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UTC 1 : 53 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 53 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 53 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 53 Jul 26, 2024
Hot Take: SA Q Block was never the problem but classes that have almost permanent Super Armor are.
May 21, 2024, 04:16 (UTC)
1473 11
1 2
Last Edit : May 21, 2024, 04:16 (UTC)
# 1

So I already know this is going to get downvoted to the depths but just an opinion since I always see people have different views on SA Q block some people dont care about it and some people think its the most broken thing on the planet.

SA Q BLOCK: SA Q  block been in the gamee for a long long time I will admit I play one  of those classes that can do that and I will admit way way way back in the day they were broken but most of them in anything outside of just being annoying in 1v1s are a joke in pvp besides awake valk or compared to awake valk.  Most of them have really bad healing most of them  have really bad iframes most of them are can be cc very easy if they try anything all you have to do is put up any pressure and most of them are very very easy to grab now.  I always said that I feel like SA Q block  is not the problem of pvp anymore because most of their blocks get insta deleted unless your a succession Warrior or Valk.   I will admit most classes stuggle against SA Q block classes but those same classes are really good at catching a cc when they do a frontal guard skill like Musa. Most SA Q block classes have mostly frontals or you can get behind them super easy and start eatting away at their health and once again put on pressure.  Most of the time now and days mostly in AOS you focus down anyone who is a SA Q block class they legit can`t do anything besides burn their Super Armors and hope for the best the legit second they do any frontals they get cced plus if you add in desync or lag into the mix man it makes things worse. They can`t freely do what they want they can`t just ape out and hope for the best or they die and despite the fact some of these classes are suppose to be the " tank" classes they melt like butter.

Classes they have almost permanent Super armors or protections: I am not even going to say the classes you already know them at this point but I am going to say in the current state of pvp  they are the bane to it. You have some classes just spamming skills with out a single brain cell working and they just run up and grab you for free. Other classes who don`t have grabs are forced to Super Armor trade then but then that is every risky  because of the fact most of these classes that we are speaking of ether have super high damage, super armor movement, or a grab or high evasion. Their should be not a single class in this game that protected. Way back in bdo classes had gaps which were skills that were important to their pvp moveset but completely unprotected  and you made the risk of using it or not. Now and days most people just pick classes that can`t be cced and just faceroll on the keyboard and win fights. 

I know changes are coming: I am aware that Pearl Abyss said changes are coming how they will reduce the number of Super Armors in the game. I am aware NA server is getting its central servers in a few days. I get it  I understand it but in order for their to be any fixes people need to start giving feedback on the right things I feel everyone wants to bully SA Q block because its annoying to deal with as it should be that class is suppose to be on paper a front line tanky class or a protective support class. Which the way DR is right now its hard to do both unless your once again an Awake valk. I know DR is getting a buff. I know there is a chance that Q block might be overpowered if they over do the DR buff and I will be the first person to say nerf that if the time comes. Trust me  I would love for SA Q block to go away and this is coming from a Succession Warrior main. Just like how on BDO mobile its not their. But they would have to revamp EVERY CLASS and they won`t do that again  just to rebalance  Q blocks. Well that is all 

Last Edit : May 22, 2024, 13:47 (UTC)
# 2

Block, wait for grab to come off cooldown.

iframe/sa dash grab


Block and wait for grab to come off cooldown.


1 combo

Tell people how hard warrior is and how much skill it takes to play.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 22, 2024, 13:48 (UTC)
# 3

if q block is allowed to be in the game, every class should have a grab to counter it.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 11:50 (UTC)
# 4
On: May 22, 2024, 13:47 (UTC), Written by Feathery

Block, wait for grab to come off cooldown.

iframe/sa dash grab


Block and wait for grab to come off cooldown.


1 combo

Tell people how hard warrior is and how much skill it takes to play.

I is probably harder than climbing up on a roof and spamming range abilities. 

