deadeye class ^_^
Normally I wouldn't mind a femail class; however, if a glass is gun focussed...I would like it to be a cowboy.
They should change the name of the game into Female Desert Online because it's a majority of female class.
ppl mad its female? how about its corsair and archer assetflip?
new video about this waifu we going to get 24 december we see her gameplay what she look and her outfit ^_^
lol i bet i going to have more downvote because this waifu doesnt have pants
new video about this waifu we going to get 24 december we see her gameplay what she look and her outfit ^_^
lol i bet i going to have more downvote because this waifu doesnt have pants
Hopefully they make her slider for her guns the same as the tit slider so that you can make guns big to. Going forward though, I'm glad they made it female because it makes it a whole lot easier to keep me from redownloading this game back on my computer ( I really want to love this game but PA and their decisions make it really hard). Congrats to those that wanted a female Cowgirl class.
Congrats to those that wanted a female Cowgirl class.
I wanna be a cowboy
And you can be my cowgirl
I wanna be a cowboy
And you can be my cowgirl
I wanna be a cowboy
We just had a male class and you're already complaining about not having another male class?
I have always played video games without giving any importance to the sex of the character I was asked to play, I don't understand this new generation of players who absolutely want to have a gender quota in games...