Family Name: Janiakowsski
Region (NA/EU): EU
Hello everyone!
I’m writing this post regarding a change that could allow players to purchase parts like a compass, telescope, or merchant ring for silver.
This would be a different form of a central market where players could offload excess parts that take up storage slots or where someone has spent 100, 200, or 300 hours without finding a specific part.
Of course, this would carry some risk, as the auction house would have a minimum bid and a maximum bid that would mean instant purchase of the item.
-Part merchant with oluns would be worth a minimum of 1 billion and a maximum of 30 billion. Additionally, there would be a restriction for players allowing them to list only one item per week, and the auction house would operate only during limited hours.
-Additionally, there would be a notification 15 minutes in advance that an item is going to be listed on the central market.
One more option can add. T10 Horse Auction house , not horse market like now. That just suggestion
30 bils is way too low for a thing like olun merchant ring part. All the rarest treasure pieces (Elten piece, Olun ring piece, the telescope gear part) should be worth at least 100 bilions and even that seems low. The amount of time one wil be saving by getting it on market can be up to hundreds of hours per piece. 30 bils is chump change in today's bdo economy. I'd gladly spend 300 bils or more for the oluns piece. The problem is if you do this then you have people flooding those zones to grind for these pieces for money and a cooldown of one week, or even a month, wouldn't stop them
No the only decent way to deal with extra pieces is to allow them to be sold at merchant for a couple bills. This way nobody wil grind them for cash cause the hours won't be worth it, but you won'T be too mad when you get an extra. I'd say 2 to 4 bils for extra parts seems enough.
Also anything at limited hours is a bad idea because not everybody's schedule is the same. Unless you would have the hours vary so sometimes it would be middle of the night but then these people would be favored because there would be less of them bidding at night (it's like in the game's early days when you couldn't pre order and had to be there to "bid" on an item, I got my first ever costume at 3am because almost nobody was there to bid on the thing. It wasnt really bidding though, you just had a few seconds to click and then RNG woudl determine who had won the item in all the people who clicke)
Treasure items must be treasures. They are not mandatory, everyone knows they are rare and you can get lucky or spend hundreds and even thousands of hours. So if you aren't ready for that, it means this content is not for you and you just play the game and don't go for treasures.
Brixedon looks what happen witch mana and hp potions begginig is a rare now they add "pity" part and u can sold in Central Market. That idea for auction house is good idea. Something new fresh in game.....
Example u grind Ash forest you got spare Merchant but someone spend hundred of hours and he never recive is opportunity to recive them.
Not everyone is meant to have everything they want in life, yes even in a video game.
Brixedon looks what happen witch mana and hp potions begginig is a rare now they add "pity" part and u can sold in Central Market. That idea for auction house is good idea. Something new fresh in game.....
Example u grind Ash forest you got spare Merchant but someone spend hundred of hours and he never recive is opportunity to recive them.
Potions are not treasures anymore. They were mandatory items and everyone struggled to get them. Other items are not mandatory and you can easily play without them and don't be punished. Even a lot of whales in this game that has 800gs++ don't have treasure items, because they are not mandatory.
Pity system or possibility to sell/buy treasures = kill the whole content. It will not be a treasure anymore.
I would like to sell treasure pieces to vendor, but not to people. Like 2b for crypt piece, 5b for ash piece or tungrad telescope piece, 30b for oluns piece, etc.
Not selling my Nol for 30 bil.
And let's stop with this "the map and compass are treasure items so they should be rare and hard to get". Look how easy it is to teleport around in other MMOs, FFXIV and TnL for example. Teleporting around is standard in those games, yet in BDO it's a rare privilege for people who want to dump hundreds of hours making these things.
The only item here we should be calling a treasure is the merchant ring.