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UTC 11 : 10 Feb 14, 2025
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State of Corsair Awakening
Nov 29, 2024, 12:08 (UTC)
2596 26
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Last Edit : Dec 31, 2024, 22:38 (UTC)
# 1

Family name: Blakburn

Region: EU

In this topic I'm going to state some problems on the Corsair Awakening class and feedback about possible solutions.

I've played the class since its release and I have several hours both on PvE content (I always grind on corsair awakening) and PvP content.

- Attack speed:

Corsair awakening PvE becomes somewhat average after investing quite a lot of time in learning the class mechanics, cooldowns and optimal combos, and trying hard to keep those combos and buffs constantly. I know other classes suffer from the same and are average too, Corsair is not the only class that gets just average trash per hour after tryharding, but in this topic I'm giving feedback about the class that I play.

Increasing her skill damage numbers against monsters would help, but there is another issue that would help the class greatly not only at grinding but also in PvP: Attack speed. Corsair Awakening is slow, really slow. Black Desert has become quite a fast paced game when it comes to casting skills and mobility, and Corsair Awakening feels old and clunky when you compare it to any other class.

Suggestion: Put a +10% Attack Speed buff for 10 seconds on a skill. Spare No Quarter! would be a good option for such buff, since it's just a Forward Guard skill with low damage.

- Evasion:

When we got the DP and evasion rework back in June 19, Corsair Awakening got her Evasion buffs removed and got nothing in return. Many classes got their evasion buffs removed and got a DP buff in return, but Corsair awakening got nothing at all.

While other classes got increased their evasion buffs even increased.

Suggestion: Give Corsair Awakening an evasion buff on a skill. The class has always played on evasion, currently it doesn't benefit neither from evasion nor from damage reduction. Mareca Swing or Tide-splitter Patraca would be good skills for that.

- Otters (Class summons) and Labao:

After many updates, Labao still doesn't work properly. His mechanic fails most of the time and is almost useless.

After testing it on Arena of Solare, Labao buff worked around 3 out of 10 times. Please, do something to make Labao functional or rework his mechanic entirely to a different thing.

Corsair otters still have a confusing mechanic: 

They just... Randomly fail, I guess? Why is there a random mechanic that might make my summons not work at all? 

There is also the problem of them doing low damage and not following targets, they just shoot wherever my last attack landed, doesn't matter if the target isn't there anymore.

I'm not asking for that to get changed, but the Scallywag Trio: Hand Cannon weapon from our otters is just bad and doesn't help at all in any kind of content.

80 burn damage every 3 seconds does nothing, you won't even notice this 80 burn damage in monsters, and players in PvP usually have more than 10,000 HP now.

Suggestion: Rework Labao to make it useful, it's still not working. Buff or rework the Scallywag Trio: Hand Cannon.

- Protection in skills:

As the game progress, classes are getting more and more Super Armor in skills and even most classes can use some form of short cooldown crowd control skill with super armor on it. 

Deadeye is the perfect example that the game PvP evolved into an environment full of protected skills, mostly with Super Armor.

Corsair Awakening is lacking protected skills that she can rotate to move around and, most important, she can't use a protected combo after getting a cc on an opponent.

There are two factors here:

- Cooldowns are too long, there have been a lot of patches reducing cooldowns of skills from other classes, Corsair Awakening needs reduced cooldowns too.

- Lack of protected skills.

Suggestion: Give Super Armor back to Pirate's Life For Me, that skill is just an AP buff with no cc. Remove the Bound effect from Close Quarters: Charge and put Super Armor on the skill.

- Class bugs:

I'm not going to list every bug in the class like Corsair suddenly not being able to move or use any skill at all randomly after getting up from a downed state, her dash randomly not being able to work or being cc'ed in Super Armor on the mermaid form, but I'm going to state a bug or nerf that suddenly appeared after last week patch.

Fall on double jump.

Using double jump (Space > Space or S+E) makes corsair fall and become vulnerable, lose her protection and disrupts her mobility. This is really bad for how fast paced the game is. Please, fix her double jump, it's one of her most used skills.

Absolute: Mareca: Sea Stroll has Super Armor > Invincible > Super Armor. Corsair get's in mermaid form, travels some distance and shoots a wave of water at the end. Just some mobility and little damage, no cc, no buffs. The last part when Corsair shoots a wave of water always had Super Armor, but it no longer does. This last part is unprotected, and this happened out of nowhere: There was no patch note nor any update on this. Please, don't add more bugs to the class or nerfs that are not even noted in the patch notes.

Aboslute: Mareca: Jet Stream has Super Armor>Invincible>Super Armor. 

