Family Name: MoonGlider
Region (NA/EU): NA
It is unfair for Succession and Awakening specs of each class to be competing against each other on the same leaderboard rankings for weekly boss blitz rewards. Succession and Awakening are completely different specs that do not play the same at all and are far from equal in terms of how they perform in boss blitz. Comparing these two specs within the same leaderboard ranking results in the stronger of the two specs having an easier time topping the leaderboard and discourages players of the weaker spec from even attempting to compete. If the purpose of separating the leaderboard rankings by class is to maximize fairness, then there is still further separation needed, especially with Calamity 8, 9, and 10 now giving rare materials for the new lightning horse.
Divide Succession and Awakening specs of each class into their own separate leaderboards so that Succession players only compete against other Succession players and Awakening players only compete against other Awakening players. This would increase fairness and as a result avoid discouraging players from competing on the basis of game imbalance.
True, also i would like to see global rank for the whole world and best results, not only weekly. It can be on the site. For example I would like to know the best time awk ranger C7 sangoon in the world.
.....either im tweakin super hard..or i never "checked" because i swore it was seperate.. guess not, i learned something new