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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 3 : 32 Jan 13, 2025
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EST 22 : 32 Jan 12, 2025
Flagging system? Why hasn't BDO or any game to my knowledge ever got it right?
Nov 17, 2024, 19:34 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Nov 17, 2024, 19:41 (UTC)
# 1

So, pvp system, the flagging system to enable pvp. Why is it so bad?

Current flagging system:  

Scenario 1)

Person A is grinding on a spot, happily.

Person B wants the spot, and flags up, and hits the person.

Person A ignores being hit and continues to hit mobs.

Person B runs infront of person A and takes damage from Person A.

Person A continues his skills, and acicdentally kills person B.

Person A did not flag up. Did not engage in PvP, and therefor, did not get penalised for accidentally killing person B.

Scenario 2) 

Person A is grinding on a spot, happily.

Person B wants the spot, and flags up, and hits the person.

Person A ignores being hit and continues to hit mobs.

Person B runs infront of person A and takes damage from Person A.

Person B realises person A has hit him so therefor counters him and kills person A.

Since Person B was the only person who flagged up, he was penalised for unfairly killing person A.

Problem with this is:

This enables griefers to grind over someone else, forcing them to flag up. The person forcing can then kill this person with 0 penalty.

This is a form of griefing, and 1 of the many issues with the game.

My Proposed Solution:

In short, if you flag up and hit someone, and then stand infront of them and they continue to do skills, you recieve 0 damage.

The only way for them to return hit u, is to also flag up, as this is accepting the pvp.

Alternative to flagging up urself, as there could be a time/reaction problem. If you do continue to do skills, you automatically flag up, engaging you in a 1v1.

But I'm sure you can guess how that would be abused :3

This allows,  the ability to pk/farm someone who wants to grind over ur spot, and takes away the ability of them killing you if stronger without penalty.

Should they want the spot, and are willing to grind over you, and they want to stop you from pking them, they also have to flag up.

Scenario would look like this 

Person A is grinding on a spot, happily.

Person B wants the spot, and flags up, and hits the person.

Person A ignores being hit and continues to hit mobs.

Person B continues to stand infront of person A and recieves 0 damage.

Person B tries to grind over person A and cannot farm faster.

Person A decides to flag up and hit person B.

Person B counters and kills person A.

No punishment was given to person B, as this was consented PvP. Person B had flagged up, which means he accepted the Player vs Player fight and sadly lost.

Why do you lose karma if u hit someone and they hit you, and then u win the fight? It's not PK, if they return fire? Something I never understood.

Let me know the problems with this if any please and let me know why this isn't the case if no problems?


Last Edit : Nov 18, 2024, 02:50 (UTC)
# 2

All the scenarios are already wrong because are all from an entitled point of view perspective,you see an mmo is like any spot open to the public let's say Central Park ny,you can not claim any area as yours  because you have no life or have been there before someone else or come to a specific part of the grass where someone is standing because there is better sun shade and tell him dfs because you want that specific spot because simply put the game and any area or spot is open to anyone at any time any day and there is no small print when buying the game that states one can grind an area but only if there's no one there before no pal everyone has access to anything and no matter what you do in the game it will never dictate your right to kick or defend any spot because is everyone spots so by the time you end figuring out if player A or B should get a specific spot guess what player C D E F G and the rest of the world community who just got home back from work and is now login to play the mmorpg or now coming to Central Park don't give a shit about your stupid nonsense if I was here first ,is like saying Ok here I am I just got here so everyone get out this is my spot  one will look at you and say who gives a fuck have a good day.

Last Edit : Nov 18, 2024, 13:07 (UTC)
# 3

It's crazy... you missed the point entirely. This is about a flagging system, this had nothing to do with owning a spot, or who the spot belongs to, i couldn't give 2 shits about that.

This is about open world pvp / flagging system. Not spot ownership.

In a sanbox mmo, pvp, open world pvp has ALWAYS been a thing, and represents the best part of BDO, and other games like l2. 

Being able to freely pk someone, just because you want to, should always be an option, even though it is heavily punishable, to the point that you go to jail, lose items, lose karma etc. It's the freedom to make the environement how you will etc.

Last Edit : Nov 18, 2024, 14:27 (UTC)
# 4

Lineage 2 had it right. BDО should have auto flag if you hit flagged person. Its not perfect, but I dont think there could be better option.

Last Edit : Nov 18, 2024, 23:14 (UTC)
# 5

Ok so your the one that comes to a supermarket and approaches a shopper running his errands and hit him in the face and yells at him to fight you so the shopper picks himself up and walks away from stupid you and continues shooing while the police officer near by see you and arrest you and takes you to jail for your behavior, so this system works like that in a fake world so like in the real world individuals like you can't just like you said walk to anyone and poke him,so like in the real world you want to fight someone get some boxing gloves and go to a boxing place and swing to your heart content,same in BDO you want to fight go to the right channel and ask the boxers in BDO to come and hit the crap out of you.

Last Edit : Nov 19, 2024, 12:01 (UTC)
# 6
On: Nov 18, 2024, 23:14 (UTC), Written by StigMa

Ok so your the one that comes to a supermarket and approaches a shopper running his errands and hit him in the face and yells at him to fight you so the shopper picks himself up and walks away from stupid you and continues shooing while the police officer near by see you and arrest you and takes you to jail for your behavior, so this system works like that in a fake world so like in the real world individuals like you can't just like you said walk to anyone and poke him,so like in the real world you want to fight someone get some boxing gloves and go to a boxing place and swing to your heart content,same in BDO you want to fight go to the right channel and ask the boxers in BDO to come and hit the crap out of you.

BDO is not supermarket. BDO is not real life. BDO is a game with set game modes. Playing any of those modes is totaly ok. Not liking any of those modes is personal problem!!!
Yet respecting other players is something you either have ot dont have. Respect is rare thing those days. But flagging system is needed to defend spot.

Last Edit : Nov 19, 2024, 12:41 (UTC)
# 7

Part of the problem is flagging up was supposed to work in tandem with war Decs.

Personally I think everyone going red would be way more entertaining but that's a niche take.

Flag up or not, people will always find ways to grief you.

Marni is the only true way to avoid it entirely.

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Last Edit : Nov 20, 2024, 09:59 (UTC)
# 9

Flagging system was supposed to work for defending spot but was and it is still being used for griefing the person that was already there even if the other spot from that area is not occupied. Arsha servers have no karma drops but every pvp player doesn't go there because the ppl are either the same gear or overgeared and never undergeard like normal servers or they go there for the 50% drop lol.

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