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UTC 6 : 48 Sep 19, 2024
CEST 8 : 48 Sep 19, 2024
PDT 23 : 48 Sep 18, 2024
EDT 2 : 48 Sep 19, 2024
Dear MR J, Some of the Recent Major changes aren't healthy for BDO
Aug 2, 2024, 18:29 (UTC)
3061 59
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Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 18:43 (UTC)
# 1

Hi, Long time veteran player here. Just wanted to give some feed back on recent changes and they're just not healthy for the game. And please, do not cope and say things are fine, the open world of the game is dying a lot, BA is emptier, and more guilds are quitting nodewars/siege in droves. As a veteran who loves this game, I dont like to see this happen. This should be raising red flags for PA that they are screwing up. I'd like to give my two cents and explain some things going wrong and how they can be fixed, in hopes PA will actually read and address somethings. I 100% believe that At the rate things are going, The stubbornness on the development side of things will be this games end, and we all love the game and do not want to see that.

I will not address nodewars, others have given their feedback about nodewars and the fact that hasn't been addressed either is sad. There was a huge thread with lots of upvotes that got completely ignored.

* Guild League

* DR/Evasion Changes

*PVP Declaration Changes

* Every other hour marni Realm

*Non Existant Group Content

*Arsha Server

Guild League

There's no good reason for Guild league to be completley taken away just to add in AoS, or vice versa. Both should be enabled permanently, With pre-seasons/Seasons being the cut off for rankings. Plain and simple. Not hard to implement either.

DR/Evasion Changes

For those who may be newer to the game, or not as experienced in PVP, please just listen and read in full context.

The DR/Evasion changes only benefitted PVE for the most part, making us tankier.

For PVP, this is objectively just worse over all. And it increases the gear gap.

Prior to the DR/Evasion change, PA seemed to be under the impression that Evasion is too strong. A lot of NEW players as well as players 

UNAWARE of how to counter evasion agreed, how ever when it came to even Mid-late game players, and end game players, you could completely one or two shot evasion. The truth was opposite. Then based off of this, PA had to make a change to cater to a small percentage of players. So now we have a huge issue.

PA has a poor track record of explaining in game mechanics via in game systems. It takes most the player base years of asking content creators to ask the same questions to get 50 different answers, because everyone plays a different class, and it creates confusion. A game, by design, that requires assistance to learn what basic stats do or how they work is lazy work by developers, these systems need to be better explained in game. It could easilly be introduced through season servers. Season servers should do a better job of introducing in game systems/mechanics/stats and how they work to new players.

A small solution to this, is by properly explaining class type in the character select screen, or when you press P in game.

Defense type: DR or Eva

Class type: Tank, bruiser, DPS

These things will help players identify a bit what kind of players to go for, Im just giving small examples, but it should be more descriptive. Also let people know if a class has good accuracy modifiers or not. It's becoming increasingly obvious that most players Do not read their skill tree or passives, Because its too long didnt read, and too complicated for most the playerbase. Simplify class descriptions/Class identities.

Prior to Evasion/DR changes, People were unaware, that if you were without debo, you just needed to run double PEN ominous rings, PEN lunar, Accuracy artifacts/crystals, and you could annihilate any evasion build in the game. If that didnt work ,you can even throw on accuracy offhand. If you had double PEN Debo, you only needed PEN ACC offhand with 305, maybe artifacts. If you had PEN Debo neck/belt/rings, you just needed 2 dawns. Because people didn't know how to build accuracy, MR J made a BETA/EARLY Access level change and completley reworked DR/EVASION This did NOT need to happen. This has made the meta worse and I will explain why. To top it off, only certain classes could meme with DR prior to this change. This was the problem of class passives, and certain classes having passives that were too strong. This could have been fixed by simply adjusting passives/actives, and nothing else!

