In years prior, one of the crowning achievements that BDO had was a competitive, flourishing open world where many adventurers gathered and fought for limited resources so they could progress their accounts. Fighting each other was a challenge because not everybody was so geared, and the player-controlled action combat system and focus on crowd control made fighting a blast. It was a so called golden age and what got so many long term vets addicted to the game. With all the changes made to gear capped pvp systems, ease of gear progression (which I don't think is a mistake), instancing of grind spots via marni, and all the different removals, changes, and/or walkbacks of the harshness of the black desert world (removal of onesided decs, karma penalty increases/changes, banning certain players for red playstyles, increased penalties for red players, expansion of grindzones so that spots are no longer limited), OW pvp is utterly dead. The only reason to find another player out and about is to ask him to powerlevel your season alt (lol), or maybe challenge another player on arsha to pvp who will promptly complain because they just want to grind (it's a pvp server...)
Even nws and sieges are dying due to the maladjusted revamps given to the systems. This all culminates in the death of the open world. Moving forward, we should invest in pvp activities that aim to revitalize these lost aspects - competition, limited resources, and power struggles between other players; for ample reward of course. The devs do not want to do more elvia zones, so why not rework that into an invasion/hadum-encroached zone in the open world? Since I was a big fan of the idea of open world events in games like GW2 and since I would like something structured similarly in BDO with chances to participate more than once a day as well as support a red player playstyle, I came up with this idea.
Let's say that every 3-4 hours, certain grindspots become infected with the energy of the black sun for a 1-2 hour period. When this happens, it has a chance to spawn 1 of 3 different events (with potential for more with more ideas):
1. Tower of the Dark Sun - New monsters will spawn along with a tower that players must capture to prevent Hadum from invading our world. PVP is forcefully activated while inside an encroached zone. When first entered, all players will receive debuffs from the black sun, starting at a base level. Killing monsters or other players will remove these debuffs, and even allow you to gain buffs to help you kill the tower. Ignoring monsters will cause the debuff to cascade and eventually significantly weaken you to a point that other players will gain advantage over you for ignoring the monsters. Players will be grouped up in plats and each tower event has support for up to 40-60 players or 2-3 full plats. Monsters will spawn randomly, and the group or player who deals the most amount of damage to the tower by the end will win the event. Red players will have the option to mount a defense to assist the forces of hadum and repel the players fighting for reward.
2. Invader of the Blacksun - A big gatekeeper monster will break out of the realm of Hadum and threaten to destroy our world. The boss will spawn waves of adds that will need to be cleared, that will drop buffs on kill. Adventurers will be summoned to fight the gatekeeper with pvp freely activated. Supports up to 60 players at once.
3. Blackstar Arena - An arena controlled by the god of the blacksun will spawn. Adventurers within the area will be asked to participate, then randomly distributed to fight as champions of hadum and others will be selected as champions of kamasylvia. Red karma players will have the option of selecting to participate as a champion of hadum. 10v10 fights will take place spread within the area with supports up to 30-50 players at once.
All participates will be rewarded based on contribution within the events. Contribution will be calculated on scores based on monster/player kills, assists, heals, etc.
Killing other players and monsters will reward you with war tokens that can be exchanged for materials that increase yields from Black Sun events, RBF, AoS, and Guild League, as well as garmoth heart/pity pieces, vell's heart, guaranteed enhancement attempt +1 tickets (tickets that increase your ancient anvil counter +1), agris coins, crystal break protection consumables, and more. When the event completes (cleared or failed), gold bars will be paid out based on contribution (or chaos, if red player)), along with an amount of cron stones, enhancement materials for sov gear, rare crystals, and chances at deboreka accessories or pity pieces. The minimum amount of silver earned for participating in the event should aim for between 1-1.5b per hour of participation with chances of big payouts for individuals.
Penalties and Sandbox Elements
With the encroachment of the black sun and the invasion of hadum comes penalties for the world, shall the adventurers fail to withstand the forces of hadum or herald the invasion as Hadum's champions (in pvp arena). There should be lasting effects for these events. Encroachment of the blacksun energy could disable certain grindzones if a tower isn't felled or strengthen the monsters of the grind area with hadum's energy, making them harder to kill. For regions with failed events, rewards for nodewars and tax bonuses could be reduced. Karma penalties could be reduced for killing in areas with remaining hadum influences (failed events), removal of safezones, or outright lawless zones enforced if the champions of hadum are victorious in the arena or evil adventurers repel good adventurers from capturing the Dark Sun towers. Imagine as a red player, guards will not hunt you and you can freely kill other players in certain grind zones (even towns) by using emergent gameplay to take control.
The system should include an individaul leaderboard that tracks amount of events participated in, gatekeepers killed, players killed, monsters killed, and highest amounts of contribution with significant cosmetic rewards given out for 1, 2, 3rd, and top 100 placements. Titles, a rare costume, a skin for your mount, or even a new weapon skin with new skill effect colors would be some ideas for rewards. There could also be a scoring system for red players that tracks how much hadum influence they spread as the opposite of blue player contribution.
