I am looking for Active/AFK bodies and the best part is! You don't have to participate! Unless you really want to which is even better! The game requires you to have so many people online to be able to do anything that gives you a boost. Eventually we will do more guild things but in order to get that far we need people to join.
Like guild buffs yep you could just be lazy and go join a guild with all the toppings or you could be apart of something and help shape it. I am not like other people who run guilds I will listen to you and this will be a Guild for the people by the people!
Currently working on all the guild buffs/passives
Have plans for guild activities such as Guild Bosses, Vell Rides, Group grinding, etc...
HOLD Strong!
Whisper - Hapless or Epic_Legacy for invite
Discord DM - Loony#9576
*NA servers - Welcome all from EU/AUZ (Good to have people on while some sleep)