Hi there,
I have a little issue and I think it's not just me but I can speak on behalf of a "few" players in this matter.
I know this game has a lot of notifications which can switch on/off but there is a much more disturbing one and that is "crafting has succeeded" while I'm cooking, or do alchemy. I love this game's sound effects and music but this specific case is very disturbing and kills the vibes and I always have to mute the game while I'm doing this activity. Especially if you are mass cooking.
Could you please make an option to make it possible to switch off/on this notification?
Much appreciated,
Yea this has been needed for a long time. Kinda ridiculous it hasn't been implemented yet.
please yes.... it's even worse when you have fast craft speeds (1s cook /alch) and it just keeps going for minutes after you've done a large batch