The Glaring Issue of Evasion DR change is, Now with the rework, killing tank builds has widened the gear gap TREMENDOUSLY. It's forcing the fact that people need full 5 set debo to kill a tank, and sometimes full 5 set debo isnt even enough to kill a tank, and its those same DR classes previous to the dr/eva change that are stronger with dr causing this issue, on top of the fact that even the smaller dr classes can cause this problem at a base level.

Prior to the DR/EVA change: You needed Only 100B-150B In accuracy accessories to kill a tank.

After the DR/EVA changes, you need full 5 set debo to kill a tank. That's 1.5 trillion silver+ if you plan to buy the accessories, or average enhancing luck its even worse.

The DR/Evasion change did not fix the issue of being able to kill tanks. it simply rotated the meta, and widened the gear gap to the point that nobody wants to grind for deborekas because its too time consuming/expensive. most players will not do this. It's not healthy. Raising the bar from 150Bish in accessories, to 1.5 trillion is the exact opposite of what you want to do. This is horrifying and when more people realize this it's going to upset a lot of players. I dont think this was PA's intention either, how ever this is the effect it has caused and this is a urgent problem needing to be addressed. 

My personal solution is to revert DR/EVA changes, and adjust the classes that could not build DR passives/actives to be more on par, and to maybe buff DR accessories slightly. I don't think PA will do this ofcourse. But the solution is fairly simple, DR is way too strong and should be toned down, and evasion should be reverted back to its prior way of scaling (Making people miss), as accuracy accessoriers have been buffed anyways. I'm not a developer, if it were me I'd just go back and adjust the classes not being able to utilize dr effectively, and nerf the ones utilizing it too effectively. But, since we are this far, It's up to PA to look at what has happened and to adjust their new system.

PVP Declaration Changes

Completely shutting off the games PVP was the worst thing PA has ever done. This problem can be solved, because people want PVP back, and all the votes on forums GLOBALLY were against the dec changes.

Solution 1: Add guilds of 2 types, and make it a 1 week cooldown to switch guild type.

Both Guild types can AOS

PVP: Can dec other pvp guilds without permission, and pvp is enabled for everything.

PVE: Cannot be decced, cannot guild league, cannot NW, cannot Siege. 

Problem solved

Solution 2: Add 5-8 PVE channels where decs cannot happen or flagging. If PVE was so popular, I'd see more PVE players in open world, but the reality is they're no where to be found in the open world. So PVE only isn't as popular as you think in BDO. Renable deccing in all other servers. Most grind spots are empty now a days.

Pick one or think of somethung better. Either way, Guild PVP is BDOs identity and removing it was a giant mistake. Period.

Marni realms every other hour

In an MMO, we like to see players in the open world. Removing people from the open world isnt really a good idea. I feel that Marni realms are lazy content personally. I think that, PA needs to focus on other instanced rewarding content, such as lost arks chaos realms, or things of that nature. Some other instanced content that's rewarding and can give the average casual player good progression if that's all they want to do. It would be more engaging too, but right now marni realms rips players off the open world and that's not healthy for a sandbox mmorpg. I think, PA should add something different, and then afterwards get rid of marni realm because its just lazy and damaging to the game personally.

Non Existant Group Content

Black desert Online is supposed to be an MMORPG, by not adding group content you are objectively shooting yourself in the foot.  When this game released, people were grinding 5 man pirates, Sausans, and even hunting gate keepers, because the money was so good. Nothing else needs to be said here. I don't need to add anything else. PA has a full developer team, you guys are 100% capable of adding group content that gives very good rewards and more money. You are shooting yourself in the foot by not having group content. It's an MMORPG, it's why we play them, to play with friends and with others. This should have been a top priority 10+ years ago. No more niche excuse, it should be done. Especially if you want BDO To be more PVE oriented, which seems to be the general direction. I'm sorry to say, solo tower dekhia content and reskinning old PVE Spots is just plain lazy. Let people atleast duo any grind spot without being punished. Fix special deals. stop punishing peope for wanting to play with eachother. If PA is unwilling to make a statement or address this issue then its their loss only, they could have infinitely more players if there was more group oriented content.

