Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 15 : 48 Feb 14, 2025
CET 16 : 48 Feb 14, 2025
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EST 10 : 48 Feb 14, 2025
Royal Workshop buff items question
Nov 24, 2024, 17:23 (UTC)
1714 10
Last Edit : Nov 24, 2024, 17:23 (UTC)
# 1

Can we get some details regarding buff items that can be obtained in new Royal Workshop? I don't see any information about those buffs that we can get from production nodes.

Right now my workers are bringing multiple items at once when using them on those production nodes, and I wonder if it's the same when we get lucky with that 0,4% to start production of 250% life exp buffs?

So for example, if I set my Shellfolk worker on Leftward Office, and select "Ministry of Works" and land on Assorted Kimchi item, will I get over 100 of them in that day, just like any other resources? Is the workload higher, and workers need more time to produce that item? Can workers make multiple of those buffs at once?

Since there is only 0,4% chance to get that on refresh, I would like to know some details, before I start spamming 50 pearls for each refresh. I mean average will be 250 refreshes at 50 pearls to land on that item, so 12,5k pearls ... how many of those buffs items can we expect to produce that day?

Last Edit : Nov 24, 2024, 19:13 (UTC)
# 2

You get 1 per work cycle, and the work cycle lasts more than a day (I think it's around 36 hours). I don't think a perfect worker can lower it enough to get at least two items.

PA added this to the last Global Lab update:

"Among the items that can be produced at the Royal Workshop’s production shop, descriptions of the time required have been added to items that take a long time to produce."

Last Edit : Nov 24, 2024, 21:12 (UTC)
# 3

So one in 250 refreshes will land you this buff on average. So one free refresh that happen at midnight, and another you can do for free.

On avergae it will take 4 months to get one of those buffs for 3h.

What a waste of time xD

Last Edit : Nov 25, 2024, 07:51 (UTC)
# 4

Lol somebody at PA wasnt thinking even a bit again i guess when implimenting this, i rolled the orange food buff today but there is one slight problem with it since i didnt have prepared lvl 40 artisan workers in advance, my best two workers avilable are lvl 20 artisan dokebi or lvl 34 artisan shellfolk neather of them can even complete the task in less than 24 houts which means the workshop will reset before making a single craft.

Also another big problem for EU players at least is daily reset timer, which is at 1 am when vast majority of playerbase isnt present. So in the future when you have all workshops unlocked lets say you roll a food in one that doesnt curenty have worker working on it(considering 3 lvls of each can produce food buffs and you can only have worker in one), by the time most of those people get behind a pc and see what the rolled at 1 am even with perfect worker they wont be able to even complete the craft before next reset happens

Last Edit : Nov 25, 2024, 09:53 (UTC)
# 5
Am 25. Nov 2024, 07:51 (UTC), von Paric

... neather of them can even complete the task in less than 24 houts which means the workshop will reset before making a single craft.

When the workshops reset, the current task will still be completed. So you get the buff item anyway.

3 1305
Lv Private
Last Edit : Nov 25, 2024, 11:04 (UTC)
# 6
On: Nov 25, 2024, 09:53 (UTC), Written by Megta

When the workshops reset, the current task will still be completed. So you get the buff item anyway.

Thx for the info mate, guess that makes it a bit better.

Last Edit : Nov 25, 2024, 19:51 (UTC)
# 7

It's still way too hard to get those buffs in my opinion. Should be like average one per week. Surely getting mutiple of those buffs per day/week is a bit overkill, but getting it once every 7-14 days seems reasonable enough. Not too much to have some giant impact, but still often enough to be usefull.

One every few months is just too low.

Last Edit : Nov 26, 2024, 12:15 (UTC)
# 8

Once we unlock all palace workshops, gratitude tokens become useless. Ideally, Pearl Abyss should add an NPC to exchange these tokens for cool and/or useful items, including all the new buffs. I will say 1 or 2 a week sounds ok.

Last Edit : Jan 1, 2025, 07:00 (UTC)
# 9

WHat in darnation is wrong with pearl abyss WTF!!! my shop refreshed to Yeolgutatang Verry happy !! working .. but next day refreshed again but no Yeolgutatang in Yukjo Street depo. soo because it takes 1 day and some hours to make it the refresh will never let me make any of this !! Pearl abyss is stupid or they mock us badly! i dont understand how they can rog your good feelings after obtaining some rare item in game and taking it by force .. i should probably quit this game for good this time 

Last Edit : Jan 1, 2025, 15:10 (UTC)
# 10

as long as you didnt stop the worker doing the task, even if the shop shows the new item, the old job is still going and once it finishes it will move onto the new task, at such time the item will be put into storage.


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