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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 23 : 2 Sep 11, 2024
CEST 1 : 2 Sep 12, 2024
PDT 16 : 2 Sep 11, 2024
EDT 19 : 2 Sep 11, 2024
A couple ways to keep World and Field Bosses relevant for a long time
Aug 2, 2024, 15:21 (UTC)
1732 5
Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 15:23 (UTC)
# 1

One of the things that charmed me right away was how it seemed that no effort was ever wasted, that you're always improving, not matter what you do.  However, at the "soft-cap" stage, nothing seems to matter unless you're at end-game places, which really are nothing to look at or are not nearly as environmentally rich as Calpheon and Valencia.  So much development was spent on those areas that are virtually meaningless now, as no content there is really worth pursuing.  World Bosses are now entering this outdated zone.

Very few people fight world bosses anymore.  Kutum sometimes sits unnoticed.  Sure, there's a fishing event going on, and people do come back for Boss seal events, but no one gives a darn about the bosses, and I don't blame them.  PA consistently releases new content, thinking that is going to be the saving grace that will win back our hearts, time and dollars.  Never seems to work though.  And the more new content is released, the less connected it is to the older content, and the old content is either deleted, or forgotten.  And with that, usually the players that loved the game for that content go with it.

PA should keep all of it's content fresh and relevant.  Elvia seemed to do this well, but it was on a limited scale.  

Now, that I'm done with the preamble, here's what I propose to get people back to fighting bosses, as no one really wants to slog through or wait a whole half hour for loot that ends up being a paltry 20 million.....

Let Concentrated Boss Crystals be converted to Garmoth's Heart.  The exchange could be outlandish sure, as this tiny item seems to drive so many people to go for it.  So, let's say, combine 10,000 crystals and 1000 Garmoth scales, and you get a heart.  People will fight bosses for this, I'm sure.  And the market for Hearts will be corrected for a little while, as I'm sure I'm not the only one sitting on a mountain of 8000 unused crystals.

Next, always let Belongings of An Adventurer drop the latest hot accessory.  I'm sure the rate will be abysmally low, but why not go for the item that give you a chance?  I'm sure people would be interested in this.

World Bosses is co-op content that brings players together like no other, and it's always ebbing and flowing, when it could always be strong.  Why not make it so, PA?  Let's make ALL content relevant again, let's make this game new and great again without any further butchery or deletes.  Make everything in this game a continuous pathway to success, unlike green or blue gear, or Godr-Ayed........  Let everything be a road to the end-game.  People will love you for it, and might even drop some more money for it. 

Each time you revert a mistake and make this game good again, I buy pearls.  I bet others will too.


Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 16:54 (UTC)
# 2

Simply make the event seals drop outside of the event. The event is 100%, non-event is 5-10% for field, 20% for world. Have caphras/cron bundles drop from field/world. The rewards don't have to be end game, but they have to be enough for people to not feel bad for doing the bosses.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 17:07 (UTC)
# 3
On: Aug 2, 2024, 16:54 (UTC), Written by RengerEl

Simply make the event seals drop outside of the event. The event is 100%, non-event is 5-10% for field, 20% for world. Have caphras/cron bundles drop from field/world. The rewards don't have to be end game, but they have to be enough for people to not feel bad for doing the bosses.

1k crow coin bundles from every boss

144 1276
Lv Private
Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 22:44 (UTC)
# 4
On: Aug 2, 2024, 17:07 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

1k crow coin bundles from every boss

At the rate I used to do bosses I could have had my Nol by now : )

13 1033
Lv Private
Last Edit : Aug 4, 2024, 01:03 (UTC)
# 5

Oh, and let us regain 5000 Agris points per boss killed up to 20000 Agris per day.   That might interest players too.



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