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UTC 22 : 23 Dec 13, 2024
CET 23 : 23 Dec 13, 2024
PST 14 : 23 Dec 13, 2024
EST 17 : 23 Dec 13, 2024
Bring back merchants ring through trading or other stuff
Nov 2, 2024, 11:58 (UTC)
914 7
Last Edit : Nov 2, 2024, 11:58 (UTC)
# 1

I really liked the idea to get the ring parts through trading in ancient times. Why shred it but give lifeskillers a chance too?

Does not mean make it easy, just let people trade endlessly, implent it through barter via special barter quests for gurus or through horse trading like u get the imperial steed. 

Just ask shakatu or crow dude, i bet they hoard thousands of em.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Nov 2, 2024, 13:01 (UTC)
# 2

I would like a new Merchant ring in trading/life skills, that will stack with the current Merchant ring.  We didn't have any decent treasure items for the last 5 years. I want something really hard, where we need to spend  2k hours on average to get a treasure.  And to get that item we need grinding + life skills + sea content, like super high end item where you need to discover every content in this game.

Last Edit : Nov 3, 2024, 05:06 (UTC)
# 3

Bring it back to lifeskilling.


add pity pieces for it in both combat and lifeksilling. 

Last Edit : Nov 3, 2024, 10:24 (UTC)
# 4

Pity system  != treasure item.  If you even add pity system where we need 10k hours to get pity, it will not be a treasure item. It is the same boring thing like do 100k quests or 2k titles.

Last Edit : Nov 10, 2024, 06:52 (UTC)
# 5

The various types of imperial deliveries should give a chance at treasure item pieces. There's an upcoming treasure item planed for Imperial horse delivery, just need a treasure piece chance added for the others also. Pity system is compatible with treasure items, for example potions and La Orzeca. Pity system is good because it gives a feeling of progress towards goals for players. The game should be revised to make progress more meaningful for players, rather than be unnoticible.

Last Edit : Nov 10, 2024, 22:48 (UTC)
# 6

I'm fine with merchant ring pieces being obtainable by lifekill but it should be something a little more involved than imperial deliveries.

Like doing 500 hours at oluns for the one piece does no equal tuning in imperial delivery boxes everyday for a year for the same piece. It needs to be lifeskills that cannot be afked for one. So no fishing, no alchemy, no cooking., no processing, no training. Barter would be good since it requires time to get the carrack. Or did...... since they'Re about to make it buyable on mp. Though I mean, you can afk the sailing part,..

Last Edit : Nov 27, 2024, 12:13 (UTC)
# 7

The introduction of the Training lifestyle treasure item is a step in the right direction, but more lifeskills need treasure items imo. The Merchants Ring was one of the reasons I started messing around with the trading lifeskill way back in the day, but I find trading (outside of crates) to be way too confusing now with the rework. But yeah, more lifeskill treasure items, bring back the merchants ring! It would be cool if Bartering could also have a chance at the merchant ring, too, since its just ocean trading lol.



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