Guild participation systems
There should be a conquest-esque reward structure in place for guilds to hammer the idea of repeated participation. The more a guild wins events in different hadum zones, the better their rewards or the less they contest with debuffs/buff mechanics in those zones. Potentially, you could earn a flag that allows you members to teleport to one zone for 1-3 days.
Rules and other misc stuff.
1. For tower events, players will be grouped together based in platoon structures based on their guild and average gear score. You can premake parties/plats or if players are guildless and without a group, they will be randomly assigned a platoon with other guildless players or in guild groups short of participant cap. The system will also try to split groups in a fair manner that doesn't allow just one guild to completely dominate the zone.
2. In spirit with the player caps and allowing more people to participate, hadum zone events are not just limited to one or two areas at a time. Multiple events will spawn at once as well multiple event types. For example, you could see an encroachment in Sausan Garrison as well as Biraghi Den, Mansha Forest, and Crescent Shrine, all of the same or different types.
3. Red players who participate in these events won't have red player penalties enforced when they die. Instead, in pvevp events, they will receive debuffs and increased spawn timers when they are killed. Debuffs can be cleansed by killing players and spawn timer penalties will be lessened by performing kill streaks. If a red player dies in the arena, they receive no extra penalty.
This isn't an all complete system, but is just an idea I had for some kind of emergent system that attempts to bring back open world pvp and push a red/blue ideaology with rewards for either sides depending on their participation and success. I would love the idea if it was possible to turn something like the balenos region into a full chaotic area where red players can take over temporarily, then get pushed out by blue players, all while being able to have a pve/pvp sandbox that is fun to participate in and is something that runs multiple times a day.
I also had ideas that maybe we could tie marni realm/arsha realm to this system, too, allowing players to dynamically alter whether they can freely grind somewhere without threat of pvp or turn it into lawless zones where drop rate is increased, and players drop unique trash loot when killed. We could also scale content towards small scale with form factors of parties instead of plats, a raid battle triggered on random completions of towers, or have multiple tiers of arenas with 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, 7v7, and 10v10 forms.
and if i say, keep it as is. who is right now?
and if i say, keep it as is. who is right now?
You're not even arguing that I'm wrong that it's dead. You just want it to stay that way. In which case, it becomes an argument of how many more people want it fixed vs who want it to stay the way it is. I don't see why anyone would outright say no to this especially with how juiced the rewards are, and how 2 out of the 3 modes are structured in a way that should appease both pvers and pvpers.
Honestly, the ideas arent that bad.
However, I dont want them to add any other game modes or update's until they fix this class imbalance debacle. Every change they make seems arbitrary and shortsighted.
All develoment resources they have should be invested into class balances and testing, not into more game modes that will likely be DOA because no one wants to play a broken system..
they should legit rollback whole game back to normal nodewars and owpvp.
dunno are they really this stupid or blind or prideful that they are just ignoring their game turning to sh1t.
they should legit rollback whole game back to normal nodewars and owpvp.
dunno are they really this stupid or blind or prideful that they are just ignoring their game turning to sh1t.
Giga hard agree on this one, but there is like 1% chance or sth this is happening cause the developers or whatever are on copium atm and ignore as much feedback as they can (at least as it appears to me). They stopped all the clarity they were trying to advocate and threw it into the bin.
We can rollback NWs, but you can't get old ow pvp back as things currently stand. They could turn one sided decs back on, but I firmly believe so much unrepairable damage has been done at this point that simply giving it back won't bring all the people lost back. Especially not in the current pvp balance state. It'd take a lot more investment from PA to get it going again. That's why I think a new content system that puts all that back on the map would help revitalize the scene and get people to come back, also maybe get pvers invested in trying to do pvp, with juicy rewards on top.
Once you do that and you win people over, there can be talk of rolling back things like mutual dec reqs. Of course, this is all assuming that PA balances the shitshow of pvp as well.
Guess they wont do any changes to old system. They making game good for China..
We can rollback NWs, but you can't get old ow pvp back as things currently stand. They could turn one sided decs back on, but I firmly believe so much unrepairable damage has been done at this point that simply giving it back won't bring all the people lost back. Especially not in the current pvp balance state. It'd take a lot more investment from PA to get it going again. That's why I think a new content system that puts all that back on the map would help revitalize the scene and get people to come back, also maybe get pvers invested in trying to do pvp, with juicy rewards on top.
Once you do that and you win people over, there can be talk of rolling back things like mutual dec reqs. Of course, this is all assuming that PA balances the shitshow of pvp as well.
They should not return to one sided deccs without preventing the endless deccs that were used to bully people. I'd be fine with one sided deccs IF they have timers and cooldowns to redecc.