 180 (which BEARABLE) and i am FTTP (meaning i got giga connection speeds) and with this server change my ping will go up to 220 to 250+ with exitlag (Lost Ark did it also and stopped me from playing that game too) so if this the case i think your next step is to offer people truely affected by this to swap to other servers ie. for me would be SEA as i have played BDO since cbt2 and new one day we might get SEA servers but not once have you offered a transfer. Now i think it is time to offer this as this very upsetting as now i cant play with my yank mates!! PvP will be unplayable PvE will be just as hard to deal with!

I agree it is saddening that our ping is going to be worse but as a 4% we don't really have power of say. The option to play on SEA server concurrently would be nice and to be honest I would prolably even pay to keep my current characters progress on both servers. 

2 7
Lv Private
Last Edit : May 9, 2024, 10:11 (UTC)
# 10
On: May 8, 2024, 12:59 (UTC), Written by Kuree

The physical line to your property isn't the issue, it's the ocean cables and the nodes. It is impossible for you or Pearl Abyss to improve the latency due to those two factors.

As a 4% minority, there is nothing Australian/New Zealand players can do to change the outcome detailed in today's announcement. Black Deesert isn't a popular MMORPG when compared to World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online or Final Fantasy XIV, therefore it cannot afford to provide the same level of quality in its services. Funnily enough, New World has Australian/New Zealand servers but has significantly less players and popularity compared to Black Desert. 

Black Desert's Conquest/Node Wars and War of the Roses are structured in a way that prevents it from having multiple smaller servers scattered around the world, like RuneScape. Although, it is possible for Pearl Abyss to create a new server group in Sydney, Australia (e.g OCE_ServerName) for Australian and New Zealand players. But then again, the game is probably not popular enough and not generating enough revenue for that to occur.

If Pearl Abyss wants to be fair and respsect all its players equally, it should offer free server transfers to Black Desert Asia for all Australian and New Zealand players.

Additionally, it would be nice to see crystal destruction be disabled permanently for Australian and New Zealand players exclusively as compensation for worsening an already poorer experience.

Strongly agree with this. some sort of benefit like crystal keeping would be great to see although I think something that is beneficial to PVP would be nice too given PVP is the most heavily affected factor with high latency.

2 7
Lv Private
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