Its one of the most wanted QOL thing in BDO, there is literally no need to Waste our silver on the items for tagging , just remove it and make it free process
Tagging IS free.
Copying your gear is not free.
You may think everyone who tags a character does it to copy gear, but you would be wrong.
I support copying gear being free/costing just one fuel, but you need to ask for what you actually want.
This system needs changing, we can have 1x fuel copy gear event and outside of this event we can have a fixed amount like 20 fuel cost max realistic value, its not that expensive to get 20 fuel from ( 200m silver ) but above 1b its way too expensive. Why not having possibility to change classes tag with gear at lower cost rather then being stuck with a not fitted class choosed? Think about weapons change box that is very rare to get one or mean too much time to spend in AoS gathering 15.000 seals to have all the coupons when you get 15 seals per match? ~1000 matches? Let us have fun and freedom to change classes more often and easier, will not broke the game in any way, even more, chances are high to keep players away because they are stuck with a class that not fit their playstyle. Not saying to have it FREE but atleast reduced, if that Marni fuel have ANY realistic meaning and if its a MUST to burn silver on something, seems they encourage burning silver on usless things rather then be with players. for players and in adavantages of players.
Short, reduce cost from above 100 fuel copy gear to 20 fuel copy gear cost.
More fotm abusers? nah thank you
More fotm abusers? nah thank you
please explain to me what a fotm abuser is?
please explain to me what a fotm abuser is?
think he saying everyone gonna tag whatever the current meta class is.
I mean, it's kind of a rich statement coming from someone who barely plays the game lol
Agreed 100%. Copying gear to tagged characters should be free.