Family Name: DarethZ
Region: NA
Suggestion/Comments: There needs to be a switch that prevents skills from moving your camera.
Some people have motion sickness with the way the camera jumps around. I was streaming awakening Maegu today to a friend and they asked what class I was playing so they can never play it because they were about to barf from motion sickness from the camera moving 180 a lot upon using Foxflare Ambush.
I don't have the issue with motion sickness, but my sense of direction gets lost frequently when using them. There are some other classes with skills like this that I don't like using either with this feature:
Maegu: Foxflare Ambush (kind of can't get around not using this skill on awakening)
Sage: Spear Bolt and Aftershock (kind of can't get around not using this skill on awakening)
Dark Knight: Nocturne (skill easily ignored)
Ninja/Kunoichi: Ninjutsu: Block Jump (skill easily ignored)