Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 7 : 31 Feb 15, 2025
CET 8 : 31 Feb 15, 2025
PST 23 : 31 Feb 14, 2025
EST 2 : 31 Feb 15, 2025
Grouping and looting options.
Nov 28, 2024, 01:01 (UTC)
1658 7
Last Edit : Nov 28, 2024, 01:01 (UTC)
# 1

I started BDO with a friend, with the intent of us playing together most of the time we play. But everything we try to do together just doesn't work well. Even things like story cutscenes and bosses, and even entering Magnus, don't work if you are in a party.

We have been grinding infinite potions like crazy, but I am getting way ahead of her because I do more damage and grind more efficiently. So we finally found our first "duo" zone, Mirumak.

But after hours of grinding we realize....I am getting WAY more drops than her. More Atanis, more trash, more crystals. So we do a test, me killing mobs with her doing little damage, and only I get loot!! But I look and look and can't find any looting options. Are there no looting options?

I feel like this game is trying VERY hard to ruin any sort of party experience, and just wants you to solo in a MMO. Even though we are trying our hardest to make things work, the game seems to actively fight us every step of the way. I can't even trade her items, silvers, or use my lifeksills to help her out!

This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Nov 28, 2024, 03:15 (UTC)
# 3
On: Nov 28, 2024, 01:01 (UTC), Written by Mobius1

I started BDO with a friend, with the intent of us playing together most of the time we play. But everything we try to do together just doesn't work well. Even things like story cutscenes and bosses, and even entering Magnus, don't work if you are in a party.

We have been grinding infinite potions like crazy, but I am getting way ahead of her because I do more damage and grind more efficiently. So we finally found our first "duo" zone, Mirumak.

But after hours of grinding we realize....I am getting WAY more drops than her. More Atanis, more trash, more crystals. So we do a test, me killing mobs with her doing little damage, and only I get loot!! But I look and look and can't find any looting options. Are there no looting options?

I feel like this game is trying VERY hard to ruin any sort of party experience, and just wants you to solo in a MMO. Even though we are trying our hardest to make things work, the game seems to actively fight us every step of the way. I can't even trade her items, silvers, or use my lifeksills to help her out!

Mirumok drops loot for 3 people, so if you both hit the trees, you will both get loot. However, it is important that each player hits every mob at least once, as otherwise they are not eligible for the loot drop.

When duo grinding a non-party spot, the player with the faster pets and better ping will be the one picking up the loot when both players hit the mob. Otherwise, if only one player hits it, only they get the loot (there are some exceptions with waiting and intentionallynot picking up loot etc, but lets disregard that for now).

If your friend is not getting the loot from mirumok, make sure they get a chance to hit all the mobs before you kill them. A difference in loot can also happen depending on the buffs used (e.g. agris and loot scrolls).

Now to the looting options.... no they were sadly removed a few months ago for at best a bad reason. None of the feedback asking for it to be restored so far has returned it. And yes you are right in the assessment that BDO is an MMO where single play is the focus, and group play is in many cases rather difficult, or outright impossible.

Last Edit : Nov 28, 2024, 03:26 (UTC)
# 4

Hmm, I guess we could have been unlucky with our testing, as we only tested on 3 mobs. She hit the mob once, I killed it, and only I got loot on all 3. I guess I will have to test some more.

Last Edit : Dec 7, 2024, 23:22 (UTC)
# 5

Mobius you right, the player who does the most damage on the mob gets the loot, the other one get nothing, it is now at all spots we tested like you said, we need a group loot options back !

Last Edit : Dec 26, 2024, 08:46 (UTC)
# 6

The drops are divided to whoever does the most damage, in Oluns I am the one who adds the most damage and I always take loot from 50 to 70 when I kill him and my teammates from 30 to 48

Last Edit : Jan 1, 2025, 12:22 (UTC)
# 7

Well, from my perspective it was a very bad idea to remove the party loot option. I just want to go out to loot the hell out of the amazing world in BDO with my friends. But for now it is nearly impossible.

What's in your mind?

Please PA, please Dev's, bring back the party loot system!

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2025, 15:06 (UTC)
# 8

This game is designed to be hyper-competative, but as we saw these past few years, people get worn out and feel that it generates a toxic PvP environment.  Giving buffs and benefits for grouping up would be a natural counterbalance to this.  Open world PvP has its place, but there must be incentives to help people out too by partying up.

I shouldn't naturally cringe when I see another player in this game.

I should celebrate the game's health when I see a lot of people playing, not bemoan the fact that I will get less stuff for putting in my time grinding.


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