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UTC 14 : 38 Dec 6, 2024
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Node and Housing CP simplification for mainland
Nov 11, 2024, 05:25 (UTC)
379 6
Last Edit : Nov 15, 2024, 03:01 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Tsubasa
Region (NA/EU): NA
Suggestions/Comments: Since LoML have 1 CP for all nodes and housing, why not simplify for mainland too? to this day I still don't get why gateways are 3CP >.>

If we do get it we would have massive amount of CP free up, a good way to solve it is make node investment effect gathering and worker production.

- connection nodes will increase gather drop amount and rare gather chance

- worker node can either be decrease working time by x%, or increase gather amount and chance of rare gather

this also helps with players who have no idea what to do with their energy on alts, and making Blessing of Kamasylve more valueable

Last Edit : Nov 11, 2024, 18:00 (UTC)
# 2

Ulukita was also only 1 each even if it has no life skill or housing (yet), but what is going to happen with demon lands or dawn break, Even if future locations don't have cp. What about manors or palace management. Do we plan to just never have another manor again or something? Even with all that am 451cp (mostly nodes investment only) and still not able to craft items that I need for manor cause their like 19 cp for the freaking workshop. Why, like actually why. Also why do so many connection nodes that have 0 use cost 3cp. It makes the mainland just completely obsolete. Whose going to spend dozens of cp on opal nodes on mainland when their bottom dollar in lotml. (15-20 cp difference). 

The simple fact that gateway nodes cost 3cp and have literal 0 use. Their not a grind zone and they don't have mats. Their just pointlessly expensive for no other reason than the game is old and dated. Thats not a good enough reason to not manage cp properly to the current game. They have even lowdered cp cost twice in the past too. When did they do it? After introducing new areas that were overpriced (Eilton). now we have had 2 areas since then and though their 1cp each, theres still manors, palace management, and grind zones. These things back up heavily. Specially when already on max cp usage and adding more worker slots in the pearl shops not really a fix people. I'd think that be obvious, but I guess not... 

Games making all these changes to make ship building better, guess what the one thing they didn't do? cp reduction/simplification. Why? "um actually" BS. Like actually why! Theres not even a good reason for it! Now we are just gana buy them completely off the market and completely negate that process. Cause no one has the time or energy to rework their entire node system just to craft a freaking boat that you can get off market for 500-1,500 mil. Better yet save for full t4 ship for 10-50bil bit more of an investment, but definitely worth for everyone who doesn't want to deal with outdated systems bs. Even forest path wagon as annoying as it is is not as bad as crafting a sailboat/frigate. Just from a workchop/cp perspective. Players also shouldn't have to uninvest 5-15 resource nodes just to make a manor furniture piece thats litereally just a fire pit or tower of rocks. Its no wonder they put it sellable on the mp, not that anyone is crafting or selling it. Maybe a handful of people who crafted it when it first came out and sold them when they left the game Why they leave?

Cause of outdated systems like this. Most sales for them happened long before the node war bs happened. Sure after literal years their finally addressing a handful of issues with life skills this week. Thing is seeds still don't stack, most things still aren't simplified, cp costs are still terrible in most older regions+ eilton, alchemy/potions are still bottlenecked and not worth crafting (the alternative to getting them is also dead), still can't tame multiple horses at one time, harpoon fishing is still trash, trading is still screwed up from the last time they tried to fix it and is no longer an option for treasure pieces when it was the main way of getting the ring pieces, sailing xp is a joke, and gathering/hunting/processing does not have enough incentive to keep the mp alive. Makes a lot of items pointless outside of being used for get xp. 

Last Edit : Nov 11, 2024, 21:41 (UTC)
# 3
On: Nov 11, 2024, 18:00 (UTC), Written by BestroChen

 After introducing new areas that were overpriced (Eilton). now we have had 2 areas since then and though their 1cp each, theres still manors, palace management, and grind zones. These things back up heavily. Specially when already on max cp usage and adding more worker slots in the pearl shops not really a fix people. I'd think that be obvious, but I guess not... 

Monster nodes aren't an issue anymore sicne they made it so you could remove your investment and not lose the levels. Like there's realyl no reason you should have CP invested in any monster node you're not frequently grinding.  I lveelled all the 100ap and above monster nodes to level 20 ibut I onyl keep invetment in the nodes where i'm grinding.

I pesonally don't have a CP issue and i have as many points as you. Nowadays there's so many towns too tjhat you dont even need that much cp for storage either (not to mention you can biy storage for cheap on PS anyway_

I could see if someobe has a workers empire but as that even still worth it nowadays? (maybe it is but i gave up on that years ago personally, it was too much work for the silver gained)

Last Edit : Nov 12, 2024, 00:40 (UTC)
# 4

While we're on the subject, how's about we increase the CP cap to 600? God knows we could all use it.

Last Edit : Nov 12, 2024, 10:55 (UTC)
# 5

There was some streamlining done, but I agree! More CP consolidation needed PLEASE :D 

Last Edit : Nov 12, 2024, 18:33 (UTC)
# 6

I agree fully with mainland to have everything CP related at 1 like loml so i can finally have like 100+ cp back because I don't want to cook to get 400+ cp and I want to stay with my 395

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