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2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 4 : 45 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 6 : 45 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 21 : 45 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 0 : 45 Jul 27, 2024
Make Iliya Island great again! The "City" of bartering
May 23, 2024, 13:04 (UTC)
1569 11
1 2
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 13:04 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Adamant

Region (NA/EU): EU


1. Remove the Arena from Ilya Island (nobody is using this actually)
2. Expand The Little Village in a little city like Velia.

Some narrative:

Actually its quite simple, we had this Rift thing which was used in the beginning. Before this we got this Arena...was one is using this anymore.
Iliya Island was/is actually a nice place and have also a reason for bartering.
But everyone who did this, will see the big problem:
The Harbour... . Big Ships try to enter the harbour and everything is overlapping, looks really awful to be honest.
My suggestion is, that Iliya Island profited of the "enormous" amount of people who did bartering. Iliya Village got some funds/taxes and expanded into a nice little City/Village like Velia with a nice Harbour.
The exmpansion should happen to the west side of the Island. (Screenshot)
With the expansion Iliya would have a reasonable point in the World for Bartering, Fishing, Sea-Monster hunting and so on.
I hope people here like the suggestion.
Thank you all :)
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 13:15 (UTC)
# 2

Bartering is a wast of time and money and the most you can make in a day Bartering is about 700 mil and you make that in and hour doing other things that do not cost as much todo. All it is waas a way to say your playing wen you afk aout pathing.

143 516
Lv 65
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 13:30 (UTC)
# 3
Am 23. Mai 2024, 13:15 (UTC), von Amiee

Bartering is a wast of time and money and the most you can make in a day Bartering is about 700 mil and you make that in and hour doing other things that do not cost as much todo. All it is waas a way to say your playing wen you afk aout pathing.

Yes and no, actually its not about to make bartering more profitable.

Its more  about to make the acces where the "Hotspot" for 95% of the people doing it more attractive.

Iliya Island have a good postion for bartering. But the size of the harbour and the amount of ships sometimes is so huge you abrly see your own ship, and when you try to use the "enter" function the overlapping still prevents you from accesing the steering wheel.

Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 13:41 (UTC)
# 4
On: May 23, 2024, 13:30 (UTC), Written by Mandrake

Yes and no, actually its not about to make bartering more profitable.

Its more  about to make the acces where the "Hotspot" for 95% of the people doing it more attractive.

Iliya Island have a good postion for bartering. But the size of the harbour and the amount of ships sometimes is so huge you abrly see your own ship, and when you try to use the "enter" function the overlapping still prevents you from accesing the steering wheel.

if your really into Barterring you woould know that you would have  barter goods and many different bank so they could be gotten to were they would be need you will find that different level barter good are needed in different area  and if you use just one bank youo find you wast so much time going to and from so you best lean how to barter

143 516
Lv 65
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 13:52 (UTC)
# 5
Am 23. Mai 2024, 13:41 (UTC), von Amiee

if your really into Barterring you woould know that you would have  barter goods and many different bank so they could be gotten to were they would be need you will find that different level barter good are needed in different area  and if you use just one bank youo find you wast so much time going to and from so you best lean how to barter

.... god dammit.... its like argueing with a 12 years old sometimes...

Again... this suggestion is NOT about BARTERING MECHANIC ITSELF....... Is this understandable now for you?!

Its about the f* appearance of Iliya Island....jesus christ... No, niete, nada, Null, NEIN...bartering mechanic..... nothing at all... no profit change.. no "please make infinite bartering..." nothing....

Its about how the god damn island looks like.... jesus christ....

Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 16:20 (UTC)
# 6

The Arena on Iliya Island is actually used all day every day. That is Battle Arena.

Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 16:27 (UTC)
# 7

I would love to see Illya expanded.  Not only what you mentioned above, but get rid of those imps (same imps that are at Western Guard Camp) and give us something new for grinding.  So much of the island is currently wasted.

Also, isn't the arena BA (or is that Lema Island)?  That's still used.  Sure, they could move it to another empty island.

137 1147
Lv Private
Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 19:49 (UTC)
# 8
On: May 23, 2024, 13:52 (UTC), Written by Mandrake

.... god dammit.... its like argueing with a 12 years old sometimes...

Well, I would not assume you are actually not arguing with 12 years olds :)

Last Edit : May 23, 2024, 20:48 (UTC)
# 9
On: May 23, 2024, 13:04 (UTC), Written by Mandrake

Family Name: Adamant

Region (NA/EU): EU


1. Remove the Arena from Ilya Island (nobody is using this actually)
2. Expand The Little Village in a little city like Velia.

Some narrative:

Actually its quite simple, we had this Rift thing which was used in the beginning. Before this we got this Arena...was one is using this anymore.
Iliya Island was/is actually a nice place and have also a reason for bartering.
But everyone who did this, will see the big problem:
The Harbour... . Big Ships try to enter the harbour and everything is overlapping, looks really awful to be honest.
My suggestion is, that Iliya Island profited of the "enormous" amount of people who did bartering. Iliya Village got some funds/taxes and expanded into a nice little City/Village like Velia with a nice Harbour.
The exmpansion should happen to the west side of the Island. (Screenshot)
With the expansion Iliya would have a reasonable point in the World for Bartering, Fishing, Sea-Monster hunting and so on.
I hope people here like the suggestion.
Thank you all :)
On: May 23, 2024, 13:04 (UTC), Written by Mandrake

Family Name: Adamant

Region (NA/EU): EU


1. Remove the Arena from Ilya Island (nobody is using this actually)
2. Expand The Little Village in a little city like Velia.

Some narrative:

Actually its quite simple, we had this Rift thing which was used in the beginning. Before this we got this Arena...was one is using this anymore.
Iliya Island was/is actually a nice place and have also a reason for bartering.
But everyone who did this, will see the big problem:
The Harbour... . Big Ships try to enter the harbour and everything is overlapping, looks really awful to be honest.
My suggestion is, that Iliya Island profited of the "enormous" amount of people who did bartering. Iliya Village got some funds/taxes and expanded into a nice little City/Village like Velia with a nice Harbour.
The exmpansion should happen to the west side of the Island. (Screenshot)
With the expansion Iliya would have a reasonable point in the World for Bartering, Fishing, Sea-Monster hunting and so on.
I hope people here like the suggestion.
Thank you all :)

I think iliya is fine the way it is atm, and yeah the arena is used everyday so fat chance on removing that unless is relocated.  Iliya atm for me is already perfect would actually prefer to have a wharf northeast of it instead for Portanend,lerao and timberra maybe similar to lema where we could put a rented storage that links to iliya

7 26
Lv Private
Last Edit : May 24, 2024, 17:07 (UTC)
# 10

Adding more to Scallywag island would be great as well

137 1147
Lv Private
1 2


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