Artifact Inventory Presets Factor In Equipped Artifacts
Aug 13, 2024, 03:56 (UTC)
Last Edit :
Aug 13, 2024, 03:56 (UTC)
# 1
Family Name: CawsMeCal
Region (NA/EU): NA
Suggestions/Comments: The presets in the Artifact Inventory should factor in the artifacts you have equipped already. For example, say I have Preset 1 with Artifacts A and B and Preset 2 with Artifacts B and C. When I have Preset 1 equipped, swapping to equip Preset 2 doesn't work because I am "missing Artifact B", which is on my character. It's an unneeded annoyance to have to unequip and store it or swap to a preset you have that doesn't use either to swap to the one you actually want when it could easily just realize we have what we need and proceed to Preset 2 using Artifact B that's equipped and Artifact C that's in the Artifact Inventory. Also seeing the player's inventory as well as the equipped artifacts might be an additional headache avoidance for people.