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UTC 11 : 39 Sep 13, 2024
CEST 13 : 39 Sep 13, 2024
PDT 4 : 39 Sep 13, 2024
EDT 7 : 39 Sep 13, 2024
At this point just delete Succession Valkyrie
Jul 23, 2024, 17:28 (UTC)
2160 10
1 2
Last Edit : Jul 23, 2024, 17:38 (UTC)
# 1

I literally cannot believe you're going to heavily nerf (by deleting our identity) one of the weakest class in the game without giving her any compensation at all.

I can understand that in OW-PvP heals were broken, however, given our limited mobility, our lack of proper iframes and damage alongside our limited tool kit what are we supposed to do now?

We're a meme in large scale, can barely manage in small scale (with AoS heavily penalizing us with the ruins map, grab meta and high mobility classes alongside the heal nerf) and instead of getting buffed or put on par with Awak Valk (Vacuum? SA Heal? A good ulti? Mobility even if unprotected? Anything at all?) you just nerf us even more without giving anything back.

There are like 5 Succession Valks left in the whole game, the class has been forgotten and it's getting killed by indirect nerfs dictated by the dr change.

You know what this feels like? After changing special evasion into hp some dev went like "but what about % heals?" And the answer was "good point let's nerf it all to the ground" and then they copy pasted awak changes to succession, because no one in their right mind would nerf Succession Valk in the current meta.

Those are my two cents as the one of the few Succ Valks playing AoS.

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Jul 26, 2024, 16:16 (UTC)
# 3

Let's look at numbers:


Based on 10 000 HP you could heal 3000 HP every 30 sec. Now its 4500 HP every 90 second:

If we break it down per second:

100 HP / 1 sec compared to now 50 HP / 1.  (3000 HP / 30 vs 4500 / 90 )

-50% NERF.


Every 40 sec 2500 HP and now 1 minute 50 sec 3,500 HP. To get a better visualization on this, we look at it per second:

2500 HP / 40 sec = 62,5 HP / sec

3500 HP/ 110 sec = 31,82 HP / sec

-49% NERF.


7 sec was based on 10 000 = 2000 HP; it got reduced to 600 HP

- 70% NERF.

People here will tell you that this is all correct and balanced. That doesn't mean I am saying heals were not too powerful, it just means that they went totally way too drastically.

If anyone received a range of 50-70% Nerf on an aspect of their class performance, they would say the same.

17 72
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jul 27, 2024, 05:34 (UTC)
# 4

I was just getting my Succession Valkyrie to fight in Elvia....... I'm glad that I learned to have her stand on her two feat and not use her buffs ot keep her alive..... something told me PA would do something like this, as they have been nuking aynthing good for her.  Forward+C seems to be the only good heal skill she has, but they probably nuked that too.

PA doesn't know anything about class balance.  They create some meme classes, some wallflower classes, and think that someone, somewhere will like the class for................... I know not what.  Compared to Succ.  Warrior, Valk is a joke.  Even moreso, since she cannot party heal anymore.  That was the only reason PA could justify her being so lame compared to Warrior.

PA, you've unjustified the reason now.  Make Succ. Valk's kit as powerful and effective as Succ. Warrior, since she's not a reliable healer anymore.

Last Edit : Jul 27, 2024, 19:30 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jul 27, 2024, 05:34 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Forward+C seems to be the only good heal skill she has, but they probably nuked that too.

They did, from 20% of total hp (2k if we consider avg of 10k) to 600.

As for the rest, completely agree with the two posts above, the nerf was over-done, they nerfed everything: amount of heals and CDs by too much, without giving anything back to compensate.

As it stands right now there is no reason to play Succession Valkyrie, she has nothing going for her.

This is very hard on morale, because it shows that devs either forgotten she exists or believe she is op/fine, which I'm sorry to say but is not a good look on their competence.

Last Edit : Jul 28, 2024, 20:25 (UTC)
# 6

I uninstalled BDO after this last patch that dismantled succession Valkyrie. I hope they fix it or at least undo the healing nerf, as healing was all succession had left.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 02:32 (UTC)
# 7

I play Valkyrie Awakening and it's just as bad or worse. The problem is that if the Valkyrie is a bit strong, a lot of players without a defined personality or the usual META players create that class and are willing to exploit it.

