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UTC 5 : 33 Oct 5, 2024
CEST 7 : 33 Oct 5, 2024
PDT 22 : 33 Oct 4, 2024
EDT 1 : 33 Oct 5, 2024
Party Queue System for Black Shrine
Sep 17, 2024, 10:58 (UTC)
1399 7
Last Edit : Sep 17, 2024, 10:58 (UTC)
# 1

I have yet to clear any of the new Black Shrine Bosses and probably never will, let alone do them weekly. I play on off hours, am a single partent, and work a lot. I do not have the ability to schedule these boss runs. I need to jump in game and queue for a boss here and there, not spend my time trying to find a group and by the time I do, am not able anymore.

Please add a way for these bosses to be done solo or add a queue system. I am glad we have party content, but I'm sure there are A LOT of players with no friends or ability to form groups on their own. My guild is in a different time zone and mostly offline when I play, so I'm in a guild yet still have no one to clear the bosses with. 

Slightly frustrated.

Last Edit : Sep 17, 2024, 11:08 (UTC)
# 2

Yes! I am in a similar situation. I cannot waste time on indecisive people trying to form groups. Even though I like group content, having to create groups by ourselves seems like a lazy solution, when the state-of-the-genre is mostly to have some sort of group queue finder exactly for the reasons you spelled out. Make the party boss blitz more accessible, do not wait another 6 months to do this!

Last Edit : Sep 17, 2024, 13:47 (UTC)
# 3

Atoraxxion already has this feature and it's dead
bdo is not like other mmo, the vast majority of activities are solo so you will never have enough people at a given moment to join your party
The best solution if your guild is not available is to join a community discord to do it like the one of atoraxxion which also have the black shrine section

Last Edit : Sep 19, 2024, 12:11 (UTC)
# 4

You just gotta learn to love the "Not possible, go away" answer in these forums :))) Atoraxion rewards/effort ratio is bad and everyone does it only once a week, this is why the queue is dead. Not because of the very fact that the queue exists. WTF is even this argument - do not implement something useful because people do not use something completely different?

Last Edit : Sep 19, 2024, 19:40 (UTC)
# 5

In my opinion, the ideal would be a matchmaking system limited by a minimum of AP/DP with 3 difficulties (if not, then with the current 2) and that in order to access a queue to enter with a group you have to have overcome the previous difficulty.

With what we have in BDO today, I think that a queue that matches by gear similarity would be enough.

Last Edit : Sep 20, 2024, 05:31 (UTC)
# 6
On: Sep 17, 2024, 13:47 (UTC), Written by Okimura

Atoraxxion already has this feature and it's dead
bdo is not like other mmo, the vast majority of activities are solo so you will never have enough people at a given moment to join your party
The best solution if your guild is not available is to join a community discord to do it like the one of atoraxxion which also have the black shrine section

Make atorax 15b weekly see what happens. Ofc it will be dead when it gives you 200m silver xd 

28 221
Lv 66
Last Edit : Sep 21, 2024, 03:02 (UTC)
# 7
Écrit le : 19 sept. 2024, 12:10 (UTC), par : Asm

You just gotta learn to love the "Not possible, go away" answer in these forums :))) Atoraxion rewards/effort ratio is bad and everyone does it only once a week, this is why the queue is dead. Not because of the very fact that the queue exists. WTF is even this argument - do not implement something useful because people do not use something completely different?

And everyone do the black shrine only once a week.

Ato queue is useless not only because of shity rewards but because no one cares about playing with 4 random players and waste time for hard difficult.

Better if you do it with friends/ guild and pickup a random guy or 2 from group search or server chat.

Or just use discord 

You can dislike my comment if you want, the reality is that there will be no one want to use the current queue system



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