If we count Awakening and Succession, There's a total of 51 Classes just about in Black Desert online.
For PVE/PVP, at max, we can only play 4.
With more and more classes coming out, and constant reworks of classes, it's a real shame we can play only 4.
I think it would be a great idea for PA to up the Tagging limit for 1 character to an addition 2-3, so we can tag a total of 3-4 classes.
It would be a great quality of life, because it's a shame its a bit unfeasable to just reroll weapons all the time and there's so many classes that im sure a lot of people want to play.
Also to my understanding, BDO Mobile has universal gear. I don't think making weapons universal is off the table either, there's just a lot of classes in the game now and it seems PA has no plans to stop making classes. I know this is a topic for another day, and yes this can make people abuse meta but this would give PA more of a reason to nerf things quicker in both PVE and PVP when certain classes stay broken for months and sometimes years on end.
Anywhom, at least let us tag more classes please
Remove weapon swap coupons, just make all weapons universal. It's either a blackstar or Kzarka or Offin for mainhand, dande blackstar or dragon for awakening and so on. Make an evasion, DR, accuracy, AP, and Monster damage offhand.
If a player wants to tag their gear for convenient swapping they can pay silver to do so. It is not like you had to use different materials to get a Kzarka long bow vs Kzarka long sword. There are no "class specific" weapons other than how they display on the character.
If anyone has a pearl weapon swap coupon still give them a high silver value, if they have an event or other obtained method, give them a small amount of silver say 100m.
Based ideea is gabbage, if you don't like your actual class then too bad for you, have fuel to buy at NPC which cost alot and only weapons will take fuel up to 1b+ depends of weapon stage.
Having many classes in the game its a plus but not having occasion to test all of them and see which one fits you is bad. So as I said having a class as maine but you don't like playing it then option are fuel for tagging but you'll be stuck with same maine or coupons from Arena of Solare which cost 5000 per weapon or waiting for event that will give exchange box or sell weapons - loose alot of silver then buy weapons for different class to change your main.
Realistically they cannot add this system of multiple tags or in case they can for sure will not add it or atleast not for free but for some expensive money value.
Where do we even start with this one...
If we count Awakening and Succession, There's a total of 51 Classes just about in Black Desert online.
For PVE/PVP, at max, we can only play 4.
With more and more classes coming out, and constant reworks of classes, it's a real shame we can play only 4.
I think it would be a great idea for PA to up the Tagging limit for 1 character to an addition 2-3, so we can tag a total of 3-4 classes.
It would be a great quality of life, because it's a shame its a bit unfeasable to just reroll weapons all the time and there's so many classes that im sure a lot of people want to play.
Also to my understanding, BDO Mobile has universal gear. I don't think making weapons universal is off the table either, there's just a lot of classes in the game now and it seems PA has no plans to stop making classes. I know this is a topic for another day, and yes this can make people abuse meta but this would give PA more of a reason to nerf things quicker in both PVE and PVP when certain classes stay broken for months and sometimes years on end.
Anywhom, at least let us tag more classes please
yes please. still trying out classes to see which one fits me. having more than 1 tagged char would be a great help as i wont have to keep re-tagging and re-copying gear to test out a diff class.
PA pls make this happen
I never thought I'd see the day where I would be the boomer but while I think tagging an extra chracter or two probably wouldn't hurt anything, especially since you'd have to get a lot of marni's unstable fuels to keep them all up to date, I think universal weapons are unnecessary. BDO already has universal armor and accessories which is not the case for many other games. They've also straight up given away a near endgame weapon just for completing a single season. I would also argue that adding three other types of weapons that you would need to get to endgame is actually more onerous than just grinding the extra silver to change weapons every now and then or, especially if we were to increase the number of characters to be tagged, silver to buy the unstable fuels.
You can also switch endgame weapons by selling your current one and buying a new one. The difference in cost can basically be thought of as the price for a weapon exchange coupon. Granted, the amount of time you have to wait before you can buy one is a downside to the market method but at least that method gives another player silver that they can turn into something they want more than the weapon they currently have.
Looks like a nice idea. Having more options to choose while grinding without going back to untag-retag- recopy will safe a lot of time.
I agree with the higher tagging limit. 2 other ways the tagging problem could be solved are:
1: make copying gear a lot cheaper so that you can afford to switch more often - honestly, 450 for pen blackstars is way too much and I use my Jetina pen weapons with some caphras to tag for only 27 fuel and then just give my main the blackstars, unless there's a tag event. For about a 10 ap difference at their current caphras level (and of course some other stats), its a whopping 423 fuel decrease in price. Blackstar is already very expensive and hard to get and honestly, when it comes to tagging, it feels like we get punished for having them. My ~95 attempts to get the set was enough punishment already. And some others have it even worse.
2: have the 1 fuel cost event more often, or change it to something like what MOBAs and other such games tend to do, where you get a couple classes with 1 fuel cost for 2 weeks and then the next 2 weeks another set of classes cost 1 fuel and it rotates like that. This will give everyone time to tag more frequently, try out more classes and they will only need to pay the extra premium in silver/fuel, if they REALLY can't wait and want to tag a character right now that is not in the event rotation.
As the old saying goes, "variety is the spice of life". More tag slots, universal weapons, heck at this point I'd even take (signifcantly) cheaper tag costs.