Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 7 : 35 Feb 15, 2025
CET 8 : 35 Feb 15, 2025
PST 23 : 35 Feb 14, 2025
EST 2 : 35 Feb 15, 2025
Make Celestial Horse Calling Horn family bound
Jun 21, 2024, 10:58 (UTC)
3608 9
Last Edit : Jun 21, 2024, 10:58 (UTC)
# 1

Dear PearlAbyss,

Please consider making the Celestial Horse Calling Horn family-bound instead of character-bound. It would make more sense that way. Thanks.

Last Edit : Jun 21, 2024, 13:23 (UTC)
# 2

Very good idea.  Though Pearl may increase prices to compensate the loss of per Character sale.  Worth it still 

Last Edit : Jun 21, 2024, 14:57 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jun 21, 2024, 10:58 (UTC), Written by JadeMermaid

Dear PearlAbyss,

Please consider making the Celestial Horse Calling Horn family-bound instead of character-bound. It would make more sense that way. Thanks.

If I can upvote your post 1000 times, i will!!!
On: Jun 21, 2024, 10:58 (UTC), Written by JadeMermaid

Dear PearlAbyss,

Please consider making the Celestial Horse Calling Horn family-bound instead of character-bound. It would make more sense that way. Thanks.

Last Edit : Jun 21, 2024, 19:09 (UTC)
# 4

Dear PearlAbyss,

Please consider making the Celestial Horse Calling Horn family-bound instead of character-bound. It would make more sense that way. Thanks.

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2024, 00:49 (UTC)
# 5

love the idea

Last Edit : Jul 9, 2024, 01:22 (UTC)
# 6

Would certainly be nice...

Last Edit : Oct 26, 2024, 20:57 (UTC)
# 7

I was coming to ask for this same thing, and i see there is a workaround but I don't care, it can take forever to get the sanbtuary and even though they want us to play new characters they make it so hard and expensive. They want us to pay $22 USD for each character essentially. I do realize you can get one included in the Pass of each season but that is $30 USD and if you buy peals sure you will get 200 extra pearls which literally buys nothing of use. You can't even buy underwear with it which is another way they really stick it to you. 

I haven't played for months, and coming back trying to play the dosa needing to pay for things I have already paid for MULTUPLE TIMES is so frustrating!

I also really want the skeletal horse gear set and I can get it for 12$. Just another poach. I don't know if I even want to play the game so why would I spend it. This is like the 3rd year I have had a pre order up for it. Game from what I am understanding is in a horrible state. My old clan disbanded. And I feel the same disgust I do every time I play this game. Too much meaningless time spent for things you don't really want but need to progress. I am like 7 clicks in on my Uni and then I could get the stable but I don't even want to go through all of that. 

Last Edit : Jan 22, 2025, 19:19 (UTC)
# 8

I'd also love to see a way for adventurers to give this to other characters either through a repeatable/daily/weekly quest or by simply making it bound to the family as initially suggested.

Last Edit : Jan 22, 2025, 20:06 (UTC)
# 9

Heck,if they made the trainer flute a family feature and than one could chose to do the quest for 30 days or buy the upgrade per character I would still think it would be more fair.
500 range is manageable because you can call the horse from the other side of the grind zone, celestial is best used for ocean content and such where the horse could be thousands of kilometers away.



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