Family Name: Multarix
Region (NA/EU): NA
As it stands, the royal workshop is an absolute joke and it was clearly designed by a monkey with no hands, though that might be an insult to disabled monkeys.

AND THEN to top it all off, after such an agonising wait, you're presented with exactly ONE of the food items.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I have all the answers on how to fix this system, but some tips:
- The trade crates should be worth easily 10-20x what they currently are - They're honestly outclassed by just regular nodes or trade crates... lets not even mention fishing.
- The food crafting times should be heavily reduced - I understand that the goal is only get one process of it when you do proc it, but making it 50+ hours is absolutely insane.
- The amount of food obtained should be raised from ONE to 10-15 of it MINIMUM.
if PA "decides to change it, i want to point out that there is legit a strategy from shitty devs to introduce intentionally terrible product to late "fix" so ppl buy it for a new still overpriced offer #priceanchoring
As it is right now, you will get more value by just sending 8 workers to regular nodes instead of this Royal Worshop.
Only reason why I have my workers invested in this is for life exp buffs, which are insanely hard to get. Hopefully PA will take some notes from first post and do some changes to this system, because right now it's a complete joke.
Afk fishing for 8 hours a day brings me from 300M on the low side, up to 4b if I'm lucky with new rare fishes. Yet this system bring 100M per day at best, and you need to invest in nodes, workers and storage. It's just doesn't make any sense.
Properly set up it'll get you around 100m/day plus the occasional rare buff with little to no input besides spending a couple seconds once a day to see if you got lucky with the rare mats/food. All that for 6-7cp, depending on if you swipe for some storage. 14m/day/cp is quite good when compared to regular nodes.
IIrc they explicitly said it's not supposed to be a big money maker. I see the foods as a nice, occassional bonus. It's basically free after all.