Arsha Server

The arsha server feels like a PVE server, a simple drop rate buff for people to go grind is by nature a PVE server lol. Arsha needs to do something where it encourages players to fight, and in the process of fighting they are being rewarded for pvping, or arsha needs to have a lot of PVPVE Content. Gatekeepers were a good example, people use to farm these and fight eachother to hog loot and timers. Do it up PA.

That's about it. Hopefully some changes happen, give feedback below.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 19:17 (UTC)
# 2

It's wild how Mr. Hot Take himself is actually speaking facts. Goes to show how glaringly obvious and blatantly bad everything is right now.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 19:18 (UTC)
# 3

Your take on the DR/Eva changes is bad. Why would PA want to shift players away from getting debos? Makes no sense.

Claiming you only needed 100-150b in accessories is another bad take. Before the accessory j hammers and dr/eva changes, accuracy accessories were all around ~150b each. And I ran four accuracy accessories to nuke eva players. 

Soverign weapons are 5 days away for KR. Things could changes. Let the weapons come out and let the player base figure out some builds before having the system reverted.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 19:45 (UTC)
# 4
On: Aug 2, 2024, 19:18 (UTC), Written by silvergray545

Your take on the DR/Eva changes is bad. Why would PA want to shift players away from getting debos? Makes no sense.

Claiming you only needed 100-150b in accessories is another bad take. Before the accessory j hammers and dr/eva changes, accuracy accessories were all around ~150b each. And I ran four accuracy accessories to nuke eva players. 

Soverign weapons are 5 days away for KR. Things could changes. Let the weapons come out and let the player base figure out some builds before having the system reverted.

Can you show some proof to what you are saying? Because what you are saying is completely wrong. 

Lunars/Ominous were down 60B an under prior to the update. The only things that went down after the change was Dawn earrings, and that was because higher geared players were holding on to dawn earrings because it was the best pair for Double PEN Debo rings. The accessories were dropping way before dr/evasion changes were even made aware of, because more geared players were getting debos an dumping their accessories on the market, because if you had Debo neck and belt, you only needed to run accuracy offhand with 305AP, anything else was inefficient AP/ACCURACY Wise. It has nothing to do with what you're saying

So the accessories that mattered were ominous/lunar for most people, which were already down. What are you talking about? Can you provide some to proof to what you are saying? You're completely misinforming people right now.

You can see that Dawn earring took a bit longer to start tanking. Players have slowly realized that without Debo, Ominous and Lunar are BIS until you can get Debo, so that's why they're kind of hovering or slowly increasing. It was just people FOMOING for debos, Everything you're saying is completely inaccurate and not true.

Sovereign weapons do not fix the problem. If a 5 set debo set cant kill some tanks, a player without debos getting sovereign wont either. Sovereign weapon +Debo also wont fix it, as brackets dimiinish. It will make more geared players wear more Tank stats if anything, since they can get over 316AP with a swap with future sovereign weapons.

Also, I'm not making takes on Evasion/DR. I'm simply telling you factual information of what has occured. I'm not giving you opinions, but yeah prove your claims of what you're saying because its inaccurate over all.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 19:58 (UTC)
# 5

Magical Evasion HUGE NERF to one of the slowest classes in game as of todays patch makes it unplayable. 

As a Witch main for years........... You literally just gave me a reason to no longer login.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 20:12 (UTC)
# 6

Agree with most of your changes.  Indulge me with an optional solution 3 for the one sided deccs:  put timers and cooldowns on them.  That way people can defend grind spots without losing karma but endless one sided deccs stop. 

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 21:06 (UTC)
# 7
On: Aug 2, 2024, 19:18 (UTC), Written by silvergray545

Your take on the DR/Eva changes is bad. Why would PA want to shift players away from getting debos? Makes no sense.

Claiming you only needed 100-150b in accessories is another bad take. Before the accessory j hammers and dr/eva changes, accuracy accessories were all around ~150b each. And I ran four accuracy accessories to nuke eva players. 

