It's a Fantasy MMO game. Not a History game. I'm pretty sure a Dosa didn't have magical powers of the elements... but they gave that to him.
You complaining about this is like a Historian complaining about historical accuracy of Captain America or Thor from MCU.
Being critical of something like this is just a waste of time because nothing is going to change.
I downvoted myself for you since you're probably gonna do it.
Deadeye is an insult to their western audience. I hope we get a true cowboy at somepoint.
I didnt, actually, but the reason I am upset is not because its a fantasy game. I thought I made that clear when I mentioned they couldve just made her from Ulukita, a fantasy setting where all of this wouldve been just fine. Thats my bad. I shouldve been more clear. But they made her from OUR WORLD, REALITY in her backstory, not a fantasy world, which is why I am annoyed. They made her from OUR history, a very specific time and place in history, but completely disregarded that history and just made up whatever they wanted anyway, so what was the point. They didnt need to be historically accurate with literally the rest of the game because it is a fantasy mmo, as you say, where all the characters are based in, and originate from, a fantasy setting. She is not from a fantasy setting, shes supposed to be from the real world. You are definitely correct that its silly to be frustrated with something like this, I have always just been that silly person who cares about the story when everyone else R spams, but PA had finally been starting to show signs of actually listening to their players, and their writing game has really stepped up in the last two years. So I am just really disappointed that they just threw all that out the window with this new class. Its my fault for expecting anything, really.
you should watch more dc, marvel, disney show it happen in our world
I, an intellectial, want to share my opinion on this which is that
Now.... let me just add that, i do mind that this game has way too many skimpy outfits for female chars, and i hate that all the female classes only ever wallk on the tip of their feet becaue thery all wear high heels and like, i have no issue with havbing some revealing otufits but it's 95% of all outfits on fremale classes, and when you don't absolutely want cleavage on your chars, or to have the whole of their legs denude, it's annoying, but to come at this with the historical angle.... is insufferable let's be honest. It's a goddamn fantasy game. Ok sure, they rooted it in the real world, so f what. This isn't RDR. There's dragons in the game, the art direction is not even coherent anymore.
Also i want to add, now i KNOW i just said that there's too many sexy female outifts, but they WILL add outfits for this class and there is at least some chance that some of them will suit your preferences more. But seriously the historical angle, cringe af. This is a game that at no point ever intended to replicate history (yes i know loml but this is STILL a fantasy version of Korean history, or at least one in which the myths and legends are real) EVEN if deadeye is from 1899 Texas, it's still obviously a fictional version of it.
And this is all coming from a guy who over ten years ago wrote a western gamebook set in 1880s Arizona and who made damn sure everything from the political setting to the price of things to all the guns and the way operated was as period accurate as possible. But my intent was realism. This was never BDO's as a fantasy mmorpg.
I, an intellectial, want to share my opinion on this which is that
Agreed. As I've said before, I don't think they should have brought her in from 'our world.' But it is what it is. I'm glad her in-game armor looks good at least. Her story leaves much to be desired, but most people spam 'R' anyway. It's weird though, when you look at class stories like Drakania and Guardian (that are interesting and well done in my opinion) in comparison to Deadeye who is a woman from 1899 Texas who's been brought to this world via 'Deus Ex Machina' Marni (for whatever reason, Marni seems to take great interest in her) in search of her brother...Eddie. Hopefully the next class they come out with (because there will be more), they'll do better with the story and lore. Deadeye will still be fun to play though, can't wait to use guns on horseback xD.