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1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 0 : 28 Jan 14, 2025
CET 1 : 28 Jan 14, 2025
PST 16 : 28 Jan 13, 2025
EST 19 : 28 Jan 13, 2025
Keep set of pets saved for specific characters
Dec 12, 2024, 19:22 (UTC)
387 3
Last Edit : Dec 12, 2024, 19:23 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name:Knights_Radiant
Region (NA/EU): NA
Suggestions/Comments: Keep a set of pets saved for specific characters for whatever role they play in the game. Farmer, Fisher, Gatherer, Combat, etc.

To explain: I'm on my main in Pila Ku and I've got all my combat-related pets out... the ones with durability resistance, combat exp, death penalty reduction, etc... I then switch to my farming character on coastal cliffs and start pest control, but I forget to switch out pets to the ones with farming exp... I end the night by setting up my fishing character to AFK overnight, but again, I forget to change out my pets from the combat pets. Overall, I know it's my fault for forgetting to switch them out, but I feel like there could be a way to keep a set of pets saved to a specific character for whatever role they play in the game. I think it'd be helpful for the absent-minded.

Last Edit : Dec 12, 2024, 23:31 (UTC)
# 2

We need a keybind to save per lifeskill + one for combat.

Then our pet icon could change to reflect the type of pets we have out. The pet icon is already on our screen. A quick glance would tell players which type of pets we have out. 

For example:
Alt +1 would be set to combat. We'd pick the 5 pets we have assigned to that keybind (just like it works now), but the pet icon would change to a sword for "combat".

Alt +2 would be set to cooking. Same thing. The pet icon changes to the cooking icon. 

Right now, we have only 5 keybinds! That's abysmally low for a game with so many lifeskills. And we have no way of knowing which pets are out unless we show our pets and make sure to look at them to double-check. 

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Dec 16, 2024, 08:52 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 12, 2024, 23:31 (UTC), Written by DragonFarmlands

We need a keybind to save per lifeskill + one for combat.

Then our pet icon could change to reflect the type of pets we have out. The pet icon is already on our screen. A quick glance would tell players which type of pets we have out. 

For example:
Alt +1 would be set to combat. We'd pick the 5 pets we have assigned to that keybind (just like it works now), but the pet icon would change to a sword for "combat".

Alt +2 would be set to cooking. Same thing. The pet icon changes to the cooking icon. 

Right now, we have only 5 keybinds! That's abysmally low for a game with so many lifeskills. And we have no way of knowing which pets are out unless we show our pets and make sure to look at them to double-check. 

To cover general Lifeskills we need 10+ definable pet sets. One for lifeskill is useless.

I would suggest a definable set name for display on the screen.

OPs suggestion to memorise pet sets at the character level, would also be a great improvement



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