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UTC 16 : 38 Feb 12, 2025
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Valkyrie has been 'dismantled', not just 'nerfed'
Jul 27, 2024, 11:52 (UTC)
4707 32
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Last Edit : Jul 27, 2024, 11:52 (UTC)
# 1

As a years long Valk player, I have never wavered from the class through all the repeated nerfs over the years to stamina and movement and lack of buffs while other classes' skill damage soared. But at this point, it is clear to me that currently someone high enough in PA's dev team seems to have a personal grudge against this class and has taken to doing is only akin to a hatchet job to this class. In 2017, the only reason I began to play this game was the Valkyrie, because I wanted a paladin-type class that can be sturdy, support allies, heal and is thematically Holy to boot (#PraiseElion). I didn't care about her having the best mobility (they even put that in character creation description), I didn't care about her not having the best damage. I'm likely one of the few dedicated valks who still grinds on her in pve, which is not something any FOTM reroller who just tags for pvp because they watched some pvp montage, 100% BSR Enslar Jump meme videos can say, and anyone with any knowledge of the class would almost universally advise against. Generally I'd just bemoan and whine a bit and get over it, but PA is crossing a dangerous line that is now effecting even a valk purist like myself that is making the class...just not resemble the class i signed up for all those years (and literal hundreds of dollars in outfits) ago, not by mere numerical nerfs, but by job and role description. And thats just not fun.

Over a mere month, PA has removed a majority of Valkyrie's actual role in group content and her overall feel and near effectively removed all of her support status, which is far more damaging than just mere 'nerfs' other classes are experiencing. Since Hit reduction/DR Patch PA has:

-IN AWAKENING THEY BROKE AND BUTCHERED CERTAIN FLOWS AND SLOWED DOWN AWAKENING VALK'S SKILL ANIMATIONS AND IT FEELS (AND LOOKS) LIKE A JANKY, STUTTERING, SLO-MO MESS. THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT, VALKS CONTINUE TO REPORT THIS (sorry new valks, the class you're trying to learn is actually supposed to be much better). PA will not acknowledge this (yet), and refuse to fix it even after 5 weeks now and repeated reports, topics made and tickets sent (with some directly sent to GMs by valk discord admins, and quickly resolving similar issues on other classes like sorc). Somehow, they can't fix her, but yet they have all this time to revist valk for even more nerfs? (See topics on this matter, created over a month ago:
or alternatively I'm super fan awak valk, but even I hate playing this class now post-update, because now my fingers are faster than she can respond (which often was the opposite problem. Many like myself have been desperate to cling to valk and seek refuge in succession, which still has most of the following problems. And honestly, arguably way more problems even before this update)
-removed her defense support buff from her party buff, not even allowing it to just remain on self (in awakening, succession still has this, so its intentional)
-cratered accuracy support (fine, I understood this, but it would be nice if in a party/raid valk's accuracy wouldn't be the lowest now as her 6% on party skill is meant to fill her accuracy gap to meet a 25% total, but all other recipients get +6% on top of that)
-lowered overall DP in awakening, while also making the source of DP buff worse, forcing us to rely on a the shorter, lesser DP buff from block, which requires shield to be able to be used (read: needs guard gauge/unbroken shield. New succ Corsair shield melt buffs anyone?)
-decimated her heal support into the ground. Way way into the ground, buried it deep, effectively close to deletion. This one feels especially vengeful because when has PA ever, ever, ever increased the CDs of skills by 300% or reduced effectiveness of another skill by 70% and in the same patch to boot? Any other class would get the values reduced, or get the CD bumped up some seconds maybe, but they opted to triple CD on 2 heals and make the other effectively irrevelant (personally I loved healing my party/guild mates during bosses/harder content, but I guess I don't get to have fun anymore)
-effectively erased our push support as our brief group SA is tied to one of the said heals that also give other buffs to party for a duration

Unlike normal 'class balance' PA has given nothing back to the class to counter any removal, they just butchered her role and many of the reason people have played her. Its as if they came in, saw she has some cool tools in her toolbox and proceeded to just start chucking them without knowing what they were used for or why they were there. They haven't given her any damage, and insult to injury they literally just increased the speed of some other classes even more, leaving her even more in the proverbial dust (especially in succession) as most classes continue to zoom, often while protected. As it stands now, she brings little to the table in comparison to the pre-June 2024 and the reasons why you'd even want a valk even around are rapidly lessening, outside of in awakening being a vacuuming bot, but most of the time now plays more like a neutered warrior who has no damage even fill that role. But at this rate, in a month, would be no surprise if remove vacuum too.