Her Super Armor at the end of the animation ends quicker than the full animation, leaving Corsair in an unprotected state.

Bugged range on some skills.

Some skills like X disappear and do nothing while casted out of their range with no indication, making it hard to know when some of them should be used or not.

Suggestion: Make those skills be casted at their maximum allowed range instead of disappearing when aiming at a distant target.

- Feedback and idea from Mlem:

Recommendation for fixing attack speed, self evasion buff and improving our utility all in one fell swoop: increase mist effect duration from 5 seconds to 15 seconds (possibly for self-only.  The code for this is already in the game as tamer absorb lasts longer for the tamer than it does for allies).  Add 10% attack speed to **self only** in addition to the movement speed and evasion buff it currently gives. 

Increase healing on the mist from our E buff as well, as HP has increased over time making it largely insignificant. 

Consider adding a flow to summoning labao that lets us activate his ability since it seems to be a struggle to make him function correctly.

Last Edit : Dec 2, 2024, 01:09 (UTC)
# 2

Id also like to add a bug.

Aboslute: Mareca: Jet Stream has Super Armor>Invincible>Super Armor. 

Her Super Armor at the end of the animation ends quicker than the full animation, leaving Corsair in an unprotected state.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 2, 2024, 01:20 (UTC)
# 3

Edited the main post to add this bug, thank you.

On: Dec 2, 2024, 01:09 (UTC), Written by Hoogy

Id also like to add a bug.

Aboslute: Mareca: Jet Stream has Super Armor>Invincible>Super Armor. 

Her Super Armor at the end of the animation ends quicker than the full animation, leaving Corsair in an unprotected state.


Last Edit : Dec 3, 2024, 11:18 (UTC)
# 4

Atleast every class should have the same damage output vs PVE and same -damage% vs PVP, so if you enjoy a class then to be able to fight in both cases roughly equally. Hope Corsair will get some buffs based on comunity feedback.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 7, 2024, 00:57 (UTC)
# 5

Please take a serious look at Pirate aka Awakening Corsair PA, many older specializations are being left in the dust and not touched due to so many new classes and striker being constantly looked at. Other classes exist too.

Classes like archer are fully protected, faster casting and moving AND do more damage than corsair. I'm not expecting every class to perform the same and certainly Corsair has different strengths but they're not able to be shown in the current state of the game. Awakening Corsair is definitely in need of some changes. Mostly in a self attack/cast/movement speed buff and fixing her recent relatively unknown bugs with protections and skill interactions as suggested above. The game has way too much gapless super armors and too many super armor CC's, ruining alot of interactions certain classes are supposed to have and this effects Corsair alot too.

Otters are meant to be a core part of awakening and they don't even work or their effects do nothing most of the time. They definitely need to be reworked or BDO pet AI (look at Heilang) needs a big overhaul cause it's really inconsistent.

I'd also like to add that anchor (along with many other class skills) doesn't register alot of hits on like any 1 degree angle. And while we're at it fix aerial movement to not trigger the falling bellyflop animation. Why is that still in the game? Let the animation finish and land properly please. 

Last Edit : Dec 11, 2024, 13:25 (UTC)
# 6

Added some of the mentioned bugs to the main topic.

Thank you for your feedback.

Last Edit : Dec 18, 2024, 11:03 (UTC)
# 7

Thanks for making this post. I really like Corsair awakening, but when I play it, it always feels a bit lacking. I particularly don't understand what is the purpose of the otter summons as I never really feel their effects during gameplay.
I hope this gets seen by the devs and they decide to have a look at the awakening gameplay, and don't just forget about her because Deadeye kind of takes her place.

Last Edit : Dec 18, 2024, 11:33 (UTC)
# 8

I'm glad others are mentioning the otters because I've noticed that as well. They just stand there while I'm doing all the work... They used to actually help, quite a bit. Really hope they fix it and rework the otters mechanics so they're more useful...

Last Edit : Dec 19, 2024, 18:03 (UTC)
# 9

Thank you for your input. I really hope PA takes a look at this class, it really feels clunky in a game where everyone is much faster with more protections. 

If Corsair Awakening stays in the sorry state she is at now, players will just abandon the class and roll to Deadeye, which for the moment looks similar but with better range and most probably faster with less bugs.

Last Edit : Dec 19, 2024, 19:54 (UTC)
# 10

Corsair awakening is my main class. I love her but yeah...ugh. I agree with all of this. 

It's so bad I've had to tag a Witch to grind with, but I refuse to reroll! Corsair is still by far my favourite class!

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