The new Crimson Flame Outfit is beautiful and I was about to purchase it for my sorc, only to find out it's cucked on some classes.
Sorc doesn't have the long sleeves and the bottom is cut off, it doesn't even look like the same outfit as on lahn for example.
On some other classes the cape is shorter but those at least still have the full design on them.
Please release the full length version on every class!
Nobody cares if it's clipping in some idle animation, just give everyone what's advertised.
Front (Lahn)
Front (Sorc)
Back (Lahn)
Back (Sorc)
Even the design is cut off and it's missing all the detail on the bottom... absolutely disappointing
lol ouch..
Yeah, that's sad......... It's the flowing length that makes it so cool!
Haha cut version looks like a glorified bathrobe
What is this!! >:0 It looks terrible
Completely agree with on this! Was even talking about the same thing when noticing it on some classes. They should release it similar to all or at least give an option to pick which one you prefer if they want to implement this shorter versions
100% agree, the costume wasnt designed to be short so a lot of the pretty details are missing just because the dress was cut in half.
Same goes for the cape on some classes. Would love to be able to have the long cape on tamer or musa for example!
Wich and Ranger are also "bless" with the short desing. Why?
what PA is doing with the Outfits need to stop. Are they unable or just incompetent to give every Class the same outfit. And please do all capes Long or give the chance to choose between long or short!!!
Wow, that's really lame. Why make these unnecessary changes? Dark Knight's dress at least is long (front and back) but she has the shorter sleeves. Why can't they all look like the Lahn version? That's the best look! What a rip-off. If they're going to release the same outift for ALL classes then they should look the same! Period. Not hard Pearl Abyss. Seriously...
The only difference should be gender (male and female variant). Just the two variants and that's it! Simple.