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UTC 8 : 17 Feb 11, 2025
CET 9 : 17 Feb 11, 2025
PST 0 : 17 Feb 11, 2025
EST 3 : 17 Feb 11, 2025
Manor Suggestion: Give us star-shattered partitions with doorways
Nov 8, 2024, 13:31 (UTC)
1085 5
Last Edit : Nov 8, 2024, 13:32 (UTC)
# 1

Name: Cillian_Raynor

Region: NA


As they exist, I hate these partitions and don,T use them because they just look ridiculous. I'd like to create my own rooms, sure, but it looks extremelyt silly when the entrance to the room is a ceiling high gap.  Give us a type of partition that is like a full wall except with a doorway  (or entrance if you will since there won't be an actual door) at the borrom, in the middle (well you could make paritions with doorways to the left or right)

And while i'm on this....frankly ill never understand your insistence on not giving us doors in reisdences, especially since you CAN find some (extremely rare) residences in the game that DO have doors (they open when you walk into them). So it means you COULD do it but chose not to. You could even have sold us Pearl items textures for doors

Oh and... actually, would be nice if once we have star shattered parititons installed, when we change the wall texture it would be applied to the partitions as well (until we remove them anyway)

Last Edit : Nov 18, 2024, 04:01 (UTC)
# 2

I don't like the shattered star partitions either. They are intended to be used to partition the large wings of the Heidel Manor into rooms but they don't do a good job for exactly the reasons you describe. It looks so awkward.

I would love to see a version of them that has a doorway!

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 3, 2025, 03:42 (UTC)
# 3

There needs to be way to make custom rooms and better options for stacking and building inside manors. Heidel manor is too tall, palce is too short and the cealing is angled. Then we are giving 0 furniture options to reskin or cover these interiors. (aside from the walls and floor) Allow us to fully customize the inside for the love of all that is black desert. 

Last Edit : Jan 17, 2025, 00:06 (UTC)
# 4

I wish we could build our own structures.

Imagine modular pieces for:
- log cabins

- castle pieces (towers, stairs, ramparts, etc) in Heidel, Odyllita, etc styles
- Kamasylvia style roofs, walls, etc.

Everything would have its own style of doors, windows, etc that open and close

Last Edit : Jan 26, 2025, 01:15 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 17, 2025, 00:06 (UTC), Written by CastleDraconis

I wish we could build our own structures.

Imagine modular pieces for:
- log cabins

- castle pieces (towers, stairs, ramparts, etc) in Heidel, Odyllita, etc styles
- Kamasylvia style roofs, walls, etc.

Everything would have its own style of doors, windows, etc that open and close

Both ESO and SWTOR introduced modular furnishing pieces a few years ago and it revitalized the decorating scene in those games.
 If BDO were to introduce similar modular pieces, even simple ones like interior walls, doorways, and stairs I think it would reignite interest in decorating the manors, especially with the new guild manor feature.

Lv Private


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