Since we have pride month in 6 months and we should strengthen the LGBTQIA+ community within black desert online, it would be nice if we can get some nice events to celebrate pride month in bdo.
Some ideas:
- πRainbow Flags for loyality
- πPride Parade from Calpheon to Valencia with the GM's
- πRainbow Hunt/Coins that can be exchanged for various items
- πLGTBQIA+ Film Festival (Screenshot contest!)
- πRainbow Scavanger Hunt (Similar like Mysteries of summer (Like Kakao had this rock look deep event))
- πPronouns in Chatgroups as a permanent feature maybe
Update 13th June: after talking with GM's about it, they liked the idea! And they discussing it.
Please do not. I don't want to see this in the game.
Please do not. I don't want to see this in the game.
o.O wow
No thanks, keep the political statements out of the game.
Let them focus on fixing this dumpsterfire of a game first.
Idk if this is a troll but you won't find any support for anything remotely LGBT on this forum lol. Two guys kissing is already too "political" for most BDO players
There's enough queer people in BDO, just look for any lifeskill guild and you'll most likely find them lol
Idk if this is a troll but you won't find any support for anything remotely LGBT on this forum lol. Two guys kissing is already too "political" for most BDO players
There's enough queer people in BDO, just look for any lifeskill guild and you'll most likely find them lol
then its even more important to make a statement. we life in 2024. there should be no one be discriminated based on gender or sexual orientation... people who have problem with that, can freely quit the game. no one will miss those toxic people anyways.