But I also accept that PA is terrible at balancing classes. BDO's focus was PvP, but PvP is bad because of the lack of balance and fairness.

I feel forced to play, for example, Solare Arena just for the rewards. I don't like it when a class X comes and stuns me 4 or 5 times in a row and kills me without doing anything because if it stuns you repeatedly, there's no way to even heal yourself.

An example of a lack of fairness and balance. DOSA has more shield than the Valkyrie and a lot of stuns, thanks PA

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 12:54 (UTC)
# 8

I sympathise, even though I don't play valk someone dear to me does. Awakes are hit too.  You may have been the worst victim class of these changes but you're not alone because many classes have been disimantled by these changes for which none of us asked, and many of us are playing less or not at all because of it.  Valks, Assassin Classes, Casters, all these classes that have to be tuned around other classes' power levels have sufferred dramatically. The reason many of us played, the idenitification with the nuances of a class, and the patient learning curve most of us enjoyed ascending has been stripped away in a few patches.  I don't know how it will help but about all we can do is express displeasure and not support it ($).

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 19:42 (UTC)
# 9
On: Aug 2, 2024, 02:32 (UTC), Written by Shenbalafaza

I play Valkyrie Awakening and it's just as bad or worse. The problem is that if the Valkyrie is a bit strong, a lot of players without a defined personality or the usual META players create that class and are willing to exploit it.

But I also accept that PA is terrible at balancing classes. BDO's focus was PvP, but PvP is bad because of the lack of balance and fairness.

I feel forced to play, for example, Solare Arena just for the rewards. I don't like it when a class X comes and stuns me 4 or 5 times in a row and kills me without doing anything because if it stuns you repeatedly, there's no way to even heal yourself.

An example of a lack of fairness and balance. DOSA has more shield than the Valkyrie and a lot of stuns, thanks PA

My guy, they took away your overtuned healing and left everything else. Awake valk is not dead. It still performs well and occupies the exact same roles it had before. You can't heal every 30 seconds now and accuracy buff isn't as important anymore because they killed evasion, so the class is dead now? I don't buy it. You still got vacuum and bsr damage, still got grab, still got mile long dashes at mach 5 every 7 seconds, still tanky as all get out, still got decent cc pressure, etc. Succession valk was in a bad state prior to the massive changes, though, so any nerfs that hit them hurts that class really bad, but yours? The sky isn't falling.

As for the op, I'm in agreement. They should just delete the entire valk class and nothing of value would be lost. The tank nerds would probably just move over to Succ Warrior or Succ Nova.

Last Edit : Aug 5, 2024, 10:42 (UTC)
# 10
On: Aug 2, 2024, 19:40 (UTC), Written by Xenon

My guy, they took away your overtuned healing and left everything else. Awake valk is not dead. It still performs well and occupies the exact same roles it had before. You can't heal every 30 seconds now and accuracy buff isn't as important anymore because they killed evasion, so the class is dead now? I don't buy it. You still got vacuum and bsr damage, still got grab, still got mile long dashes at mach 5 every 7 seconds, still tanky as all get out, still got decent cc pressure, etc. Succession valk was in a bad state prior to the massive changes, though, so any nerfs that hit them hurts that class really bad, but yours? The sky isn't falling.

As for the op, I'm in agreement. They should just delete the entire valk class and nothing of value would be lost. The tank nerds would probably just move over to Succ Warrior or Succ Nova.

Why stop at valk, a class who now precipitously dropped in aos rankings due to these changes? Why not remove Ninja,, Kuno, Casters..... everything but Drakania and Zerker.  Calling other people that play the game nerds makes you sound 10.   Aslo, PA's sky did fall when the stock price tumbled from over 140k won in 2022 to under 30k this spring.  And, depsite the usual summer cyclical peaks, looks like its headed back down.  Less people playing = less income. Facts. 

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