The people that long complain about valks, don't play her, and wouldn't play her because they already know she does no damage. There needs to stop being this misconception that everything must play like a dps class and therefore instantly fall to your sheer willpower of wanting something to not be as good as you. People who share my playstyle preferences don't want to play your typical full on dps zoomer class, there's literally over 20 of them, why must you kill the last refuges of people who want to play different? All complaints I hear about valk effectively want her to a shieldless neutered class who's block instantly breaks at will, while they can out-maneuver and out-iFrame around and just wail at her on the floor after a ground CC. Valk cannot kill any reasonably defensed target and can only do any meaningful damage to classes or builds that have no meaningful defense anyway. This coupled with a general build in pvp that does not focus on damage (often self nerfing dmg), comically wide gapes in protection, and low skill damage percentages leads to wet noodle damage even vs non-DR specialized classes that have a hybrid build or those who have non-DP providing Q/S blocks. God forbid a full AP, no defense person gets beat by or can't one-combo a valk, because all must die to the greatness of AP or "IT'S OP", and off to the complain boards they go.

There was an upspoken agreement that we get less damage, less mobility in favor of survival, literal holy magic heals, utility and a well-known high skill (and hand endurance) cap, so without that, what are we now? At current pacing valkyrie may well be near-unrecognizable by year's end. So kudos valk complainers, you've finally won, and somehow one of you moved up high enough at PA apparently. I am woefully aware this comes off as a major rant, and it partially is because this the first time I've ever felt like I'm legit trying to be bullied off of my class and just encouraged join the meta-zoomer AP monkey parade. Despite this admission, this does not mean anything I have stated is not without merit (and is all factual and easily confimed through extremely recent patch notes), although I recognize much of its tone to be easy picking for your typical bdo "git gud" detractor comments.

The best way to defeat your enemy to remove their will to fight and if the general mood and consensus of valkyie's class discord is to be any measure: we just don't want to play her anymore (and even sadder, often recommend against her to newcomers). And to many of you general 'omg valk op, need nerf' people reading this, I'm sure thats your definition of 'balance'.

Last Edit : Jul 27, 2024, 15:06 (UTC)
# 2

IT is sad to see it.  One of the most versitile classes and oldest classes, just gutted.  But many of us other classes are not far behind you, even though valk is perhaps the worst example.

In any other business their would be a price paid at the top for such a loss of faith of loyal customers.  2 years of painstaking balance and they have destroyed it in 2 months because of lack of testing, foresight, and caring. 

The only way we have to express our displeasure is to close the drawstring on our irl silver purses. 

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Jul 28, 2024, 00:48 (UTC)
# 4

I haven been playing valk since day 1 this is the reason i keep playing the game and spend 60 to 100 usd a month on my class cosmetics weight etc, At first i think it was "me" and not the class, ill remember back in the days Q block from valk was okay but now feels like im holding a papperbag, i mostly play PVE and only a couple T1 nodes  per month, but after this changes and seeing your proof videos on animation speed and cancels now i can say,  IT WASNT ME !!! But man i really love Valk and i don't want to reroll but it seems like just pure hate from some insider about the class. 

Sorry for my bad english its not my native, and yeah Valk feels dead now 

Last Edit : Jul 28, 2024, 10:41 (UTC)
# 5

While the heal nervs didn't affect me too much as an almost pure PvE player, they affect the class identity as a whole.

This Paladin-esque class now feels more like a little girl that picked up a pot lid and a stick on the side of the road and now wants to play knight. She means well but is not realy that helpfull.

Valk right now is overshadowed in almost every scenario of the game (PvE and PvP) by other classes that can fullfill her role better than she can by a large enough margin that it doesn't make her worth using.

She doesn't feel all that holy anymore, hell even Succ Zerker heals more passively than Valk does actively. Maybe he should be the new Priest of Elion.

With her heals, Valk looses her class identity, and with her identity (if the state of the Valk Discord right now is anything to go by) she will soon loose her player base.

p.s. Fix the damn animation bugs already PA, it's been over a month! How hard can it be if you have time to nerv us!