We going to talk about this? Since I feel it gets sweeped under the rug. I mean, if we going to complain about fairness, we can't have our cake and eat it too right? You know, just invalidating the vast majority of melee classes.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 15:00 (UTC)
# 5
On: May 23, 2024, 11:50 (UTC), Written by Waylar

I is probably harder than climbing up on a roof and spamming range abilities. 

We going to talk about this? Since I feel it gets sweeped under the rug. I mean, if we going to complain about fairness, we can't have our cake and eat it too right? You know, just invalidating the vast majority of melee classes.

You mean the almost fully unprotected class that can't move and does trash damage at range and mediocre damage close up because pa thought even shai should have a favorable matchup against awake witch? What about it? Not even any vertical movement so anywhere it can go you can follow.

I do agree rooftop casters and rangers are dumb, but sa block has no counterplay because you need a grab to fight them but they are the ones who get grabs.

If they removed grabs from every sa block class, I could see it being a more reasonable mechanic. As it is right now, it encourages a play style a bot running a simple flow chart could win with.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 15:02 (UTC)
# 6
On: May 23, 2024, 11:50 (UTC), Written by Waylar

I is probably harder than climbing up on a roof and spamming range abilities. 

We going to talk about this? Since I feel it gets sweeped under the rug. I mean, if we going to complain about fairness, we can't have our cake and eat it too right? You know, just invalidating the vast majority of melee classes.

And on that point of invalidating melee classes. You are makign a lot of assumptions about what and how I play. I am usually on a mid-melee class chasing rangers off of rooftops.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 25, 2024, 06:36 (UTC)
# 7
On: May 23, 2024, 15:02 (UTC), Written by Feathery

And on that point of invalidating melee classes. You are makign a lot of assumptions about what and how I play. I am usually on a mid-melee class chasing rangers off of rooftops.

Good, down with those rooftop rats. /spit

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 30, 2024, 11:26 (UTC)
# 8
On: May 23, 2024, 15:00 (UTC), Written by Feathery

You mean the almost fully unprotected class that can't move and does trash damage at range and mediocre damage close up because pa thought even shai should have a favorable matchup against awake witch? What about it? Not even any vertical movement so anywhere it can go you can follow.

I do agree rooftop casters and rangers are dumb, but sa block has no counterplay because you need a grab to fight them but they are the ones who get grabs.

If they removed grabs from every sa block class, I could see it being a more reasonable mechanic. As it is right now, it encourages a play style a bot running a simple flow chart could win with.

I mean...if they remove the grab from SA block classes, those same classes are going to get buffed in other areas. I am pretty sure grabs are pretty heavily weighted...classes with no grab or SA Q blocks generally have really decent to high damage (can vary depending on whether class leans into stacking evasion or DR), some form of protected mobility, strong disengage and good trade potential. Those classes basically have access to other tools that gives them agency without a grab. I am just saying, if we all are on the same page, then we all know that grabs are very effective. Then it would make sense that removing that from an entire line of classes will also result in improvements to other areas for them.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 25, 2024, 21:21 (UTC)
# 9

Legit hurts the brain to look at comments from people who clearly has no idea how to pvp.

Last Edit : May 26, 2024, 18:16 (UTC)
# 10
On: May 22, 2024, 13:48 (UTC), Written by Feathery

if q block is allowed to be in the game, every class should have a grab to counter it.

I`m going to give you the benfit of the doubt here and say you don`t know how to pvp. Explain to me how being Perma Super Armor is a counter to grabs. Most grab classes that have Q blocks have bad grabs. The only good one is on succession and awake warrior and if they miss the grab which is very easy to do they get super easy to cc plus don`t get me started on grab resist. PLUS awake warrior Q block melts like butter and Succession warrior at time stuggles to keep up with a lot of ranged classes so I`ll wait for your move ball in your court I`m going to assume your doing what blue does and think a class is op because they play your counter

1 2

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