Soverign weapons are 5 days away for KR. Things could changes. Let the weapons come out and let the player base figure out some builds before having the system reverted.

You only needed a few tet accuracy accessories to break though eva builds unless people were building full dp meme. Pen lunar was 60b and under long before the massive shift, so you could run it and double tet omi or tet omi/turo and pen lunar, still be under that 150b mark, and easily kill some 1200-1300 eva build like nothing.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 22:02 (UTC)
# 8
On: Aug 2, 2024, 20:12 (UTC), Written by Columba

Agree with most of your changes.  Indulge me with an optional solution 3 for the one sided deccs:  put timers and cooldowns on them.  That way people can defend grind spots without losing karma but endless one sided deccs stop. 

One sided dec issue can be easily fixed:
- Guild protection for everyone, no limits.

- Rising cost of war. First X amount of hours N amount of silver each hour, then after certain threshold rise to 2N, then after another to 5N, etc. Make it empty guild bank if the keep on warring unless another guild decs backs then cost goes to 0 for both.

- Guild without funds cannot dec. War taxes could go to Heidel Orphans Foundation.

- Introduce guild war ledger/history and lock deccing same guild with set timer. That way wouldnt be possible to re-dec someone after dropping war.

- Addition to OP's idea: besides PvE and PvP guilds add also Red guilds. Such guilds would be outlaws, no funds for wars needed, but anyone can attack any person from Red guild anytime. Bonus? Throw them some bone like special emblem outline, swimming pool in Muiquun, etc.

- For added shitstorm we could make the 'Red' guild status obtainable in two ways: a) declare you want your guild to be 'Red', b) after deccing certain amount of guilds in a week or after killing certain amount of players/ratio of players in one sided wars. Forced red status could last few days (yes... kinda like karma for guilds)

The ideas are there. Players talk about them for years, and yet J refuses to do anything.

3 79
Lv Private
Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 22:00 (UTC)
# 9
On: Aug 2, 2024, 21:56 (UTC), Written by qrak

One sided dec issue can be easily fixed:
- Guild protection for everyone, no limits.

- Rising cost of war. First X amount of hours N amount of silver each hour, then after certain threshold rise to 2N, then after another to 5N, etc. Make it empty guild bank if the keep on warring unless another guild decs backs then cost goes to 0 for both.

- Guild without funds cannot dec. War taxes could go to Heidel Orphans Foundation.

- Introduce guild war ledger/history and lock deccing same guild with set timer. That way wouldnt be possible to re-dec someone after dropping war.

- Addition to OP's idea: besides PvE and PvP guilds add also Red guilds. Such guilds would be outlaws, no funds for wars needed, but anyone can attack any person from Red guild anytime. Bonus? Throw them some bone like special emblem outline, swimming pool in Muiquun, etc.

The ideas are there. Players talk about them for years, and yet J refuses to do anything.

Yep.  plenty of ways to reduce the problems with one sided deccs WITHOUT gutting open world pvp.

Last Edit : Aug 2, 2024, 22:07 (UTC)
# 10
On: Aug 2, 2024, 22:00 (UTC), Written by Columba

Yep.  plenty of ways to reduce the problems with one sided deccs WITHOUT gutting open world pvp.

What I mean we really could have both. Initially I was frustrated at some people that they are so weak and that they dislike conflict.

But, I'm old and I'm used to cruelty around me so I get it that some people dislike it.

We can protect the children players that dislike conflict but there has to be some kind of reward for PvP. PvE channels are good idea.
Making 50% channels PvE with no flagging allowed, 40% with higher droprate/bonuses in gathering/lifeskill/anything but with enabled PvP, and finally 10% channels with even higher bonuses but no karma loss in addition to enabled PvP.

That way players would have safe haven till they're ready, and once they would be ready and greedy for the bonuses they could come to the more cruel world (step by step ofc). We really could have options and there's no need to bully neither PvE enjoyers or PvP enthusiasts.

3 79
Lv Private
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