Family Name: Silberkruz
Region (NA/EU): EU
Suggestions/Comments: Can we have snow and Xmas decoration back in all major cities like Calpheon, Velia, Heidel? And snow and flying Santa how it used to be? Seems Halloween decoration were already missing and now winter and Xmas are as well other than lonely tree in Heidel. These seasonal things a lot of life to the game and make you want to log in. Now the game feels somehow "dead" or "old". Anyway, please bring seasonal decorations back.
i dont really mind. i have a good view from the velia beach.
I'm sure Christmas decor will come in a week or two.
Part of the problem is that two years ago, they had the decorations and music going for six weeks..... just a little too long.
Hopefully they find a good balance between too much and too little this year.
I'm hoping for a few weeks of Christmas and a couple months of snow.
christmas deocrations were added this week on KR, so i expect them to come tomorrow for us too