Last Edit : Jul 28, 2024, 20:59 (UTC)
# 6

Yeah...... What is Valk supposed to do?

Musa heals better than she does.  And he keeps his allies safer by killing the enemies way quicker.  Valk is my 2nd option after Musa................ so glad I learned not to rely on her healing buffs, and I've always felt: What IS Valk supposed to do?  It's like she wanted to be like Shai and Warrior, and got it wrong on both accounts.

Last Edit : Jul 28, 2024, 22:30 (UTC)
# 7

I don't play valk but I agree with you 100%. That cd increase and effectiveness nerf in the same patch note actually really comes off as mean spirited, it's weird af. Was that the same patch where zerkers got their dp buff doubled or the one where their other dp buff got their cd reduced by 150%? What a joke.

Last Edit : Jul 29, 2024, 11:35 (UTC)
# 8

when they dismantled my kit and killed most of mechanics that made it unique and gave basically nothing back (few times) everyone laughed.

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Last Edit : Jul 29, 2024, 18:41 (UTC)
# 9
good people,
I would like to increase the information on Lalaberri, but from the succession side.
I think the general opinion of player classes tends to be interpreted as more or less true, and I'll start there.
If I'm not mistaken, players usually go for a class that is more or less in the meta in pve or pvp, and that is not very difficult to use. For example, the woosa has been so used and has been so high, that a while ago a patch had to be made to level the other classes and not affect so many players who were using said class.

Now I'm going to compare our valk succession with these types of classes. Even though it is easy to use, intuitive, and theoretically functional, we have so many problems that there are no players who want to continue playing it. In response to the problems that our colleague Lalaberri has told us about, I would like to make a more specific point in this branch of character. We are a class, that in pvp unless we have a very very very high gear (we are talking more or less 740-750 gs), I think it is very difficult to make it an option, except, maybe in 1 vs 1
Now I will start by detailing what for me are the problems in PVE:
Compared to the average dps of the game, we are around 10% to 15% worse (not talking about target classes).
On the one hand, this is not bad, if the class gives us other advantages. To make up for this, the class should be a very good tank, that knows how to dodge the mobs' abilities or even that could give buffs if it is a group spot.

Well, here comes a main problem and it is that at first it is true that we have mobility to be able to dodge attacks, but when it comes to moving between one group or another, in most spots we fall very short (in pvp for example we are unable to follow the party in nodes)

Well, this would also be solved if when it came to killing the groups of mobs, we were quite protected, which here comes another point that harms us. To begin with, the succ valk was characterized by reusing the 'SOJ' skill a lot, we have many cancels to be able to use this great skill that fascinates us players so much.

Until now, we could supply half of the pve combo (which uses this skill) with the healing or short-range dodges that we have

We know that in spots like Dehkia Ash Forest, even with more DP than necessary, it is very difficult for us to kill the monsters because apart from trying to attack and kill the bugs, we have to do it so slowly to not die, that the DPS is absolutely very low (I imagine it is not the only class that goes badly, nothing happens)
And now comes the really important thing. If the option of being able to remedy eating so much damage is taken away from us, WHAT DO WE HAVE LEFT AS A CLASS?

I think that absolutely all players know that the little we can do, there are classes that do everything better. Do you want to be support? A magician, a magician, a shai, heal more than us.
Do you want to be a combat support person? To begin with we have one of the worst grabs in the game (and I am also speaking for the awakening branch)

Are you a character who can grind relatively calmly? Currently, yes, if they take away that from us, which is what they have done in the global lab, we are not even an option.
I'm not asking that we be the most protected, that we have the most dps, that we endure the most (even thinking that this class was originally intended to be a tank), but the little that we could do currently is going to be taken away from us.

If your heals are going to go down that much, then, please, I ask that you give us Frontal guard when using SOJ with the smite eye buff. With this we could continue to survive in this game. I think there is no chance of the class staying alive if you take away what little it has. It even removes it from being a support role, if at least in pve you can stay alive.

Finally, I would like to apologize for the large text I have written and for the ways in which I have done it, I am not very good at speaking English xd. But I think it is necessary that the changes made in the global lab be reviewed. Thank you very much, greetings.

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