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UTC 18 : 46 Feb 7, 2025
CET 19 : 46 Feb 7, 2025
PST 10 : 46 Feb 7, 2025
EST 13 : 46 Feb 7, 2025
Remove all the incredibly large "hit boxes" around furniture items
Oct 25, 2024, 18:07 (UTC)
2227 14
1 2
Last Edit : Oct 25, 2024, 18:08 (UTC)
# 1

Name: Cillian_Raynor

Region: NA


Why is it that some stuff have such a large restriction zone around them that you can't put anything even a meter way from them?! It's always been SO ANNOYING. My god. I know you don't care about housing anymore but like... just allow us to put furniture items into one another. I mean ok we can put shrubs into one another, cool, WHY can't we do this with all items? Let me put a chair a centimeter away from a table if i want to. It makes no goddamn sense and is so limiting when you want to decorate.  

This is all so buggy tooo and needlessly frustrating.  Like this fountain right now, i can build close to it except in ONE specific angle despite that the fountain is round and hence symmetrical on all sides, but somehow in that one angle i can't put anything near.  I mean I can get that maybe originally it was so people wouldn't be able to stack so much furniture and get that banking investment thing but who cares about this anymore. Besides it doesn't even make sense, if you could stack even more people would just have had to buy even more furniture to get that first place.

Last Edit : Oct 29, 2024, 12:53 (UTC)
# 2

Seriously iI'm bumping this in a state of quasi rage. This is so damn annoying. Im still decorating outside manor and my god, the limitations this puts on everything. Not to mention the whole TO MOVE THIS YOU NEED TO REMOVE THAT THING FIRST. YEeh.... so you let me put the thing there the first time, but NOW that i want to move or remove it, nah, it merged with the other item or something and unless you remove other item first you can't move this one. Oh great so i need to destroy half of my carefully arranged hedge to be able to remove this goddamn bench? Thanks for nothing.

This is by far one of the worst designed aspect in the game, the whole housing decoration. 

Oh and let's not forget too the big items like trees that if you put anything else in their general vicinity, well you cant click on the item now because it'll have you automatically select the giant tree instead. . Now you CAN click on the item in the menu on the side where you see the items you've installed and retrieve it this way but oops, if you installed more than one of these items, good luck figuring out which one you need to click because the game sure won't tell you, it's a fun guessing game!

This is so badly designed that  this part of the game is basically still in beta testing and I doubt PA will do anything about it cause they've absolutely given up on this aspect of the game.

Last Edit : Oct 29, 2024, 18:30 (UTC)
# 3
On: Oct 29, 2024, 12:52 (UTC), Written by CillianRaynor

Seriously iI'm bumping this in a state of quasi rage. This is so damn annoying. Im still decorating outside manor and my god, the limitations this puts on everything. Not to mention the whole TO MOVE THIS YOU NEED TO REMOVE THAT THING FIRST. YEeh.... so you let me put the thing there the first time, but NOW that i want to move or remove it, nah, it merged with the other item or something and unless you remove other item first you can't move this one. Oh great so i need to destroy half of my carefully arranged hedge to be able to remove this goddamn bench? Thanks for nothing.

This is by far one of the worst designed aspect in the game, the whole housing decoration. 

Oh and let's not forget too the big items like trees that if you put anything else in their general vicinity, well you cant click on the item now because it'll have you automatically select the giant tree instead. . Now you CAN click on the item in the menu on the side where you see the items you've installed and retrieve it this way but oops, if you installed more than one of these items, good luck figuring out which one you need to click because the game sure won't tell you, it's a fun guessing game!

This is so badly designed that  this part of the game is basically still in beta testing and I doubt PA will do anything about it cause they've absolutely given up on this aspect of the game.

I think the worst one is Lighting, can't move it because it's default setting is hanging at the lowest possible point, therefore, making it impossible to just move around the ceiling

Last Edit : Nov 7, 2024, 19:31 (UTC)
# 4

PA, explain this

See how close the pink azalea is from the bench I'm trying to move!? Yes it's the pink flower under the tree with the red flowers. Yeah. See, this INTERFERES with the bench cause it's PRACTICALLY on it. I mean., look at it, it's basicallyt RIGHT ON THE BENCH, it's plainly evident. It's only just... uh... like 3+ meters away....

Justify this PA. You can't . WHY is is so hard for the furniture items to have restriction zones, whatever you call this, that follows the shape of the items pretty closely? OR better yet, since this would take so long to fix, how about you just allow us to put items into one another (well you can with some, especialyl bushes and flowers). I'm very glad you fixed the problem with big trees on this ptch, this is good, but this is far from being the only problem.

YOu have to realise the kind of problem i show in the opciture has sometimes forced me to undo like 30 minutes of work or more because i had to remove so many items i had perfectly centered and angled. There's a part of my manor im not happy with but i wont fix it because i'd have to redo like an hour of work EXACTLY because of something like what's happening in this pic.

Last Edit : Nov 7, 2024, 20:01 (UTC)
# 5

+1 I keep stubbing my toe againt invisible funiture :(

Last Edit : Nov 8, 2024, 15:26 (UTC)
# 6

ALight thats it. I just can't. F this. I'm not finishing my manor until maybe if we're lucky this gets fixed in the future. Too much aggravtaion to deal with in life to put up with this awful crap.  I just put a potted tree down and now i cant remoive it unless i remove countless number of items.  Like i need to remove a hedge but i cant put the hedge back unless i emove the riser but i can't put the riser back unless i then remove the cloud hedge next to it bur first i must remove the flowers i put in it. F this so hard. This is the worst designed part of the whole game. As i said, this feature isn't even good enough to be considered beta testing level. This is beginner indie dev level.

Oh and it goes without mentinning that the potted tree is not touching any of the hedges at all. 

Last Edit : Nov 8, 2024, 15:32 (UTC)
# 7

Just look at this crap: OF COURSE! THE HEDGE MAZE SHRUB! Cause it is SO touching that potted tree.

Restriction zones around items should be as small as possible. it should be about a reasonanbly sized dot in the middle of the item. nothing more. 

Last Edit : Nov 8, 2024, 18:41 (UTC)
# 8

Please PA....
Hedge shrubs are one of the fundementals of a Manor garden. The foundation that everyone starts with, aka the first layout. But they are the most annoying shits to deal with due to this constant "you have to remove shrub first" when you want to move something.
Please fix this... Shrubs should have no collission with ANYTHING at all. And they don't, because you can place everything right inside shrubs. But as soon as you do, you're screwed and they are permanently stuck there unless you remove the shrub. WHY? If I can place something right inside, I should be able to remove something right inside too, right? RIGHT!?!

Lv Private
Last Edit : Nov 18, 2024, 15:19 (UTC)
# 9

Bumping with this:

Cannot move this bowl because of the deep pink azalea i put in the hedge that is straight above the bowl in the pic. Look at how far it is. Insane. I checked with the size of my character, that azalea is at least 10 feet away from the bowl. But nah man, can't move it, interference.  Please PA.... please.... 

Last Edit : Jan 3, 2025, 03:57 (UTC)
# 10

Honestly, it should all be toggle able. Add toggles for phasing/clipping and another for snapping. with things as detailed as manors we need precise placement and that is where manors and residence are very dated in gaming. You should also be able to change the hight of all items without restriction. Specially if a phasing/clipping toggle is added. IT SHOULD BE UP TO THE PLAYERS to make things look good. 

Like what the heck is with this 10ft social distancing lvl of manor furniture placement BRUH. 

1 2


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