These are some PvX changes for Hashashin to make him mostly more fun to play or fix problems in the kit. The goal is not necessarily to make him more OP, but rather to make QoL changes to the class. There are many existing bugs, input conflicts or design flaws of the kit, which could be resolved rather easily. Keep in mind, that these changes are individual changes and patching all of these would make Hashashin too strong for sure. It is for PA to pick the right blend of changes.
My Suggestions are mostly based on my experience with the class and problems we encountered on Hashashin Discord.
Add forward guard, it animation locks you, so it still can be punished. Change input to LMB + RMB, so it doesnt randomly cast instead of Tailcutter anymore. Many Succ players lock this skill and or Tailcutter, because they can accidentally cast when being hit.
Prime PiercingTornado
Buff the distance it moves and make it a pure movement skill to help with succ hashs movement issues. The absolute version can stay the same, so awakening does not benefit.
Prime ShadowSplitter
Make it cancelable after first hit, so we can use the evasion debuff properly in a combo without that much risk. Slightely buff the range on it, so it is easier to use, dashing directly next to an enemy is hard with desync. It is wonky to use and more of a meme skill than anything right now.
Prime Blades Pact
This is one of the few class buffs, that is completely useless in PvE. You only gain the crit chance, that is already there from Ridge Reaver (and always up anyway). Please give us something on the skill to buff our pve damage, even 10 monster ap would make it worth to use at all.
Prime Chosen Blade
Add full SA to the skill and remove the kd to make it balanced. This will give us another skill to linger or so some protected damage.
Prime Aals Dominion
Add a frontal guard, so we have any protection when doing a combo. Sandslicer or Shadow Splitter are mostly used before the skill and are unprotected, so we still have a bigger gap.
Sand Warp
Move the 15% evasion buff to the base skill, so that succ also benefits from the buff. Succ has less long range movement, stays in fights longer and will go for some trades, which is why it also should be tankier. Right now Evasion on succ is pretty bad, as you lose way too much damage for it to be worth.
After 1+ year someone reminded this even exists, it is the first skill you lock and likely you never unlock it. It breaks many cancels and is another RMB input, that has no use. Honestly just remove it.
Extremely optional Tornado change
New Skill that explodes/removes tornados, similar to sorc black wave explosion → they release their damage (just way less) at once, maybe give some of the cooldown on Aals Breath back when you use it
This will help at spots like Gyfin, so they do not pull the wrong mobs. Also you can properly use the nados at spots where you move from pack to pack faster. In pvp this could create new tornado combos.
Make them inherit spot specific buffs, so they do not feel useless at elvia or similar spots.
AOE – Crown Kick/Dune Slash/Dune Strike
Buff the AOE slightely to make them hit stuff easier in pve. ( mostly Crown kick) At many spots you mostly use them as your „prebuff“ skills on a few mobs and then hit the others with your big damage skills like serpents coil and ensnaring sands. This leads to fixed long combos, which make hash worse than other classes at spots like tungrad ruins.
Paradise Surge
Move the 100% to another skill. The 100% is hard to aim, has a huge windup and does not feel good to use. Condemnation would be a great option, because it can be used after multiple skills.
Ensnaring Sands
Make the skill slightely faster after other skills, so it flows better when used.
Bug – Weapon sheathing when cced !!!
This bug exists for a long time, when you get cced you sometimes sheath your weapon. This results in you being inevitably killed, because you cannot run after standing up.
Tab canceling awakening skills
I only know of hash, that has to use the TAB cancel mechanic to cast mainhand skills from awakening stance. Please just remove the limitation on pre awakening skills when using awakening stance. Right now we need to Hold W > press TAB > Quickslotted Mainhand skill to get the same result as other classes.
Add an indicator for Hourglass of Defiance and Arid Assault, for both skills it is mostly guessing when you can use them. You can use your buff bar to look for the AP buff to use Arid Assault, but you likely die in the time you look.
Dominion Slash / Prophecy Blade
They should be touched to give some other use. Dominion Slash was so much more useful as a – eva skill rather than Sandsplitter, because of its ease of use. Losing the DP on Prophecy Blade kind of killed the skill. At least it is SA, but ends fast, so you need to instantly dash out of it.
Shadow Slicer/Sand Tornado
Make these to movement skills without ccs or anything, just fully protect them. 1 SA option with shorter cooldown and 1 Iframe option with longer cooldown.
You know Both Succ hash and Awaken hash are like, busted right?
You know Both Succ hash and Awaken hash are like, busted right?
hey.... dont be like that, some people lost arm/s in milling accident or what not. :D