Holy mother of god our pvp damage is worse than ever, at 750 GS with 328 AP fully pvp buffed with pvp crystals and add ons i can barely scratch people with a full combo and most times i can't even break their frontal guard. What the he** is wrong with you PA fix the god damn class balance. I fought a awk dosa and could not break their frontals, i fought that double hammer class i did literally no damage the whole fight and tonight i e buff full combo'd a awk musa who was on the ground and did 1/4th their hp and they got back up basically killed me while i was standing. No wonder you lost millions last quarter your running your game into the bloody ground with your incompetence.
I also want to add the people i'm fighting that i do no damage to have about 630'ish DR and next to no evasion
Holy mother of god our pvp damage is worse than ever, at 750 GS with 328 AP fully pvp buffed with pvp crystals and add ons i can barely scratch people with a full combo and most times i can't even break their frontal guard. What the he** is wrong with you PA fix the god damn class balance. I fought a awk dosa and could not break their frontals, i fought that double hammer class i did literally no damage the whole fight and tonight i e buff full combo'd a awk musa who was on the ground and did 1/4th their hp and they got back up basically killed me while i was standing. No wonder you lost millions last quarter your running your game into the bloody ground with your incompetence.
I also want to add the people i'm fighting that i do no damage to have about 630'ish DR and next to no evasion
Isn't evasion dead ( I'm asking because the evasion cruth players I could not kill before in Hystria, I could kill after evasion nerfs). I haven't logged back into the game since the new weapon systems and shortly after I found out Scholar was another female class. I thought also the new weapons and crystals took gear higher than 750 gearscore (I'm asking because I been out the loop awhile now).
Eva isnt dead. The classes that can run eva are still very strong with it in uncapped settings. While it is somewhat easier to build against them, they also now have an easier time to build dr and eva through the karazad accs. So while theres not really behemoths that dont die to 20 people any more, those building eva are still very strong.
You are not asking for 'fix' you are asking for 'buffs'. Subtle difference. Also 328 AP is nothing these days.
Holy mother of god our pvp damage is worse than ever, at 750 GS with 328 AP fully pvp buffed with pvp crystals and add ons i can barely scratch people with a full combo and most times i can't even break their frontal guard. What the he** is wrong with you PA fix the god damn class balance. I fought a awk dosa and could not break their frontals, i fought that double hammer class i did literally no damage the whole fight and tonight i e buff full combo'd a awk musa who was on the ground and did 1/4th their hp and they got back up basically killed me while i was standing. No wonder you lost millions last quarter your running your game into the bloody ground with your incompetence.
I also want to add the people i'm fighting that i do no damage to have about 630'ish DR and next to no evasion
+1 to buffing wizard pvp damage. They really are sub-par atm. It's my favorite class and was my first post-61 character, but playing a Wiz in pvp really is more frustrating than fun.
If they buffed Wizard/Witch awakenings, "shock" would have to be nerfed or removed.
Just remove resistances, evasion and dr in pvp. Let the good players play pvp without needing gear. Gear should be for grind hard spots only. Pvp should be allowed to everyone so the lower gear player could have a chance against the full geared one only because of his skills and not barely doing damage against them.