Family Name: Mupkie
Region (NA/EU): EU
Suggestions/Comments: Please, give us the Calpheon Manor you have shown us in 2021.
AND if you do.... please have the inside corresspond with the outside. And we need a second floor. YOu could even have three if you look at the windows.... like some kind of attic. And you could also have a basement. Frankly a manor should have a minimum oif three floors.
That's really my main isue with the heidel manor, it barely has any floor space, it looks big from outside but the lack of second floor and room separations makes it more underwhelming than some grana and odraxxia homes.
Any news on this yet?
That Manor looks so nice.
I agree that the inside NEEDS to have at least two stories.
The Heidel manor is useless. 1 story inside and no way to make proper bedrooms. The partition doesn't even line up properly with any walls. There is always a gap. And no doors/doorways for the Heidel partition.
Plus, Heidel manor has gaudy gold that we can't get rid of.
This manor is sooo pretty! Would love the opportunity to decorate this, especially if it has more floors than the awful Heidel manor. (And it SHOULD have a second floor. Heidel should have had a second floor as well!)